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  1. Relatively Sane
    Nick gratefully took the man's hand "Nicholas Nightwine. You can call me Nick" He stated, he hung onto the man's hang for a bit longer than normal, indecisively, then let go abruptly and turned on his heel, heading around the institute. He could hear sounds of battle coming from the training room, and knocked lightly on the door "Uh, Brianne, some guy claiming to be your brother's here"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 27, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Relatively Sane
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    At first the revenants did not react to Bryce's sudden change of heart, they were confused. "How terrible" Solomon murmured inaudibly from the shadows. He watched the affair distantly, accompanied by a pair of bloated bodies he'd found in the river. "I suppose we should kill him. He'll make a nice addition. Ahhh, I feel his soul calling out, a spiteful soul, seeking vengeance" he was about to wave his hands to get the undead to rip Bryce to shred, when suddenly a head rolled towards him, Grabbing it by the hair he pulled it up to his own face. It was the witcher from before. Solomon cackled with laughter, and poked the kid in the face. Dark magic enveloped the boy's head. "Then again, who am I to deny someone their vengeance? Bryce has been a very bad boy... wakey wakey little witcher" Solomon poked Aaron's face again. The boy's eyes opened. They glowed blue.

    Meanwhile the revenants fought against Bryce, he hacked at them but the horde was unending. Eventually they wrested the sword from his grip, and grabbed his arms, pulling him on both sides, at the mercy of his enemies

    Vyle watched as Bryce came in, and his eyes filled with rage. This was the man who was the cause of all this, this was the man who sold Ana. He deserved no mercy. Veera ran forwards but was stopped by undead, Vyle ignored the other witchers and leaped over, he found the man he was after unarmed and at his mercy. Swiftly he gripped Bryce by the neck and leaped away. They landed in an alley without any dopplers in it, or undead, or anyone. Vyle smashed Bryce to the ground and took out his knives. But he did not kill the man, not yet "All I want to know, is why?!" he hissed "Why did you start this brutal massacre? Why did you stab that girl in the alley? Why did you sell Ana?"

    The handcuffs being thrown at her were merely a minor inconvenience, Willow went onwards like a wild dog, she slashed once at the boy's arm, and was raising her sword to stab him, killing him, when she heard something outside. That was Bryce's voice, he seemed panicked. Without thinking, loyalty to Bryce, the doppler's saviour, overrid her own vicious desires, and she leaped out the window to her master's aid. She arrived just in time to see him taken away by... some sort of guy who could jump really far... the area was surrounded by dopplers and pale figures with glowing blue eyes, not mention the witchers who cut swathes through both groups. It was a medley of confusion. Time to activate the plan. Nodding to some of the dopplers that she knew were in on the plan, they began to change. Amongst the crowd, five new Bryces appeared. The Bryces approached the witchers "You cannot destroy the dopplers, we are everywhere. We can be anyone. Which of us is truly Bryce? Bryce is in the heart of every doppler, every doppler has a desire for vengeance against humankind. Bryce is not a man, Bryce is a symbol. You cannot kill the messiah"

    "No. It was not Yana. It was worse" Archon sat down beside her, uncomfortable in such an informal situation "The people who sent that were Witch Hunters. The worst kind of people. They believe that we, mages, are inferior, they are horrible people, they do atrocious things to our kind" Archon leaned in closer "Do you know the castle of Crow's Perch? They've taken it as their own. Now, most kings would send in another army to take it back, but my preferred battlefield is the mind" he tapped his head "If we send an army after them and take it back, we're only asking for rebellion. What we do instead, is get the people on our side. Witch hunters rely on the spitefulness and prejudice of humans, if we bring the minds of the people against them, they will surely fail. Do you understand? It's a much more peaceful option"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 27, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Relatively Sane
    Darklight Disturbance

    Darklight Caverns, Cave Entrance:

    Laurentinus attacked Darkweaver 2 with his broadsword
    Darkweaver 2 failed to dodge
    Laurentinus dealt 22 damage

    Kara cast Arcane Bolt on Dark Hatchling
    Dark Hatchling
    failed to dodge
    Kara dealt 12 damage, the Dark Hatchling is defeated

    "Tressspasssersss" The dark spiders hissed. The intruders had to be destroyed, for the Webber Prince. The dark shadows released their death grip on Kara and slid across the floor, the dark tendrils of black silk instead grasping Laurentinus's feet and holding them to the ground. The most injured spider howled at the loss of its hatchling and turned on the thief girl with a vengeance. With a swipe of its limbs the creature summoned a swathe of dark spines which shot out towards Kara. When this failed, its ally grabbed Kara with a dark web and brought her closer to the first spider, who then bit her with its pincers. meanwhile the second darkweaver attacked Laurentinus, but once again failed to poison the former guardsman. It was beginning to seem pointless for the spiders, but they couldn't just give up.

