Search Results

  1. Relatively Sane
    Is that...
    The Xanahammah???
    This was a pretty good find. Unfortunately Ransak suspected the weapon would be rather well protected, he was sure there was some kind of alarm on the case. But this was The Xanahammah. Broken, yes, but still a legendary weapon! If Ransak could get his hands on that, just imagine how much money he could make! The Shards would probably pay him a fortune for possession of the legendary weapon of Xanatos Reaver! He had to make a decision quick, before that group outside got onto the ship. Could he somehow use the hammer's inherent electrical properties to short out the alarms? No, probably not. That was a stupid idea. Ransak rubbed his hands together deviously and carefully gripped the lid. Carefully... carefully... GRAB THE HAMMER AND RUN. Ran sincerely hoped he hadn't set off some kind of alarm, as he bolted for the door...

    Timothy followed his mistress, as he was wont to do "Apologies of my outburst, Ms Kala" he stated casually, easily catching up with her, as he activated his "At your side" subroutine. "After accessing my database I would reccomend that we join one side of this conflict. Perhaps there is space for us within the Shards of Hope?"

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    "Yes, Ms Spooks was it? I do believe you are 100% correct" Ashleigh stated "The best solution would be resolve this without fighting. The art of warfare is to break their will instead! Break them down! Make their soldiers flee! Destroy them from the inside and take them over without dispute! No casualties, yet irrefutable victory!" as she said this she began to realise this was perhaps not what the woman had meant "Unless, perhaps, you had a different idea?"

    Anthem had tried his best but in the end been unable to corner the Huntress. He was knocked down and injured from the onslaught. They had taken Sky Tower, but lost one of their greatest assets, and killed none of the main members of the Shards. All in all this was quite a Pyrric victory. Mistress would not be pleased.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Relatively Sane
    "Darling, you shall make a beautiful princess. Now I'm afraid I must go, but I'll speak to you tomorrow morning, is that okay?"

    Tiiiiiiime Skiiiiiip

    Archon, after getting a good night's sleep, returned to Annabelle's chamber "Oh Anna dear? I have something very special planned for today" he entered the room, smiling with an imitation of kindness "Today I would like us to formally greet the people, and introduce you as my daughter, how does that sound? Of course, first we're going to have to find some proper clothes to replace those ugly rags..."
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 6, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Relatively Sane
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Shing. Shing. Sharpening her knives with intent Willow waited. She counted her knives again, all present and correct. She recalled earlier when she'd returned to Sanctuary, just to find a whole group of her kin slaughtered like animals. Witchers. She should have taken the chance to murder them all a long time ago. The witcher who'd killed the others would die, slowly and painfully. No clean death for them, they didn't deserve such mercy. Slowly she looked down from her vantage point at the slow bustle of Sanctuary. Just like her, they were preparing.

    As the sun rose above Oxenfurt there could be seen a dark tall figure standing still. He stared down at the ground. A day ago there had been a portal here, and Vyle had left her here. If he hadn't left... Vyle sunk to his knees and held his head in his hands "AAAAGGHHH!" He shrieked. If he had been here... if he hadn't been so selfish... NO! He had to find her. He suddenly went invisible. He could not, unfortunately, do this alone. He had to find that witcher.

    At Raymond's farm a small cloaked figure shuffled along slowly. The forlorn figure approached the witcher known as Veera, and gazed up with bright blue eyes, contrasting against that pale skin. The child was once called Alisa. Now she was just another of Solomon's minions. She thrust out a letter to the witcher woman, the letter went as follows:

    To Veera of Velen
    The great Solomon will assist you in your battle against the evil dopplers
    And worry not, he will bring an army.
    Ta ta for now! ; )

