I don't know if this tread belongs in this section, but does anyone know where I can get that clip of Sora where he is playing his Keyblade(guitar) with the stitch summon?
Ewww... even the old scientist guy??? I choose Riku.:inlove:
I may be embarrassed to watch Naruto, but I still love it with all my heart. Ugh... one time I was watching this anime called Wedding Peach and it was the dumbest thing ever. It was like about 3 girls who fought in wedding dresses. I could never tell people I watched something like that.:xp:
Ya I'm also embarrassed to say that I watch Naruto. I don't even tell my parents that I watch that show.
There are so many stupid animes out there, but no matter how stupid we think they are, we just can't stop watching them. What's one anime your embarrassed to say you actually watch?:ninjacat:
Oh ya I agree the Versus 13 guy is pretty HOT. I have to say that in my opinion I think that either Kadaj or Vincent in his Turk days look the best. If you've played Dirge of Cerberus you'd know what I'm talking about. Vincent's hair is soooo AWESOME when he was younger!!! :inlove:
Oh ya this game was AWESOME!!! Even though so many people don't think so. I thought it was so sad when you find out about Vincents past. He really loved Lucrecia. I was sooo sad that they couldn't be together. Oh and Vincent looked sooo cool in his Turk uniform and his absolutly AWESOME hair cut.:inlove:
I'm not sure if anyone has posted a thread for this yet, but I searched the forum and I couldn't find anything on this topic Did anyone heard about the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children coming to Blu Ray. I looks pretty AWESOME. There are new scenes in it and everything. I found out about it when I saw this trailer on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD0fnqR5VhU Anyway, does anybody know anything else or have any other info about the Blu Ray version of this movie?
Ugh... I like you absolutely LOVED it!!! I thought the movie was amazing and so was the high quality CGI. My all time fav character was Kadaj.
I think Shirly was pretty usless in Code Geass. All she did was drool over the Lelouch the entire time :inlove: (even though it's kinda hard not to). But I've only seen the episodes up to were it is in the US.
I'm trying to keep myself from watching it so I can enjoy it more when it comes to the US in english, but I'm so tempted to just watch it in Japaneses.:ninja:
I think It comes on at 12:30 now on [adult swim} but that's only if your in the US.
How many Nobodies do they have?
A KH trailer I made Check out this KH trailer I made. I posted it in the Video Portal. (yes I know my intro is waaaaay too long) Here is the URL: http://video.kh-vids.net/video/f35f6d91-072b-430f-a8ba-9aee00d4f8eb.htm
Larxene or Axel defiantly. They're so so cool!!! No I changed my mind, mabey Zexion. He's really cool too. :inlove: Awww... but so is Marluxeria. Ack... I can't choose. That's a hard question.
That's a pretty good theory.:blink: You've really thought it out.
But I thought the 14th member was Aqua??? Ugh... I'm confused
I'm sorry this is probally off topic but you said you think the 14th memeber is Xion. Who is Xion???
Metro Station - Shake It :rockband:
Ugh it would be so awesome if it came to the US. I was just starting to think,"Hmmmm... mabey I should start saving money so I can buy a Jap PS2 and KH FM just so I can play Re:CoM." Well I guess I won't have to do that If we get it here. I hope it had english dubs. That would be even more awesome. Do you know when we might get it here? (Sorry I'm edger to get it now)