Ransak Frisk Within the room was an office. How boring. Ransak had been expecting some kind of grand treasure hall full of gold and items of great worth, no such luck. Neverthless the forked rod was pointing towards the desk. Analytically Ransak scanned it. It did seem a rather nice desk, hardwood, fine varnish. But Nothing special, and certainly not what he was looking for. Lowering his goggles he looked through the Lens of the Seeker, and saw that within the desk, hidden under a false bottom, was some kind of crystal. Tiptoeing into the room, being mindful of traps, Ran opened the desk and carefully took out the crystal. It had a red button, and a blue button. Ran had never seen anything like it, but the rod was going crazy over it. The crystal itself didn't seem anything special and in fact was rather unidentifiable. Even Ran, one of the greatest appraisers in the land, could not fathom its purpose. He was definitely keeping this. On the other hand... perhaps the Shards of Hope would pay handsomely for this and may know what it is? At the very least he should find out what it did before anything else, although he certainly wasn't going to risk his life by pressing one of the buttons and just hoping it wasn't a bomb.
BANG! The sound of the gunshot abruptly shattered the peaceful ambience of the nightclub like a hammer through a mirror. A body fell to the floor. People screamed. Chaos reigned. Backtrack by an hour or so... She swirled, she twirled, she moved with vibrant energy. She was a masterpiece, truly the most beautiful fairy in the club. Everything was perfection, she was a melody, a beautiful song that moved harmoniously. She was a painting, every stroke of the brush made with utmost care and compassion, layered and layered by a master craftsman to create the perfect image. She was beautiful. "Oh Bartender?" Masque called to the person at the bar "See that beauty over there? Let me buy her a glass of your most expensive cocktail" Masque lay some coins on the bar "Tell her it's from a secret admirer" With that, the warlock retreated into the shadows of the nightclub, hidden by the masses of people. Throughout the flashing lights and blaring sounds, Masque was only focused on one thing. That fairy. Her face was intoxicating, her voice the sweetest sound. Perfection. He watched as the woman came to the bar and, with a look of surprise (even surprise was perfect on that face though) graciously accepted the drink. Yes. Drink up. Enjoy. For a moment Masque looked away from the woman and looked into a pocket mirror he kept on him. At the moment he was wearing a subtle mask that wore a vaguely content expression. less twisted, less contorted, than his other masks. With one hand he smoothed back his shock of white hair and straightened the blood red suit. He'd stolen some clothes especially for the occasion. The only thing that annoyed him were the horns. Imperfections, obtrusions. Disgusting. They marked him out. However, Amongst the strange types gathered at the club he was hardly out of place. The last thing he checked was the revolver hidden in his coat pocket. Loaded, with an iron bullet. It was time. Subtly Masque made his way towards the masterpiece and she soon found herself face to face with him. At first she reacted with a beautiful expression of shock, before that perfect face shifted to a surprised chuckle. Masque followed the laughter with his ears, marveling at the harmony of it. "And what're you supposed to be?" She questioned flirtatiously. Masque's heart pounded. He was face to face with true art, what could he say? To Masque, it seemed they were alone, despite the throng of surrounding downworlders who inhabited the Pandemonium club. "Your secret admirer" Masque answered plainly, his own voice sounding rough and coarse in comparison to her music, he wanted to claw out his own throat, he could never achieve her level of perfection "Oh! That was you? Well thanks" she smiled "You're too kind" "I'm not kind enough, you deserve far more" Masque stuttered, mentally kicking himself as he said it. Curses Masque, now you're just sounding creepy "Sorry, it's just... you're beautiful" "Oh! well thank you" She smiled. If she was put off by Masque at all she didn't show it "I wish I could say the same about you, but I can't see your face! How about you take off that mask?" "I couldn't possibly! My own face is grotesque in comparison to your beauty!" Masque stepped back slightly, afraid she'd try to remove the mask "I am not as gifted as you, the fates have been unkind to me" "Nonsense, everybody is beautiful in their own way" She reassured him "Yes... you're so right" Masque smiled "I'm glad you understand true art" this time the woman did seem a little confused, but even her expression of confusion was a masterpiece "Go ahead then, remove my mask" Masque leaned in slightly. The fairy giggled, as though this was all a game. With Masque's other hand he reached into his jacket pocket, his hand curling around the revolver. Carefully she reached up to his mask and slowly lifted it. As soon as the woman could see Masque's mouth he hissed at her, revealing his razor sharp teeth. Everything happened in one second as time slowed down. The woman gained a worried expression, a disgusted expression. It was the one face she could wear that Masque despised, she was spoiled now, imperfect. Nevertheless Masque would do as he intended anyway. Death would remove that imperfect expression she wore. BANG! The sound of the gunshot abruptly shattered the peaceful ambience of the nightclub like a hammer through a mirror. A body fell to the floor. People screamed. Chaos reigned. Masque smiled. Securing the mask to his face again, Masque leaned down and lifted the fallen body of the fairy. Light, like a cloud. She was returned to perfection. Masque forgot once more about the chaos and terror as he stared wistfully into those eyes which had lost all life. The iron bullet from point blank range had killed her almost instantly. Now... now she would forever be art. Perfection.