    P.S: If you do wish to speak to me more you can find me in the old orphanage on Guildenstern Street. Hope to see you soon! : )
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Relatively Sane
    Masque was shocked as an arrow glanced off his arm. Seriously, who even uses arrows anymore. He could not see the assailant though "Bow and arrow, such an outdated technique" He muttered critically. Straightening his tie he decided escape was the best option right now, people were crowding around his masterpiece, just as intended. True art had to send a message, true art had to inspire strong emotions, terror and fear were his favorites. There was nothing quite like the panic and melodrama caused by a horrific death. Masque clicked his fingers and suddenly his body and clothes became almost transparent as he melted into the shadows. He suddenly sprinted off the roof and clambered over the rooftops with elegance, with spins and flourishes for added extravagance, even though nobody could see him. It was as if he were performing some kind of dance routine around the buildings of downtown New York. Eventually he reached a small alley which he pranced into. Stopping by an unimpressive door Masque reached into his pocket to try and grab some keys. There was some scrabbling, to his great agitation they weren't in that pocket. They weren't in the other pockets either. Masque scowled and muttered with irritation "This is most quotidian, this is unacceptable!" he reached into the pockets on the satchel, and that's when he noticed that the bottom of the satchel was stained with blood "Hisss... Bad. GAH!" He stamped his foot with great irritation and dropped the satchel. He gripped onto his hair and pulled, letting out an ear-splitting scream of frustration as he did "uuuuuuUUUUUGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!". Silence for a moment. Masque counted to five, then let go, and picked up the satchel again "This... this is such a flawed situation" Finally he found his keys after some more rummaging and entered the hideout, locking it after he entered. It was dark inside, until he reached one room which had several spotlit pedestals in alcoves in the walls. Closer inspection revealed that the pedestals appeared to have faces and heads placed upon them. Gingerly he placed the head of Juniper Mistheart upon a pedestal "And here, my beauty, you shall remain forever"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Relatively Sane
    Giant Spider Battle

    Three level 2 enemies
    Total Exp: 180
    Split among 6
    30 Exp each

    Most damage dealt: Kara. +20 Exp

    2nd Most damage dealt: Lumen. +10 Exp

    Best Support: Alice. +20 Exp

    2nd Best Support: Tessa. +10 Exp

    Most damage Tanked: Conrad. +20 Exp

    2nd Most damage Tanked: Laurentinus. +10 Exp

    Killing Blow on Giant Spider #1: Conrad. +5 Exp

    Killing Blow on Giant Spider #2: Conrad. +5 Exp

    Killing Blow on Giant Spider #3: Kara. +5 Exp.


    Tessa: 40 Exp
    Lumen: 40 Exp
    Laurentinus: 40 Exp
    Alice: 50 Exp
    Kara: 55 Exp
    Conrad: 60 Exp

    Mission leader gets total average of Exp
    Shyra: 48 Exp
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 4, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Relatively Sane
    The creature attacked, but Malkira tanked it like a boss. "Hmm, I wonder what else I can do?" he questioned. "Sand magic, let's see what that does" sand began to swirl around Malkira as a weapon formed in his hand. "Aha! A spear! Exactly what I wanted!" He stated, as though he had the slightest bit of control over what this mysterious magic ended up doing. "DIE FOUL DEMON! No offense guys" he added, with the incubi in mind, as he chucked the sand spear at the strange being.
    Malkira used Sand Spear
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 2, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Relatively Sane
    Shyra Bracklewood:
    "It seems you're not all entirely useless" Shyra stated, before hesitantly adding "...good job" the words were strange coming from her, and she seemed to grimace as she said them "I mean, we could have used a little better strategy, but at least none of you died" she knelt by the dead spiders and analysed them, gathering reagents "Not sure what these are doing this far away from the caverns... nevertheless I suppose we should get going" she got back into the carriage "Come along then!"[DOUBLEPOST=1454449032][/DOUBLEPOST]DM Message for Darklight Disturbance:
    After travelling a bit further through the woods you eventually arrive at the small village of Ashten, the halfway point between Varewyn and the Darklight Caverns that you're slowly making your way towards. Ashten is a miniscule village with a small but cosy inn you'll be spending the night in. George goes to stable the carriage and leaves you by the front of the inn...

