Acutally, it was only Gary (I only saw him in the scene) who saw her death, and he just fell to the ground. The Galatic grunts just yelled like they always do.
Best english one ever T_T I miss Yu Yu Hakusho
So yeah, they do not "know" of mewtwo then...
lol, I know XD I got it from you
You might as well do 4chan as a "mini-series" There is a lot of stuff there.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Aunt May and Uncle Ben rule 34'd ;=; BRB, clawing eyes
Yes, you did xD It's not that well know, so I understand.
If someone is able to finish this phrase, I will love them forever
Am I going to prom? I dunno
This is true, but there is no mention of Metwo even after that. (except in the openings, but I might be wrong) Also, if Giovanni died or even Gary, that would be considered major because of the stances they had in the show. I've only seen Dr. Fuji once, and that was in the movie.
See, I don't consider that canon, because the series does not mention it at all. This is REALLY considered the first death, because it's one of main villians Also, Cyrus "died" also, but it's debatable
Dr.Fuji...Unless it's in the movie.
I don't remember him dying...
See... Lucario's owner never really "died" he passed away peacefully No, I mean like she died! Like, horrible death wise
Pokemon Hunter J died O-O [according to /a/] I thought I would never see the day.
aw ****erdoodles, I'm late I'll finish the game right now: Jayn had used her superpowers to kill off the monsters and finally got out... ;--; If you ever read this somehow, I'll miss you very.,very much
Well, I have many close female friends, and I can honestly say I don't "Lust" after them. Usually I know them long enough that to think "that could be my kid sister, or sister" I'm just close to my friends enough that I wouldn't want to destroy anything if I did like them. In the case of just friends, It could happen, two of my ex's were friends of mine. But it might not work out for many reasons.
^ this, or you miss it and have babies and become the new Kate Gosslin?
I have been playing Xbox Live for the past...5 months? Yeah, I met plenty of girl gamers on there (and one of my best friends that I've know for years, is a hardcore girl gamer) And she told me it's really bad and sometimes borderline harrasment on some games. I mean, some of the comments people say are just so hard to think "How the hell can you say that?" I guess because some guys think it's like sports, it's a "male" thing. And funny thing is, in my case, the girls on L4D2 are wayyyyy better then the guys, and they're fun to talk to, instead of which consists of guy talk "Drugs, Boobs, and how the hell that girl come in?"