After a long journey the centaur finally arrived at this city he'd heard so much about. He decided he didn't much like cities, too many buildings, too little forest. And people kept looking at him weirdly. Eventually he arrived (Somehow) at the top of the wall and found himself facing some gathered people from Kaynta, including the princess herself "Apologies for my lateness, princess" the centaur bowed "I recieved a letter calling for aid, I am Galadorn, and I come to serve my king. May I ask where the king is right now?"
Shyra Bracklewood: Shyra had not been listening to the conversation, but it seemed her recruits had started to get along. The scenery outside the carriage seemed to get darker as they entered a thicker area of forest, and the ride of the carriage became more bumpy. Suddenly, they stopped. "George? What's the holdup?" she called to the carriage driver "M-m-my lady, I could have sworn I just saw... i saw..." "What is it man? Speak!" the horses were whinnying and seemed distressed "A giant spider m'lady!" George exclaimed with fright "What?!" Giant spiders? This far out? Strange indeed. Without a word Shyra exited the carriage and looked around the nearby woods analytically. Cobwebs were strung from a few of the withered trunks. Shyra couldn't hear anything suspicious, but that was in itself the most suspicious thing though. Usually there would be the sound of birdsong and activity, here there was nothing but silence "There's something suspicious out here" she stated. She didn't care if they decided to come out or stay inside, she could probably deal with this herself.
It was a chaotic scene but Willow had one objective in mind. Both the mages were paying attention to the necromancer. TIme to strike. Moving with agility Willow leaped, knives raised, and stabbed Terra in the back viciously. once, twice, three times. Blood splattered over Willow as she carved great gashes into her victim. Quickly she bound backwards and returned to a poised position. Her knives her dripping blood... "Funny thing about dead people, there are just so many of them!" Solomon exclaimed as his undead were struck down, but more rose to replace them. His supply was not inexhaustible though. No matter. "ooh, what an impressive roar! Mind if I try?" Beside Solomon two apparitions of himself crawled out of the ground. Together the three of them echoed the roar, a deafening and dark sound, its low bass slightly shaking the cobbles of the alley. The sound was dragged out, but became higher and shifted into an eerie melody. Solomon and the illusions danced and twirled around each other, making it difficult to tell which was which, as skeletons shuffled towards the enemies and the odd music echoed around the alley. Shadowy apparitions crawled across the walls, grotesque images flickered, enough to induce fear in even the most strong-willed.
Sanderson led the group out of the city gates and into the vast fields that lay beyond, glancing at his map from time to time. Most of the group was quiet, he supposed it was inevitable, they would just have to get to know one another a bit better. When one lad spoke up with what had to be the very worst introduction Sanderson smiled slightly and was about to chuckle amiably and intervene, but his smile faded away and he trodded onwards purposefully. Have you ever killed a man? Well. Let's not dwell on that.
"Welcome, to the Hierarch's Castle" Bramwell gestured extravagantly as they entered the grand empty throne room. As Bramwell's footsteps echoed around the hall several hooded mages appeared from nowhere "Bramwell, who is this child who have brought to us?" Evelynn demanded "She was with Yana, unfortunately I could not capture the woman, but I found Miss Annabelle here" leaning in close so Annabelle could not hear him he murmured "And doesn't our king need an heir?" turning back to the girl he gestured "Come along, I'll show you to your room, it's rather more cosy than this grand hall" "Oxenfurt? Interesting..." Vyle mused. He didn't like big cities very much, but he was determined to find Solomon "Very well. We may meet again in Oxenfurt. If not, I bid you farewell witcher and will leave you in peace" Vyle completely disappeared from view as he became invisible. Transforming into a bat again he fluttered back to Ana and reappeared before her in normal form "We should head to Oxenfurt, I'm sure you'll be happy to head away from this place"
"Perhaps..." Vyle answered disinterestedly to the man's request "Blood and Ashes!" Vyle cursed "I suppose our quarry shall not be so easily captured. Nevertheless I will not give up, Solomon follows drama and tragedy wherever he can. Has anything happened recently that could have... attracted... the mage?" He questioned the man seriously.