    Keith the Ashten Innkeeper:
    "Let me tell ya miss, it's not everyday we get such, eh, sophisticated guests" Keith the Innkeeper greeted, struggling with the long word. He escorted the lady from Varewyn and her friends into the inn, there wasn't much space, he didn't get many guests "And what can I get ye? Some wine for the ladies? Some beer for the gentlemen?" Honestly not many of these people looked like ladies or gentlemen, a couple of them looked like they probably came from the woods, but the woman in charge was clearly a wealthy city lady, and the innkeeper was looking forward to recieving plenty of coin. The moment he'd seen the coach roll up he was sure he was in for some good business
    "Soup" The woman stated bluntly "I will purchase soup for us all. If they want anything else they're going to have to pay for it themselves" This was disappointing to Keith. Soup was not a dish for the wealthy, and he wasn't sure he'd be able to extract much money from the lady if he was selling soup.
    "Oh but we do a bloody good meat pie, 'scuse my language miss" Keith desperately tried to sell his more expensive meals
    "Soup. And it's Lady Bracklewood to you" The woman was beginning to get hostile, the innkeeper at Ashten withered under that stare
    "Uh, eh, very well miss. And will you be buying rooms?
    "Yes, four" Lady Bracklewood stated. The man furrowed his brow for a moment. he wasn't good at maths but there appeared to be more than four people present
    "Um, I count seven guests..." He began, the woman sighed in such a disdainful manner
    "I'm not made of money! I'm sure the beds are big enough for two people each" she turned around to face the group "We'll be eating soup, drinking water, and each of you will have to share a bed. Any objections? Because if you want anything more you're paying for it!" Keith sincerely hoped the others were less miserly than the woman seemed to be.

    DM Message for Big Game Hunting:
    After a long walk you have eventually arrived at a small inn on the road North, Sanderson leads you inside...

    Gertrude the Northway Innkeeper:
    It was a boring day for Gertrude, barely any guests today, she supposed people weren't travelling much in this cold winter weather. This Wintersreign had been tough on Gertrude. Suddenly a group entered the inn, at first they looked ragged and poor, but on closer inspection she realised the man at the front appeared wealthy.

    "'Ello dearies! What can I do fer ya?" She beamed at the group
    "Six rooms if you would, and do you have pie?"
    "Oh we do indeed! Finest beef! Should I get the cooks to make six of 'em?"
    "Hold on a moment, let me ask my friends what they would like" the man turned to his friends "What would you like to eat? I'll buy everything, don't worry"

    DM Message for Mists of Fogwarden:
    After a long boat journey, and a coach journey, Kellan Sithwyr eventually leads you to the small village of Whitebridge. Whitebridge is a farming village close to the large city-state Eredan, the most influential city-state in Tyrrus...

    Geoffrey the Whitebridge Innkeeper:
    Geoffrey's day worsened considerably the moment Kellan Sithwyr entered the inn. Luckily he was followed by others, who would likely be actually bringing money
    "Kellan! 'Aven't ay told ye, ye got ta pay ta stay 'ere! Who're yer friends?"
    "Hey Geoff, uh, I have money this time... well... these guys have money... I think" Kellan turned to the others with a desperate look "Uh, you wouldn't mind paying for the rooms... and the food... and the drinks... would you?" This was directed to the youthful man behind him, who rolled his eyes and smiled smugly
    "I guess, I haven't got much though. What can we get for cheap?"
    "Geoff does a pretty good broth, goes down well with some bread" Kellan advised
    "Aye, dinnae ask what's en it tho" Geoff added "Et's some kinda meat"
    "I guess we'll go with that. We'd like seven rooms please, and seven rounds of broth and bread, unless any of you are willing to chip in and get something better?" the swordy man turned to his friends with this question.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 2, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Relatively Sane
    Did that guy just chuck your friend at you?
    I don't know what to say...
    Uh, I think I'm getting uh interferance on this end, listen *chsssshhh* I'm gonna have to go, good luck! *chsssshhh*

    Spider #2 silently cursed the commanding voice that had got it into this mess, as #1 was lobbed at him. He tried to scuttle away desperately...

    Strength roll for Conrad... 19. Critical Success

    ...But his little legs were not quick enough, and the other giant spider landed on top of him with an audible crunch. All the spiders were now dead.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 1, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Relatively Sane

    Kara attacked Giant Spider 3 with her shortsword
    Giant Spider 3 failed to dodge, it took 28 damage and was killed by Kara
    Kara took 5 damage from poison

    Tessa cast Stoneskin on Conrad
    Conrad gained +15% armour
    Vitality tulip restored 6 health to everyone nearby

    Laurentinus moved and used Shield Bash on Giant Spider 1
    Giant Spider 1 failed to dodge, Ren did 5 damage and successfully knocked down the spider

    Alice used River of Life on Conrad
    She restored 21 health to him

    Lumen cast Arcane Channel on Giant Spider 2 for 4 ticks
    Giant Spider 2 dodged one of the blasts, the other three hit, dealing 26 damage

    Shyra used Gale on Giant Spider 1, casting it for 3 ticks
    Giant Spider 1 took 27 damage and was knocked out

    Damnit, these guys are pretty good. Retreat! Retreat!
    The voice commanded the spiders again. The last giant spider shrieked in dispair as his comrades were defeated. He had fond memories of eating flies with his friends, going on long skitters through the westwood and gazing at the sunset. #2 cried a single solitary tear for #3, then began to scurry away as fast as his eight legs would carry him.

