If this is the question I think it is, it's not blank. 45 is just goddammit My friend got to 48 somehow What's 4?
Did you get it? If not, I can tell you. I'll be nice and tell anyone whatever answers I remember if they need it. Lol. Again, the answer is right in front of you. Don't think to hard about it, just look. EDIT: dammit noroz
The answer is right in front of you. ;D
http://thehardgame.com/ just chilling out and ****, then a friend on msn shows me this This game trolls. KHV, how far can you get? I'm on 45. EDIT: ok i'm adding all of the answers me, noroz, and jayn got. 1-44. guys, try to figure them out yourself first. only use this list for the really random ones. xD Spoiler 1. 4 2. Iceland 3. Left 4. Not Hidden 5. black 6. Homer 7. Firetruck 8. 27 9. 11 10. Blue 11. #FF0000 12. 132 13. 1 14. ton sdrawkcab 15. is strong with this one 16. hs s n he anser 17. Halo 18. Knife 19. 42 20. Fun Fun Fun 21. Afterwards 22. Wrong Order 23. Impossible 24. Elite 25. Delete system32 26. the cake is a lie 27. Zelda is a girl 28. 1728 29. 21 30. Evil 31. is caring 32. Password 33. NOPE chuck testa 34. hihi 35. -2 36. 31131122211A 37. 2700000 38. i like turtles 39. idhtn 40. nonsense 41. fill in the blanks 42. S E N 43. mary had a little lamb 44. Oslo hints: thank noroz Spoiler Quest 1: 2+2, Obvious. Quest 2: Cow, Pig, Chicken, Iceland, Dog, Cat One of these things just doesn't belong here Quest 3: Right Not really. Quest 4: The password is not hidden The answer is in the question. Quest 5: Highlight the page. Quest 6: The source Right click, and look at the source code. You will see some ASCII art of a well known cartoon character. The answer is this character's name. Quest 7: Starts with f ends with uck. The fire department owns these. Quest 8: 3^3 3 * 3 * 3 Quest 9: 2x-4=2+4(8/2): Solve for x Quest 10: #0000FF HTML/Hex color code (google it if you don't know what it means) Quest 11: Red Find the HTML/Hex color code for red. Quest 12: Times previous quest What number was the previous quest? Multiply that with this quest number. Quest 13: True Think about this with boolean values in mind. If something is True, then the "value" is 1, if something is False, then the "value" is 0. (Goes along the same lines of binary, 1 means on/true, 0 means off/false) Quest 14: sdrawkcab ton si rewsna ehT Read it backwards and remember quest 4. Quest 15: The Force This is the first part of a line said by Darth Vader in the Star Wars movie. A well known line. Quest 16: This is not the answer itwo This is the answer is the answer to this, but take note of the letters given to you. Quest 17: Ring Another word for ring? (Also a well known Xbox game) Quest 18: Swiss Something Swiss that is not cheese. (Not a swiss invention, however) Quest 19: The answer. Think of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" Quest 20: Friday Think of part of the lyrics to the Song Friday by Rebecca Black. (Same word repeated three times) Quest 21: Saturday Once again, think of the lyrics to the song Friday. Saturday comes _ ? Quest 22: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQSRTUVWXYZ What is the problem with this alphabet? (Keep the answer as short as possible) Quest 23: 1/0 Dividing by 0 is what? Quest 24: 1337 Use 1337-5p34k (Leet speak) What does 1337 (leet) really mean? Quest 25: How to triforce If I'm not mistaken, this is a joke that originated (of course) online where there was a .bat file that supposedly contained the triforce symbol from Zelda. However, what it really did was something else. What it did is the answer (Very difficult to give a better hint) Quest 26: Gur pnxr vf n yvr They have played with the letters (very simple cryptic message that has to do with the game Portal) Quest 27: What if Zelda was a girl? The main protagonist in the Zelda games is male. Zelda is the princess whom Link (the protagonist) wants to save. Quest 28: I don't undestand this one, I found the answer online. I thought it was morse, but the numbers don't match, 1728 is the answer. Quest 29: /.. (etc) Initially I thought it was morse, but like 28, I needed help with this one. 21 is the answer. Quest 30: Money Is the root of all what? Quest 31: Sharing A well known saying. Quest 32: 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 If this was your _ , I don't think anyone would be able to guess it thus not being able to access your account. Quest 33: Bear in bed Crappy meme joke that starts with Nope. Quest 34: lol+lol Written giggle/laughter often considered feminine Quest 35: Friday - Sunday Friday is x amount of days