Ow. Straining to get up Damian winced, his back hurt like hell. He could probably heal it, and raised his hand to attempt it when suddenly he heard cries and people running off in the other direction. If someone else needed his help he couldn't waste his magical energy on himself. He would live. Limping quickly Damian eventually arrived at the hole, deep down in the dark he could hear Shani, Vance and... Florica! They'd found her! Going as quickly as possible Damian clambered down into the hole and arrived at the scene, in pain from his back all the way down. "What happened? Nevermind, lay her down" Damian was once again all business mode "Shani, lay pressure on the bleeding wound" Damian retrieved bandages from his pack and patched up some of the wounds "Vance, keep watch" As he analysed the woman he muttered something about lacerations and bruises, before finally closing his eyes and holding his hands over Florica, as though about to do something dramatic. He channelled the power of the Sky God Slayer to imbue Florica with healing, it seemed to be putting a strain on the man but he continued desperately. He could not let another person die on his watch.
"You are correct. But I won't tell you which" Vyle stated with a thin smile "I'll make it quick. Have you seen a black cloaked, black hatted, black masked mage wandering around? A bit of a peculiar man, something vaguely sinister about him? As far as I can tell he portalled to your castle. The mage's name is Solomon, he is incredibly dangerous, I am persuing him"
"Thank you" Vyle nodded politely "I appreciate this may be difficult for you" With that he stepped through the portal and arrived at the cold stones of Kaer Morhen. The place had fallen into disrepair since he last visited, the walls were crumbled mostly and vines gripped at the weathered bricks. Vyle shuddered. Despite his power, he still feared witchers and would have preferred to not fight them. With his enhanced night vision Vyle spotted a horse riding along with a man, probably a witcher, and a woman. "look" he pointed them out to Ana "This is out chance to confront a witcher outside the premises of Kaer Morhen" without waiting for a response Vyle fluttered into the shadows and flew down to the undergrowth slightly ahead of the riders. Stepping out casually he held up a hand "Hold, witcher!" he stated "We require your assistance!" Bramwell rolled his eyes at the other mage and ignored him, summoning a portal to Novigrad while the mage rambled. "Come along Annabelle, I'm going to the Palace at Novigrad, want to come along?"
"No questions? Jolly good! Now let me get the packs" Sanderson hefted some rucksacks full of rations "I hope you've all got good boots. Did I not mention earlier? We're walking all the way to Fordington" Sanderson grinned "It will take a while, of course, but when we're traversing the hostile lands of other nations we can't be relying on carriages all the time! Now let's go!" with that Sanderson began to stride out of the manor. DM Message: You're going to start walking to Fordington, which is quite a distance. If you want to interact with other characters on the way, or do anything other than walk, do so. Otherwise we'll just move automatically outside the city. Shyra Bracklewood: Shyra wasn't really listening to the pointless conversation going on. It seemed they proved her suspicions that this team couldn't work together. They would need a lot more training "Has anyone got any questions about the place we're going?" she asked disinterestedly.
Deep in the forest, the leaves rustled, the birds chirped, the undergrowth stirred. The bird fluttered along, eager to complete its mission. It flew through trees and shrubbery, carrying a piece of bark in its tiny talons. Almost camouflaged in the greenery, a solitary figure stood, which the bird hurriedly headed towards. Resting on the creature's shoulder, the bird tried to get its attention. The figure looked like it was wearing trees, and one couldn't quite be sure exactly what it was. Stationary as it was, it was hard to tell where the creature ended and the forest began. Slowly the figure turned his head, which was masked with a intricate helmet of branches and verdant leaves. "Greetings" It said to the bird formally "Messenger, what news do you bring" Slowly and with care the creature retrieved the bark note. As it moved its arm, various critters were disturbed from their rest upon the figure's body. With serious eyes it examined the note, and gave it back to the bird "Many thanks, and farewell" It stated politely as the bird flew off, to continued its mission. With care to the various creature surrounding the figure, it began to trot on four equestrian legs. As it moved the figure could be more easily distinguished from its surroundings and could be identified as a centaur. The creature had the top half of a human, adorned in wooden armour, and the bottom half of an elegant horse. As it moved out of the thick undergrowth into more open land it began to break into a canter, then a gallop. The creature's name was Galadorn. He was the guardian of the woods surrounding Kaynta, and he had a duty to help his king.