    Spider #3 is dead
    Spider #1 is unconscious
    Spider #2 is fleeing

    What will you do?

    (By the way, combat phase has ended, it's back to normal RP stuff)
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 31, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Relatively Sane
    Archon smiled understandingly "But you have something she does not, you are one of us, the superior race" he stated "But you do make a good point... here, let me show you something" Archon pointed at his face, it was a pretty normal face all things considered. Suddenly he waved his hand across it and the glamour was lifted, he revealed horrific burns covering parts of his face, and blood red eyes "We can use magic to cover up the worst parts of our appearance. When we need to go out and show ourselves to the people, I can always cover up those ugly scars, without them you'd be beautiful" he complimented, and re-applied the glamour to cover up the burns.

    As the chaos and horror filled the orphanage, Solomon wandered the building, his footsteps silent, his eerie melody harmonising with the screams and sounds of death. "There is a kind of... purity... in death" Solomon pondered "In one's final moments we see who they truly are, when one knows they will die they hold nothing back. It is the one time we do see a person's unbridled self. In life we all wear masks, we pretend to be things we aren't. But when our soul is moments from escaping, we lose all sense of self-consciousness" Solomon continued to wander the halls ans circled the pile of dead bodies. He was the puppetmaster here, every act the undead did, every horrible murder, was Solomon's wishes "Death comes for us all, why are you all so surprised? Death, it's the one thing we all know will happen yet none of us prepare, and by the time death does come... it's too late" a scream echoed around the building as he said this. Slowly he took out the locket and stared at the picture of his former partner "We weren't prepared, my love, we weren't. But now I am. When death comes for me, I will smile, I will greet it as a familiar friend whom I'm well acquainted with, our paths have crossed many times. But, I will not let it take me" Abruptly Solomon turned. Fourteen. Fourteen souls. They called out to him, they were unprepared for death, they were scared. Solomon held up the locket, dark tendrils came out of it and reached towards the pile of bodies. There was an audible tearing sound as the tendrils grasped the souls of the dead and ripped them from their bodies. The souls struggled against the clasp of Solomon's dark energy, but in the end it was futile as they were each pulled into the locket. Solomon closed the locket and returned it to its position amongst his robes. Waving a hand, the bodies of the orphans began to shift, one by one they stood and gazed at him with forlorn eyes. Fresh bodies. The freshest were always the best, the rotting corpses he'd summoned from underground served a purpose, but they were weak. These undead children though would prove a mightier army. Another wave of a hand and the skeletons he'd used to slaughter the children conjoined together to create a throne of bones. "It begins"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 31, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Relatively Sane
    Solomon burst out laughing "HA! That's rich! You.. you" he panted with laughter "You think you can scare me? HA!" He suddenly stopped laughing and looked at the children with a grim smile "I AM FEAR" The lights in the room were suddenly extinguished and the room seemed to lurch and creak. Floorboards bent, windows smashed and the wind howled like a banshee. A skeletal hand burst from the wooden floor and gripped onto the girl's leg, more creatures rose up, barely human abominations of bone and rotting flesh which crawled across the floor and walls. The grotesque creations surrounded the children, and several entered the rooms of the still sleeping orphans. "There is no point in resisting, death is inevitable" Solomon's voice was deep and echoing "Accept your fates and give up your souls to me" in the darkness Solomon's eyes glowed with intense hatred. He hummed a tune, deep and eerie melody, as the slaughter begun.

