Unfortunately, I don't have too much time to duel. Should be on later to duel on DN though. Absolute Zero. Causing ragequits all day, erryday.
You question that, but don't question Lester, Primo, and Jakob? Really?
The world explodes. Also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Three_Tenors
I call Aporia.
I have seen too many of those. ... ****, this made me cry though. ... I MEAN NO THESE AREN'T TEARS I JUST GOT SOMETHING IN MY EYE GODDAMMIT
>fight club you did not just talk about fight club
****, I'm not the only one who's sick? Hope we both get better. Doctor Who. <3
Veiler too, then. >Chaos Format >Tour Guide >Dark Worlds ... Are you stupid or something? YOU FOOL BROMANCE IS THE WONDERFUL ROMANCE BETWEEN TWO MANLY BROS THEIR BROFISTS ARE LIKE FRENCH KISSING ONLY WITH YOUR ****ING FINGERS BROS BEFORE HOES SON BROS BEFORE HOES >Rivalry Of Warlords in E-Heroes for Side >All E-Heroes are Warriors ... Braving! is better.
@Leo: WHAT WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY Consecrated Light. Rivalry Of Warlords.
You're not old enough. You wouldn't understand bromance, young one.
oh my god yes. Careless Whisper.dek.
"Submit!" .
[video=youtube;izGwDsrQ1eQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izGwDsrQ1eQ[/video] ALL OF THE HOMO! a
"But we weren't even dueling!"
You just jelly 'coz I'm amazing. Just make a Different Dimension deck, like Marco Cosmos or Dimensional Eatos Heroes. Or Scrap Emperors, like you said you'd make before. "Just Card Game- BOOM. Everyone dead."
... You don't know what a t- Never mind.
You're okay with being a Sephiroth Poser but not a trap?
Still not as silly as Yuma's. My fic contains Yuri and the typical large breasts of anime. And it's kinda suggestive. So I can't post. Lol.
... Mine is PG-16. Goddammit.