It's easy with Kingdom Key though. /:
OOC: >my personality >yuma even if it was in a good way, i feel trolled
Use Kingdom Key.
That picture is just perfect. Just. Perfect. They are no match for our superior airborne vehicles....
"You think a blast of that size wouldn't destroy a portion of t- Forget it. Arguing with you people is just pointless." 4KIDS?! OOC: ... I recall you suggesting I should be Yuma in the last thread. /: And I've only gotten to use one Exceed here. Spearhead is still Galaxy-Eyes Bro. In the RP, I could take both, if someone supplies with me screenshots.
OOC: dey see me flyin', dey hatin' - "You realize deflecting the blast lessened the damage? ... Then again, the robot still screwed that up."
OOC: @Bold: - Kaito managed to land somewhere close by his foe and his partner. His clothes flashed with an incredibly blinding light and it faded as they went back to black and darker colors. Needless to say, the boy was ready to lose his mind just like the two. "What on earth possessed you to let that thing out and blow another goddamn hole in the building?!" "... Also, where the hell did the second shot come from?! I swear to God, I'm going to hunt for so many souls..."
... Protect Detect SOMETHING DAMN IT RUN FLYING MOTORCYCLE. ... YOU WILL GET GRANT AND YOU WILL LIKE IT. I feel so loved in a straight way. ......
Kaito somehow just knew things would eventually blow up. He didn't think they would do so in a literal manner though, this was ridiculous. Orbital 7 was busy completely flipping out until the hunter kicked the robot and gave it an order. The machine quickly transformed into some sort of jetpack and equipped itself onto Kaito's back while his Duel Disk disappeared in light. He quickly ran off and jumped with this running start to gain some momentum for flight. If that wasn't bad enough. Some random ****** bag just had a gigantic robot blow up another part of the building. "Idiots. Everywhere."
USE WATER GUN EXCELLENT, CALL HER AND LET US BE OFF TO IRELAND ... Fine. Grant. You can be my straight wingman anytime, Droid.
"FOR GOD'S SAKE." "You! We'll finish this later! We need to get the hell out of here!"
Set her on fire. OF COURSE WE CAN ALWAYS USE IRELAND ... PUT THAT THING DOWN There's nothing gay with guys calling each other cute nicknames and...
OOC: ... I'm using Kaiba's rage as an excuse to interrupt this duel. - "Tch. You believe that's checkmate? I-" Kaito, refusing to believe he's lost, stopped to look at the egotistical man he was speaking with earlier. Now only seeing a gigantic dragon that matched the size of his own Galaxy-Eyes that let out a powerful blast. "oh what in god's name is that"
... ;___; oh my god why wwwwwhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyy I thought that was Scotland. ... Or something, I don't know. TAKE THE MUSTACHE. This song is...
Kaito decided to take a jab at Mustang's temper. "Peeved, are we?" "...No I don't know him. And honestly, I don't want to know anyone else if this is going to be happening all the time." "...Moving on." "I activate Photon Sublimation!" Banish 2 "Photon" monsters from your Graveyard; draw 2 cards. (Before anyone flips the **** out, my home boy Droid was cool with this.) "Removing both of the Photon Sabre Tigers in my Graveyard from play, and allowing me to draw two cards!" Hand: 2 "I Normal Summon Photon Cerberus!" "Negate his summon? Otherwise that set card is locked down for the turn."
... Your hair? YOUR HAIR?! GODDAMMIT MAN WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR. You have no idea how important that is ;~; HOW COULD YOU, FACIAL HAIR COMES...
"I draw three cards and send Photon Sabre Tiger and Light Serpent to the Graveyard!" Hand: 1 "Light Serpent Special Summons itself when it is sent from my hand to the Graveyard!" "Further, I-" Kaito stops in the middle of his turn when he sees his opponent and lieutenant pissed off. The hunter only facepalmed at the idiotic situation. "Everyone around me is an idiot. Do you respond to Light Serpent?"