you can make them yourself download moveset mod and ucm and put them toghter.
how is your emulator going?
hello :D I'm a premium member now :)
hahaha :D i'm a premium member and yooo nottt hahahaha
you mean ex: Kingdom Key replaces Oath ?
you mean "Digits" ?
whats with your old acc?
here SoratheEmpreror09: Code: Master Form Warrior Mode 21CF0438 00303330 21CF043C 00000000 11CF0440 00000000 103403C0 0000???? Keyblade 10341074 00000029 11CEF60C 0000???? Shield
Master Form Warrior Mode 21CF0438 00303330 21CF043C 00000000 11CF0440 00000000 103403C0 0000???? Keyblade 10341074 00000029 11CEF60C 0000???? Shield
hey ich bin premi :D
lol... 7 bars tS said :D
it only works in one room / area
hey fayt :) why i don't become premium member? i have 1000 posts and 150 rep points :|
so i have to change rooms after activating codes right and how can i activate more codes only press enter and enter code into a new line ?
maybe because u use ( i think) DeS????. I use No$???? and the sounds work perfect when i record them.
Q: I know how to use codes with Emuhaste and how i activate them?
yeah -.- maybe something happend to him :|
fine an u?