In the abyss called school DX, how about you?
This is true, at first, I was on PETA's side and was against it. But me wanting to know more, researched it. PETA's info is so misguiding it makes the seal hunt look worst then it is. I am for not clubbing baby seals and such, but get the facts right.
This, by far, is beyond being an Otaku... Seriously, this man needs to be checked, this is not cute at all.
There was a similar issue with another famous band, My Chemical Romance... This girl, was a real big fan of them, and happened to have been the subject of bullying at her school. Since most of the subject matter in MCR's songs do mention cutting and sucide in some form or another, she did that, she killed herself. Now, it wasn't MCR's fault for this, she took there message a bit too far. But a bunch of people blamed them for this because they were such an influence on the young girl, Sometimes you have to wonder if art causes people to do drastic measures in order to connect with it. I'm not saying it was their fault at all, though.
Fantastic Mr. Fox, it was such a great movie! I will most likely watch Princess and the Frog on DVD.
Glee is back on in april
Mine are like 6..and more hours away ;-;
Uranus planet power, makeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee up
heeyyyy ZEO~
yah, and wez ca getz vampiresz
I am really happy they made a BLACK ROCK SHOOTER OVA, The trailer looked so awesome. Hetalia is unexpected, I thought they ended it. And glad they are still making To-Love-Ru
I is goffick
MISS KAY, MISS KAY! You would be a lovely teacher, Kay
I liked just didn't match the song, at all... The ad's and plug-ins were done on purpose...actually. Beyonce and they had the pussy wagon from Kill Bill
It always sucks waiting for people, right? xD
Your going pretty far, Jules...right? I mean, it's not super far, but it's close enough. I'm still choosing some .-.
no, it was IO Echo's-Doorways
I got in trouble for X-2...because of the leblanc minigame -_- I had to explain, no, that two girls were not nanoseconds away from having sex. And then the demo for Bayonetta...>_>
Doing pretty good myself, how is the music thing going?
I like your new song, it made me lol hard xD I see your point in it too.