As Ashleigh approached the Airship she commanded the guards to open the door. However, her plans were suddenly and rudely interrupted by yet another strange person. "Halt this!" Ashleigh commanded with authority as the strange woman attacked Veera. Still sitting on the back of Symphony she gestured extravagantly like a conductor and lauched a high pitched note of Dischord at the woman. The whining sound cut through the silence. Following this up with Bass she made a downwards motion and the earth shook slightly in her direction. The tremor quickly shot towards the strange red-cloaked woman with a deep thrum, and as it arrived exploded in a low-pitched boom, sending the woman flying back. The music surrounded the area, a deep melody of authority and power, and subtly Ashleigh moved along with the music "Veera, Requiem, destroy this interloper" she commanded. Reqiuem held his weapon out in front and encroached on the interloper. Suddenly Ashleigh saw something approaching at fascinating speed... what was it? "I will help you mistress!" Requiem's face was smashed in by a mechanical fist. "Any kind of tea you desire, sir. Breakfast, Green, Chocolate..." Timothy wanted to continue this fascinating conversation on tea with the man, but suddenly its mistress decided to dart off. Timothy, loyal as it was, could not be parted from his mistress's side. Charging up its mechanical limbs Timothy began to sprint surprisingly quickly in the direction its mistress had gone "TerriblysorrybutImustbegoingnow..." It quickly explained to the man while running after Kala. Arriving at the scene, Timothy saw his mistress being... attacked! how could Timothy have let this happen? For a moment it stopped completely still, awed by terrible situation. Suddenly an area of Timothy that had been previously locked off... unlocked. HOW DARE THEY ATTACK MS KALA. Timothy's mechanical frame filled with raw power and... anger. "I will help you mistress!" it yelled, darting forward and smacking one of the attackers, the man in heavy armour, right in the face. The man staggered backwards in surprise "Guards! Don't just stand around! Assist!" the woman on horseback commanded. The guards outside the airship joined in the fight, but Timothy didn't care, standing by his mistress Timothy challenged anyone nearby to dare to take it on. Ransak smiled as he watched the bizarre scene. The door was open. The guards were gone, and nobody was paying attention to him. Moving quickly Ransak infiltrated the airship and quickly delved deeper in, following the rod and avoiding guards, most were distracted anyway. The rod gave slight bleeps in some rooms, but it went mad when pointed at one particular room. That was the priority, the rest could be collected later. He'd never seen the rod so agitated as he approached one particular door. Licking his lips and smiling in anticipation, Ransak opened it.
Character Name: Masque Age: lots Gender: Male Race: Warlock Appearance: Masque seems to have a very odd appearance, wearing very archaic red robes from an ancient time. He wears one mask on his face and has others hanging around his neck so he can easily switch. His most striking feature is a pair of long curved horns (think ibex/mountain goat horns) protruding from his forehead, and his mouth which is full of razor sharp teeth and a reptialian tongue, but is covered by his mask most of the time. Backstory: Having been shunned by humanity for many centuries, Masque has grown to hate humans. This hate has grown as Masque has watched the world grow and resented humans for it, until this hate grew into absolute desire to see all humans die. Masque grew mad and became an infamous serial killer. He murdered humans in the most horrific ways, often removing their faces. Masque is hidden from the public eye, but there are places where the warlock's name is whispered in fear. Masque is obsessed with faces, and especially hiding his own. Masque assumes many different identities and even changes his entire personality and emotional state when wearing a different mask. Masque is quite extravagant and loves to put on a show, acting very theatrical with his kills. Weapons: Masque uses a dagger and a pistol Magic: Devour: Masque leeches life energy slowly from a target he is touching, making them exhausted and storing their image for use in "Illusion". If "Devour" is used against Nephilim or Downworlders his other abilities are upgraded. A Trick of Light: Chance for Masque becomes stealthed. Easier if there are distractions. This stealth becomes more effective every time it's upgraded Illusion: Masque creates an illusion of himself, or a target who has had "Devour" used on them. Each time it's upgraded Masque can create a greater number of illusions at once. Dazzle: With a flourish Masque releases a dazzle of coloured light or confetti or fireworks etc. etc. distracting all nearby targets and dazzling them. This becomes more effective after upgrading. Other: Masque has Ibex's horns and a reptilian mouth Strengths: Masque is deft and agile and good at using his weapons and magic. He can also be very cunning. Weaknesses: Masque cannot hide his horns. He is not particularly strong and relies more on speed. Masque is also incredibly insane and often irrational. His illusionary spells can be resisted.
