Gah, I know what you mean. It took me awhile to find a phone commericals song...but I had stumbled onto when not looking xD
Oh, why hello there ;3 How are you?
It looks like her there, but her hair is longer and styled different
Yeah, I was like Who is this? *reads name* NO, CAN'T BE! DX
Ok, seriously, the school district can get sued for this. It's unlawful to deny a students rights because of sexual I.D. or Dress Code ( unless it states otherwise, but a suit is fine in anything, really) The girl here, is brave to even show her face at school. How horrible she must feel to be looked at her peers as the one who ruined their senior year, when it was the own schools fault.
I heard she is 20 in the remake, thus the change.
[IMG] I thought you would like this ;3
Yes, yes you did xD It's fine ;3 I am sad I don't have pokemon
Well, how are you?
Then, with this money, use it in fun gambling at the casino!
I am very awesometastic, how are you in your quest of raping roxas? or unless you yell surprise, in your quest of shamless sex with him ;3
Hello new friend!
You can sell them, and get money for it >;D
I dunno why, but just for this post, you are my new friend
nice to see you again too ;3
Yes, HG/SS....the music sounds great, I love the Kanto gym battle theme in it.
no, not really...
Stop being so hard on yourself, you have a great voice, rainy... <3
liiiiiieeeeessss... you were lovely