oh lol, somehow with her wizard powers she made it into scooby doo's universe?
Thats cool, which one?
so, how are you?
I shall xD That chapter will bundles of fun.
Yuppers, Why thank you, Miss Reptart
Your avatar is sweet, btw It fits you
OHNOES D; I was going to make you a mother, but you might kill me for that...
ohai thereeee
Just go drink blood, Potter Or shall I call you Draco's butt slave?
Likes to produce musik
^ this looks horrible to be real.
Likes Doctor Who?
Well, I shall explain What? had this kinda formula of KHV Gym Leaders/Elite 4- Prem Memebers Trainers- Normal Members Elite Trainers (I.E- Red, Misty, ETC) Mods Team Rocket also follows the same formula, so yeah... We're going to TRY and be fair, but not everyone will get what you want, and it seems people are upset from some of the choices, so I'll explain my choices Tootise, Haley and Radiowave came into my mind as I was planning this out. So they got the first three spots The Fuk? was the first to respond and actually request a pokemon Bunter actually provided a backdrop for his, so he got his Wolfie and Xaale got the first Elite Four spots because they helped me a bit, as Fayt got a spot also for this.
ok ok ok.... I see people are fighting over Gym Leaders/Elite 4 spots.. Like I said, this will be PREM members only because of our plot, it's not because I prefer them over normal members (I, myself, am one) What? and I had this plan before we even started this thread. Some might not even make it into the story! It's between ME and WHAT?
Made one just now x3 I still have to get tootise's and Haley's
I-I have you down already xD
No, not really, I just wanted a bad-ass person that is netheir good or bad, the anti-hero
We'll review it, and send you a pm xD If you don't, you'll have a part of it. What? will love you then xD
nono, it fits the song, its a tennis match you'll be surprised on some of the matches Daft Punk Joe Jonas xD
Ohohoho, you're in the elite four xD I wrote out a part of your dialoge with a certian trainer. I kinda saw you as a powerhouse trainer, but calm and collected