Sanderson gave the leafy man - Aedan, if he remembered Lyra's list - a small smile. He knew somebody was going to try this peace and happiness approach. And of course, that was their choice, but Sanderson had travelled for many years with hunting as his only way of survival, so he had some affection for the sport. "Drakes are beasts, old sport, killer beasts, and very territorial. They've chosen Fordington as their new home and, unfortunately, they won't relinquish it if you just ask them to" Sanderson laid a hand on the man's shoulder, he easily towered above the druid "But I admire your devotion to principles, and I certainly invite you to try your own way. But, I hope you understand old chap, I consider the lives of the townspeople more important" Sanderson turned back to the rest of the group and began to ready their packs and rations "Any other questions?" "Laurentinus, wasn't it?" Shyra questioned with a raised eyebrow "You seem quite confident, I suppose we'll see if that confidence is backed up by anything later won't we? Either way, if I thought you lot were totally incapable I wouldn't even bring you on this expedition. I may be pessimistic but I do see what's in front of me, and you all seem to have some basic ability" With that Shyra got into the carriage and sat authoritatively at the front. "Let's get going" she muttered to the servant driving the carriage "Take us to Ashten Village" DM Message: Everybody on the Darklight Disturbance expedition is now setting off in the carriage, It will take the rest of the day to arrive at the village, if you wish to interact and talk with other people on the carriage, feel free. The elegant carriage, drawn by two fine brown horses, trots out of the city of Varewyn via the West Gate and exits into the wilderness. A narrow winding road takes the carriage through the Westwood, a thickly forested and barely inhabited area, towards its destination of Ashten Village, where you will stop for the night.
Bramwell sighed and put his jacket back on. For a moment he thought about leaving, then looked back at the girl. Perhaps she could be used as bait to bring the mage woman back? It was worth a try "Well, Annabelle, I'd like to invite you back to the palace at Novigrad. Have you ever seen a palace before?" Bramwell smiled in a friendly way "You must be so hurt and tired, I'd love for you to come along" He turned around and saw the new mage "You're a mage too aren't you? Would you like to come along?" Archon was always looking for new recruits to the Order of the Supreme. "You have failed" Archon sat high above the hall on his throne. The monster hunter, Zavarius, was standing in the middle of the hall, the walls of which were lined with mages, as if he was on trial. "Please, I tried my hardest" Zavarius pleaded "Then your best is not good enough" Archon stated with judgement in his voice. The God King would not tolerate incompetence "You are currently Chief Hunter of the Order, and were one of my most trusted mages. No longer. I am demoting you" Zavarius was about to object, but closed his mouth as he didn't see the point. There was no defying Archon "Additionally, you will be sent to Anaxagoras later" this time Zavarius did cry out in objection "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS" the mage screamed and fell to the floor begging, two guards ran in to restrain the man but he threw them off "I WON'T LET YOU DO THIS!" the monster hunter screamed, "YOU CA-" suddenly he was cut off mid sentence as Archon waved his hand. abruptly Zavarius fell to the floor clutching at his head. Archon was staring directly at the mage, his eyes burning with intensity, a low throbbing could be heard. It felt, to the gathered mages, a bit odd. But it was much worse for Zavarius, who felt like his mind was about to explode with so much pressure it would paint the walls red "As I commanded, you will be sent to Anaxagoras for disciplining" Finally the mage fainted and guards dragged him away... ...Zavarius awoke shivering in a dark cell. There was no sound, no light. Slowly he crawled and felt for the bars of the cell. Surely he could get out... surely he could. He knew what happened to the people who were sent here and he didn't want to end up like them. Trying to summon magic he found the effort futile "please..." he croaked "I shouldn't be here" his calls echoed menacingly. Suddenly he heard a rattle of chains. Thrashing about he tried to back away to the edge of the cell. The scrape of metal on stone gradually got louder as it approached. Zavarius was crying now, he didn't know what happened to people down here but most of them came out irrevocably changed. The scraping stopped. Zavarius couldn't see a thing in this pitch black darkness "...who are you?" he croaked out in fear. Suddenly a glaring light shone straight at the mage's distressed face, he tried to shield his eyes but found himself too exhausted even to lift his arms. Zavarius, through squinted eyes, could just about see a hulking grotesque figure shining a bright white light into his eyes "Anaxagoras" rasped the inhuman voice. The creature approached