    "Hmm, I suppose it's a start" Suddenly there was a change in the demeanor of Archon "Sorry for questioning you like a common prisoner. My name is King Archon Dragoncrest, you can just call me Archon" he should treat this child nicely, he supposed, if they were going to be his heir "There's no point keeping you in the dark, I will explain why you're here" he sat down awkwardly on one of the chairs, it was far too small so the tall man was slightly hunched "In simple terms, I need an heir, and this is not entirely simple. You see, I'm like you, I'm a mage, and nobody outside this palace knows. Obviously mages can't reproduce like humans. I needed a child mage to act as my child, and to take over my kingdom when I'm gone. Can you take on this responsibility Anna? Will you be my pretty little princess?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 30, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Relatively Sane
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Solomon laughed as one of the mages portalled away. Coward. "Well this was fun but now it's getting boring. Ooh is this an orphanage?" Solomon pointed to the adjacent building, noting the sign "he he he, ta ta for now!" Solomon shifted back into the shadows and as he left so did the undead and the shadowy illusions. Slowly the necromancer approached the door of the building and opened the door with a creak. With slow footsteps he entered and looked around. "Helooo little kiddies!" he hissed "Your mistress has abandoned you, but don't worry, Mr Solomon will take care of you!" he chuckled slightly as he wandered the building.

    Curses! Damn and blast it! Portals were just too convenient! If she'd just been slightly quicker... Oh well it couldn't be changed now. The moment Willow lost her chance to assassinate Terra in that alley she fled. Jumping across rooftops she eventually arrived at a secluded area where she could calm down and rethink her plans. Terra could be anywhere, but a bleeding woman showing up out of nowhere tended to cause a bit of commotion and intrigue so she had hope yet. She would return to Sanctuary, and wait. Soon enough, news of the mage's whereabouts would reach her ears. She would not give up this easily.
    "Miss Fisher, it is courteous to bow to your king" Archon intoned "How good is your magic? What can you do? What skills do you have?" he interrogated her with an intimidating voice. Archon was not good with children.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 30, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Relatively Sane
    "Crimes? What crimes? All I've ever done has been for art and beauty! How is that criminal?" Masque scoffed as he looked the woman up and down "Beautiful, perhaps. Determined. Yet as long as you stick to those silly ideals you will forever be imperfect. And that just won't do" Masque retorted casually. Suddenly he noticed another nephilim approaching from the side. Time to act. The dead body weighing him down, Masque was not quite as maneuverable as he should have been, so although he tried to dodge the stele glanced off his side "You, girl, have a very crude and cliched definition of madness. I disapprove" With that he waved a hand and confetting and blinding lights erupted at Brianne and Roxanne, temporarily dazzling them. Stealthily he slipped amongst the crowd, using his illusionary magic to hide but he hardly needed to, amid the chaos he was difficult to see anyway. Masque found his way to the back door of the club and slipped outside. Hefting the dead fairy's body, he climbed up a ladder and found refuge on the club's roof. "Oh I am sorry, dear. You're too heavy, I cannot carry all of you. Worry not, I have a solution, there's only one part I need to keep" Slowly and carefully he took out the dagger from his coat, and as he begun his work blood splattered across the roof. When he was done, he placed the part of the fairy he liked in a satchel, and stared with interest at the rest of her on the rooftop. He could work with this.

    A few moments later the lifeless, decapitated body of the fairy dangled from a rope at the front of the club. Art.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 29, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Relatively Sane

    Kara struck Giant Spider 3 with her shortsword, then used Arcane Bolt on it.[​IMG] [​IMG]
    Giant Spider 3 failed to dodge the shortsword. Giant Spider 3 failed to dodge Arcane Bolt
    Kara dealt 34 damage with her shortsword
    Kara dealt 15 damage with Arcane Bolt
    Kara took 5 damage from poison

    Tessa cast Vitality Tulip
    Vitality Tulip restored 8 health to everyone nearby

    Conrad moved, punched Giant Spider 2 and entered defensive stance
    It failed to dodge because it's a scrub
    Conrad dealt 9 damage to the spider

    Laurentinus moved and hit Giant Spider 3 with his broadsword
    Giant Spider 3 dodged

    Alice used Stoneskin on Kara, she gained 15% armour. She used Spout of Health on Kara.
    Kara was healed for 15, so she's now at full. Take that spiders.

