Eh.... All of them having drain would be a godmode pokebattle honestly
Your not alone.... >_< I like DC and Marvel, but I lean towards Marvel a bit more xD
D: I need a mic guuuys I feel left out
I laughed at both xD Silly movie channel, thinking Twilight movies are like, awesome
Lol, I know, I replay that song a lot on my ipod I'm acutally listening to the song right now xD If you saw the video, it'll be more awesome.
omg omg omg, Vampire Weekend in your title XD
Oh no. This project will be a fan-fic written by me and What? It might take awhile since What? is in Texas...but I already started writing the outline and some bios for people. When it came to gym leaders, somehow you, tootise and haley popped in my head first lol.
James pre-boob or after boob job? Because we can make this happen c; You might become the professor xD What? was totally for the Idea when I brought this up, as was the others
To state some things Nova: I would like you on the Elite Four, because I explained this to you yesterday, I think. Non prem members: I'll figure out something for you guys, because What and I need to discuss this. But you'll have at least some sort of cameo at one point, but not that many people >_< On the types, just choose one, and we'll figure out your gym layout and we'll discuss with you. Radiowave: I would LOVE you to be the electric type gym, but you can choose, this goes for Haley and Tootise Vampire: I have something in store for you, but I'm still forming it. Think of a Jessie type role but less evil and more fucktastic awesome
Marvel, bishie
This is for prem members really, I am doing a "Project" with our own member What? and was wondering Would you like to be a Gym Leader? If so, which types would you prefer List of Taken Gym Leaders: 1.Tootise- ??? 2.Radiowave-Electric type Gym Leader 3.Haley-??? 4.Bunter- Steel type Gym Leader 5.The Fuk?- Water Type 6. ?????? 7. ?????? 8. ?????? Still deciding on who will the last three
Trainer Rayku**** says: *Use SEXY TRANSFORMATION TIME **************Ne'er-do-well**************** says: *YUNA's SEXY TRANSFORMATION TIME did 59 damage! SQUARESOFT AND ENIX MERGER: 430/489 HP **************I am in the process of demanding some sort of delicious and pleasing treat******** says: *use Destruction of Final Fantasy trademark **************Ne'er-do-well**************** says: *SQUARESOFT AND ENIX MERGER's DESTRUCTION OF FINAL FANTASY TRADEMARK did 416 damage! YUNA: 0/460 HP *Congratulations, **************I am in the process of demanding some sort of delicious and pleasing treat********! You have defeated ***********Trainer Rayku****! ***********Trainer Rayku**** says: *holy **** ********Lance********** says: *WOAH **************I am in the process of demanding some sort of delicious and pleasing treat******** says: *A prediction of the future
bunter is bunter
Dayyyyum, Misty killed people in the Quiz Bowl Congratz
Lets have some count chocula with blood instead of milk.
Do it, you'll get my jokes more often
' Guys, please, take this up on MSN' I really didn't know this was going to happen.
Oh, you are cool for this
The one where she's in the tub and takes a picture and sends it over twitter it's really funny.
This is true, but Precious was really good, it was the book in movie form.