slowly, Zavarius couldn't do a thing, his body ached and his joints grinded painfully as he tried to move. "Please... don't struggle" a flash of steel. A glow of magic. Zavarius's eyes widened. The resulting screams echoed throughout the dungeon Vyle looked at Ana with an expression of deadly seriousness "I already told you, Solomon went to Kaer Morhen. Fine if you won't go, I will" Vyle pouted "Make me a portal. I'll gladly risk my life to save many more from that necromancer" The shapes in the alley shifted and changed as Solomon weaved his illusion. The boy was also a mage apparently, as he sent in a spirit tiger to track them down. Solomon smiled, it seemed as though things were about to get interesting Huh, so this Zephyr kid was a mage? Made sense. Her trap was falling apart but she could salvage this. Quietly Willow got out her bow, aimed down the sights, and shot the tiger in the forehead. Quickly reloading she aimed a shot at Terra. Swiftly she dropped down into the ally and slashed violently at the tiger, she didn't know what could kill it but hopefully this would work. She turned to face her targets and saw a very strange scene played out His temporarily ally was engaging. What fun. Solomon quickly darted around stealthily and popped up behind the two targets. With a whisper Solomon waved his hands and skeletal hands began to to burst out of the ground and grab the feet of his victims. With a giggle the mage danced back as the undead began to crawl out of the ground with murderous intent. "Come one, come all, let the games begin" Solomon chuckled with a maniacal grin.
"Um... yeah sorry about how creepy I seemed when I was drunk, uh, it's not my fault, Edric made me drink" Damian stayed quiet as Thea talked about Vance. Yeah her father wasn't being particularly supportive at this moment in time "Okay, hold on tight" Damian hesitantly grabbed Thea and carefully got into a position where he could shimmy down the rope. His legs and one hand held tightly onto the rope, and the other arm was wrapped around Thea. Slowly and carefully they made their way down. Sam rolled a d20 for Damian's agility Damian got a 6 That's not a pass About a few meters from the bottom Thea began to slide out of Damian's grip. His heart pounded in his chest, he could not let the little girl get injured. Somehow he was more nervous about dropping Thea than he was about risking his own life. Without thinking Damian grabbed Thea and stopped her fall. It took a moment for him to realise he now had no hands on the rope. By then they were already falling. Oh dear. That wasn't good. In mid-air Damian angled himself to cause least damage, but the impact was hard. With a thud Damian landed on his back with Thea on top of him "...Ow..." Came the sound from the boy's sprawled body "...sorry ...I hope you're not hurt..." having landed on him Thea was less injured than Damian, but has still quite bruised "...ugh ...hold on... I can help that..." Closing his eyes and concentrating, Damian used the new powers of Sky God Slaying that he'd been given to heal Thea's minor injuries, then lay back exhausted.
Timothy heard the woman's cries but had no idea what to do. For a moment Timothy looked around flustered. What could it do? How could it save his master? It had no clue... Suddenly though a figure arrived, it was the same man from before! He looked kind of important, maybe he could help them! "Greetings once again!" Timothy called "Would you like some tea? My mistress is looking for a safe place away from here, do you know of such a place?"
"Right recruits!" Sanderson bellowed "Have you, perchance, heard of a town north of the Everwood called Fordington? Well recently they've had a bit of trouble with some enlarged reptiles. Drakes. Drakes are coming down from the mountains for some reason and have chosen Fordington as their new abode. Of course, we can't really stand for this" Sanderson told the gathered recruits "So chaps, our mission, if you wish, is to have a little romp over there and have a go at getting rid of them. Sound good?" Sanderson shouldered his rifle and holstered his pistol, he grinned at the newbies "Lets go make some Drake Steak" Shyra Bracklewood: Shyra arrived at the stables to find a bunch of other people standing around "Chesters, get the carriage!" she yelled at the enigmatic butler, she turned back to the recruits with a stern expression "You want to adventure? You want to travel beyond Tyrrus? Well let me tell you, you'll die the second you step foot beyond the mountains. None of you are experienced enough! You don't even want to know what happened when I went to Hirokir! There were snakes the size of horses! Deadly caterpillars!" she gestured wildly to emphasise the point "So. In order to train you we have to wander around Tyrrus for a bit. Firstly we're going to head over to the Darklight Caverns, heard of them? Probably not. They're the only route we have between Tyrrus and the savage lands of Hirokir. Personally I don't think you're up the the task of even getting there, but Sanderson has faith. Probably misguided faith. Nevetheless, get in the carriage"