    Shyra Bracklewood
    Shyra, with a disgusted expression, pulled herself out of the webs "Let me show you how it's done" stepping backwards she summoned a ball of fire in her hands, raised her hands into the air, and lobbed the fireball at the spider who had webbed her

    Shyra used Kindle on Giant Spider 1, and moved back by 1 space.
    Giant Spider 1 failed to dodge.
    Shyra dealt 42 damage to Giant Spider 1. Giant Spider 1 was set on fire

    Oh geez, you actually hurt that chick a bit. Okay when I said "Kill" I didn't necessarily mean "Kill" just, like, make them run away. I should have clarified sorry
    The Spiders followed their master's orders and continued to scuttle after the adventurers, despite their injuries, and the fact that one of them was on fire.

    Giant Spider 1 crawled 1 space down, attacked Conrad, then bit him
    Conrad failed to parry the first attack
    It dealt 16 damage, but with armour this was reduced to 13
    Conrad failed to parry the second attack
    It dealt 18 damage, but with armour this was reduced to 15
    Giant Spider 1 took 2 damage from burning

    Giant Spider 2 attacked Conrad twice
    Conrad parried both attacks

    Giant Spider 3 attacked Laurentinus, then bit him
    Ren blocked the first attack
    Ren failed to dodge the second attack
    Giant Spider 3 dealt 11 damage to Ren. With armour this was reduced to 8

    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 28, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Relatively Sane
    "Um... thank you?" Galadorn responded, he didn't think he was a god. City people were weird "Giddy up" he told her "And hang on tight" He secured the 3D gear onto himself and began to gallop across the wall. Soon enough they came across a titan, an enormous behemoth of a figure that lurched below them, staring up hungrily. Without a word Galadorn leaped off the wall and dove down the side of the great structure. As he accelerated he shot out a grappel to a nearby part of the wall and with the extreme momentum he had gained, swung suddenly around. As he passed by the titan he slashed with the end of his polearm and cut viciously across the creature's face. Releasing the grappel, he landed on the beast's shoulder, his hoofs skittering for grip on the titan. As the beast grabbed for him he swung around the creature's head as he passed sliced into the creature's neck "Let's kill this monster"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 28, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Relatively Sane
    Bramwell looked at the girl quizzically "Why would I hurt you?" he smiled in a friendly way, she was obviously used to much worse treatment. Travelling through several corridors he eventually arrived at the nursery "Sorry it's in such a bad state" he gestured in disdain at the dusty room "Erm... I guess you can stay here for a bit. Archon, I mean, King Dragoncrest, might pop over in a bit. I'll just go talk to him" With that, Bramwell left the room and walked briskly with his cane to the council chamber.

    "You brought who into the palace?!" Archon exclaimed surprised
    "Her name is Annabelle Fisher, my King. She is a child mage. I thought you might need her"
    "Hmmm" It was true Archon had been seeking a child mage as an heir "I would have preferred a male... but nevertheless, she'll do. I will go to the nursery in a moment. Before I do, any other news?" he asked the assembled mages
    Evelynn began to speak
    "Nothing much, My King but-"
    "Witch Hunters" Violet, the heavily armoured female warrior who was one of the strongest mages in the Order, rudely interrupted
    "Care to elaborate?" Archon asked, Violet was always difficult to talk to
    "On the streets of Novigrad, they've been causing disturbances, burning mages. They appear to have a lot of support from the population"
    "Of course they do. The common people hate and fear what they do not understand, what is different from them, what is better than them. This threat will have to be dealt with, in time. One thing we must avoid is making martyrs" A few more political and economical issues were brought up, but nothing important. On his way to the nursery he stopped by the dungeons. Descending into the dungeons he stopped by a door "Anaxagoras. How is the prisoner doing?" in the shadows one pure white eye glowed and glowered at Archon. The jailor was an enigmatic figure who was unlike the other mages. Anaxagoras preferred the darkness and was simply excellent at torture, although he was incredibly dangerous to be around. Archon deliberately looked away from the glowering eye, the last thing he wanted to do was threaten the creature.
    "Zavarius?" Came the gruff rumbling voice from the shadows "He has been... disciplined"
    "Good" for a moment he stood awkwardly "Very well. I will return in the near future"