    The Darkweavers activate their passive: Dark Weave. Laurentinus is ensnared and cannot move from his location.

    Darkweaver 1 used Dark Spines (5 AP)
    Kara successfully dodged

    Darkweaver 2 used Dark Web (5 AP) and brought Kara towards it by two spaces

    Darkweaver 1 attacked Kara (4 AP)
    Kara failed to dodge
    Darkweaver 1 dealt 13 damage but did not apply dark poison

    Darkweaver 1 walked backwards (1 AP)

    Darkweaver 2 attacked Laurentinus (4 AP)
    Laurentinus failed to block
    Darkweaver 2 did 19 damage (reduced to 15 by armour) and failed to apply poison
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 27, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Relatively Sane
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Requiem emitted a low-pitched note of submission and waved his hand, letting the others go. His mission had been to assist Veera and bring her back to Ashleigh, he wasn't supposed to capture anyone, and honestly he was far too exhausted to right now. It was at that point that Anthem finally arrived, a bit late. He took one look at the state of Requiem and emitted a note of sadness, the two musical soldiers exchanged a series of low pitched notes, then Anthem took Requiem off Veer and supported his brother-in-arms's weight. He gestured for Veera to follow, and they began to head towards Sky Tower. Anthem slowly removed Requiem's helmet to assess the damage, beneath that cold metal helm, was what seemed like an ordinary person. Requiem had black hair and chiselled features that would have been handsome, if they weren't currently bruised and cut from the many punches he recieved.

    Ashleigh smiled
    "Anything? Good. This conflict is destroying Arkan, I'm sure you can agree with me on that, any route to peace would be a good one, no?" Ashleigh joined Ms Spooks gazing out over the battlefield "We have won today, but lost many troops, Shards casualties will have been high. If we don't end this war soon, we may be the only ones left"

    Timothy nodded to his former enemies, grateful for their generosity "I cannot feel warmth, Ms Kala" he stated in response "I always feel cold. But don't worry, I'm going to get you somewhere inside, by a warm fire, and I'll make some more clothes for you" Timothy, despite his excellent chauffeur skills, had no idea where the Shards main base was, he turned to the man with the gun "Excuse me, good sir, have you any idea where we can join up with the Shards of Hope?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 27, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Relatively Sane
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Rayyad noted Conrad's thoughts and realised the man was right, although he doubted even Conrad could hold up the metal gate "Nah, you don't have to, I can always summons a wall of stone to hold up the gate" Rayyad pointed his staff and, after some concentration, a wall of earth erected itself in between the portcullis and the ground. "There we go!" he smiled, proudly. He moved over to the statue and took out the gem, wincing in anticipation. As expected the portcullis fell, but was stopped by the stone. Rayyad smirked, as though it was fine all along.

    Tessa has come across a smaller statue, a red gem lies on the floor near it. Attached to the statue is a stone case.

    Sanderson chuckled as Bryce awoke and smiled a response to the look that Aedan gave him, a smile that said "Just go with it" "nonsense, we cannot dirty the hands of a citrus god" Sanderson gently helped Bryce up "I appreciate your devotion, old sport, but we should get moving, can you walk suitably well?" he asked the man with care, as he supported him. He glanced at Aedan again, a look that said "he probably still needs to recover from the knock to the head" "Thank you, Oh Lord of Dragonfruits, for the healing efforts. Nevertheless, we should continue!"