different than sunday? (Friday is [in Norway] weekday #5 and sunday is weekday #7) The answer is in form of a number Quest 36: A 1A 111A 311A 13211A 111312211A There is a logic in the numbers. If you think about it you may get it, if not, check the post with the answer. Quest 37: Feb 01 1970 Unix Timecode at GMT 06:00:00 (Find the number out yourself, Google it) Quest 38: A fatd kmskfdr Like earlier, cryptic message. I'll give you some of the letters A = I f = L d = E r = S Quest 39: ghjkl Google dvorak Keyboard and see what it would be if you used that keyboard layout. Quest 40: AHGDSGEGSGSHAASGSHAGSHASSGSDGDSAFSHSHFSJHFGHFSASGDSGFDSGFSAGFSAGSFGSFDGSGDGASFDSGDSGSDSAGDSFS Well isn't this just a bunch of nonsense Quest 41: Y_U G_T T_ What do you have to do? Quest 42: Z O T T F F S _ _ _ There is logic to it. All of the letters in the answer are different though (and separated by a blank space) Quest 43: 696867686969696868686969693269686768696969696868696867 There are two parts to this. Take number #2 minus number #1. (It would start like this; 321333) If you have a phone that still makes the sound when you hit the number, you'll hear the song and have your answer. Quest 44: 33 36 _ _ 61.08 67.58 E N _ -276.02 _ 366.48 I was thinking coordinated when I saw this, but didn't work out for me. If you have any idea what it is, please let me know. I know the answer due to some Google searching, but I don't know why it is so. Stuck at 45.
stop being jelly.
OOC: I KNOW, RIGHT? I THINK YOU DID GREEN? I ****ING LOVE GREEN. - Kaito was just banging his head into the nearest wall. He suddenly felt like deeply apologizing to Roy for giving him any trouble because Kaiba was just making everything absolutely ridiculous. When Seto was hit, Kaito stopped, feeling at peace with what just happened. "Not. A. Single. One." The hunter proceeded to make his way outside to meet the fools- er, other people that took shelter in the lone building.
OOC: I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE YELLING ABOUT LIAM NEESON? WHY - Fun? FUN?! "oh god." Kaito just KNEW that meant something horribly bad. OOC: You're very new to traps, aren't you? Or just the pretty boy type of anime characters.
OOC: YOU ARE THE PERFECT ABRIDGED KAIBA I SWEAR TO GOD. OF COURSE WE CAN HAVE THE ICE CREAM WITH WHIPPED CREAM THE CREAMIER THE BETTER - ... "What." the hunter couldn't even being to fathom what nonsense he was talking about. What's with the dramatic lightning struck when he said motorcycle anyway? No, never mind that. His insane idea. What the hell. "That... what makes you think that's an even remotely good idea."
"oh what in god's name does he want." Kaito dreaded. He didn't want to talk to this guy. I mean, seriously. With no choice however, Kaito began moving towards the front. OOC: It's not, you lose. All the themes they have on their own though should be enough. Aporia's, Placido's etc He should have a Free-For-All with all of his characters. I HAVE THE CREAM SIR
Hyperdrive is really catchy. Believe In Nexus and Road To Tomorrow are what makes 5D's 5D's though. Also, Brooklyn, you know Believe In Nexus is for the Nexus Dragons, right?
... Wait, you mean he doesn't? CIRCLE OF LIFE RIGHT TOTALLY WHAT I MEANT NOT BEAUTIFUL BROMANCE ... That remark. Goddammit, that is why I missed you.
You probably grew up with the dub and it turned into a personal preference. Oh. And @ better music. Japan has this: [video=youtube;dBcfTeVW61E]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBcfTeVW61E[/video] you mean that silly pyromaniac who has 20 chars? OH MY GOD THAT IS AMAZING IT'S LIKE... WE'RE CONNECTED
HEY UM REQUESTING SHARK I know Kaito is my main, but I want Shark too. He got more badass again. Reserving IV and V when they get more screentime too. Just because ONE thing is similar doesn't mean the dub is good. That's idiotic logic. I don't want to get into anymore Dub vs Jap discussions though. Since it'll just wind up with us being called weaboos again, and I'm real sick of the insult. YOU I MISSED YOU GOD DAMN IT AXEL
They will overpower you.
Pretty much.
Wikia gets stuff wrong. It got a reverse nerf. ... Unlike Shark's stuff, which all seem to suck outside of the anime.
... That's why you wait until you have both Slasher and Crusher in your hand, THEN go for it. Or just SS Slasher and have him hold the fort until Crusher. >Run Photon Lead in good Photons *snickers*
You're implying it's not insanely easy to get hands like that. For god's sake, Photons have: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Photon_Lizard