    Archon tried to look less intimidating as he stood at the door to the nursery. How was he supposed to treat children? "Greetings. Annabelle, correct?" he leaned down to face her "I would like you to tell me about yourself, about your life. Just out of curiosity"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 28, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Relatively Sane
    Ah, Oxenfurt. An absolute shithole. The moon glowed overhead, the air was filled with chimney smoke and the stench of sewage and waste. And somewhere amongst this filth was Solomon. "Be right back, grabbing a snack" he quipped to Teliana, before going invisible and fluttering off into the night. He was hungry. Thirsty. There was only one thing that could sate this hunger. There was a prison nearby, Vyle had visited several times before. Fluttering into the darkness Vyle crept into the prison and arrived at the first cell. "I am terribly sorry" he apologised politely to the man in the cell, before going for the jugular. The man didn't even cry out, he was dead before he could act. The red liquid sprayed out over the walls as the man's neck was pierced. The blood was sweet, it had been far too long since he'd fed. Dropping the body he felt refreshed, and exited the cell. Halfway on his way back to Teliana he stopped. She could not see him like this. Gazing at his reflection in a window he sighed, he was disgusting. His elegant clothes covered in blood, his face and mouth showing a dark reminder of his activities. He could not let her see him like this, his only choice was to wash in the river of filth. Sigh. Being a vampire sucks. No pun intended.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 28, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Relatively Sane
    Galadorn slowly turned his head to face the girl (Kala) with a quizzical expression. "...You do understand I am a person, right? I'm not an animal" Galadorn stated sternly "Yet... I suppose I cannot stop you... just mind the mane" With that he turned back to the princess. When he heard the fate of the king he was saddened. Galadorn had lived through the lives of many kings and queens, it was always a sad time when they inevitably died. "I am sorry to hear that news, I am forever at your service, my Queen" Galadorn bowed.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 27, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Relatively Sane
    Ransak felt like he had some time before he was in any real danger. Hesitantly he opened one of the other doors the rod was pointing to. This was apparently not as valuable as the crystal, but it never hurt to have more than you needed.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    "That music... beautiful" Asleigh stated in wonder as she felt her will to fight drain. The melody of Tranquility rolled around the landscape, a harmony that generally created a clam ambiance, most of the gathered people were pacified.
    But Timothy was not people. With a shove Timothy knocked Ashleigh off the horse Symphony, then returned to Kala "Ms Kala, I desperately recommend we leave!" It stated anxiously, yet polite as ever "It is not safe here! But where is safe? Oh I don't know!"
    With an indignant expression Ashleigh sat up from the dirt she'd been shoved into. Symphony was just standing there, nibbling on a tuft of grass. Stupid animal. Standing and casually brushing dirt off her suit, she regained her composure "Fall back" she commanded calmly "Get into the airship, there's no point sticking around" it may have been the music suppressing her will to fight, but whatever the case she didn't want to end up like that poor guard.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 27, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Relatively Sane
    Shyra Bracklewood
    "That's the oldest trick in the book, how did I miss them?" Shyra exclaimed as she stepped away from the carriage and drew her staff "I don't think these guys are going down without a fight!"

    My arachnid servants. Kill the interlopers
    The spiders heard a voice, loud and clear, echoing through their minds. They had no choice but to obey. The Spider at the back shot a sticky ball of web straight at Shyra, then skittered in closer on thin legs.
    "Gah!" Shyra exclaimed as the web hit her and stuck her to the ground "Kill them!"
    The second spider came at Conrad and slashed with its sharp legs, before retreating again.
    The third spider crawled menacingly around the group, closing them in. It suddenly lunged at Kara, mandibles dripping with poison

    Spider 1 used Web Shot on Shyra, then moved down 1 (total 9 AP used)
    Spider 2 moved down 1, attacked Conrad with Slash, then went up 1. (total 8 AP used)
    Spider 3 moved down-right by 2, down 2, then used Poison Mandibles on Kara (total 9 AP used)

    Shyra failed to dodge, she is snared and disrupted by 2 for the next turn
    Conrad successfully parried the attack.
    Kara failed to dodge. The spider dealt 10 damage and successfully poisoned Kara. Wow you have really bad luck.


    So this is how you should structure battle posts. Have a little description if you want, then have a look at your abilities list and stuff (paying attention to how much AP you have, total available AP should show up at the top of the actions list). You can move in six directions (up, up-right, down-right, down, down-left, up-left).

    The character sheets where you can find your action lists are here:
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 26, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home