    They continued through the Everwood for a while, it was mostly uneventful. Sanderson took a couple of stops to hunt and fed the group with deer and rabbit, which he could cook very well, Eventually, as dusk settled, the town of Fordington could be seen. Fordington was a large town made mostly of wood and sometimes stone. It was the northernmost town in Tyrrus, a fact that was evident from the biting cold of the area. Nevertheless, the city glows with a warm, welcoming, light from fireplaces and candles "Our destination, Fordington. A jolly good city, under the protection of the Free City of Haven, but due to, ahem, recent events in Haven, they are unable to help with the Drake issue, thus we are here" Sanderson referred to the undead invasion of Haven that had only happened about a year ago, the invasion had left most of the city crippled and unable to help its far-reaching towns and villages, they had enough difficulty recovering.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 26, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Relatively Sane
    "Uh, no you are in the right place" Nick stated, he still wasn't sure who this guy was supposed to be, he looked like Mr Perfect. nick couldn't deny the man was attractive, but he seemed so smug and superior, he acted like he owned the place. "Please don't mention artistry, not with Masque around" Nick shuddered. Suddenly he felt the man's eyes on him... he murmured something about how the building was beautiful, but after that gaze... was this guy flirting with him? No, that was stupid. Nick shook his head, what would this high-ranking handsome man want with him? "Brianne? She's, uh, somewhere around here... sorry it's just things have been a bit hectic, you probably know about the whole cup thing, one of our shadowhunters was attacked by downworlders, and there was that issue with the demon, not to mention the warlock Masque killed a fairy and took her head and... sorry I'm rambling. She's probably somewhere this way"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 26, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Relatively Sane
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The three witchers were surrounded by undead and dopplers, all out for their blood. The battle looked hopeless, the swarm was unending. Derrick was injured, and the other two were slowly getting there. Was there any hope? Who would save them? There was a hero that they deserved, and needed right now. They needed someone who was vengeance! They needed someone who was the night! They needed batman Vyle!

    Vyle had decided the dopplers were too fanatical to give up their messiah, so turned back to find the witchers, and why he did he found a desperate situation. Wasting no time, Vyle spun, flinging knives hidden in his cloak out at the undead. The zombies could not feel pain, and lumbered towards him unhindered. Swifly, Vyle stabbed and slashed, keeping the creatures at bay, and aiming to remove their limbs. Leaping up, Vyle swooped down and landed amongst the witchers. He fought back the undead who plagued the witchers so

    "You looked like you could do with a hand" he calmly told the witchers. An undead with a sword tried to stab him, but Vyle dodged, took the sword, and used it to remove the revenant's head. Several hands grasped at him, and he hacked those off too. Vyle stared in disgust as the disembodied hands still clasped his clothing. "Oxenfurt is lost. The more dopplers and townspeople that die, the more there are for Solomon's army" he scowled as he mentioned the name, he was sure this was the necromancer's work and was not surprised.

    Just as Willow was about to slice she felt a sharp pain in her leg. damnit. She hadn't been quick enough, or careful enough. However, she did see the other mage's tackle coming a mile away. Deftly she dodged it, although this meant her grip on the woman was lost. She ignored the pain from her leg, and lunged towards the man, twin shortswords slashing.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Relatively Sane
    Name: Rayyad Khayrat
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Class: Shaman
    Weapon(s): Staff
    Armour: Robes
    Magic/incantations: Earth (Stone), Dark Shamanic Rituals
    Crafting: None
    Specialism: Mana
    Appearance: Rayyad is dark skinned and has red-blonde hair. His eyes are green. He is thin, but lithe and toned.
    Personality: Rayyad is often socially anxious and quite awkward, but eager to make friends, although he often goes about it in the wrong ways. Rayyad can often be unintentionally selfish, but will usually change his ways after this is pointed out to him, he simply doesn't understand other people very well and often needs guidance in this. Rayyad itches for adventure and exploration and hates to be cooped up in the same place too long. Though he was born and spent most of his life in the forest, he is eager to adopt civilisation and new technologies, he enjoys change.
    Origination: Hirokir
    Backstory: Rayyad was originally a simple tribesman of a Hirokir tribe, in training to become a shaman. Until one day the Gathered approached him, and told him he was the mystical "Webber Prince", inheritor to the ancient kingdom of Arak'Un. Thus, Rayyad was bound to the ancient city and forced to guard it.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Relatively Sane
    Darklight Disturbance

    Laurentinus Used Shield Bash on Darkweaver 2
    Darkweaver 2
    failed to dodge. Laurentinus dealt 7 damage and knocked down the Darkweaver

    Kara attacked Darkweaver 1 twice
    She dealt 22 damage in the first strike, and 18 in the second

    The Spiders reared up and hissed as they were attacked, but they would not go down so easily. The spiders waved their limbs and twisted the very fabric of the darkness, weaving it into webs. These webs of shadow twisted and meandered across the ground, and as they approached Kara, weaved upwards, grasping at her feet and holding her to the ground. The first Darkweaver hissed ans summoned a thread of dark web from the cavern ceiling, the thread grabbed Laurentinus and forcefully pulled the man back. While it did this, a pool of shade coagulated and erupted into a small spider, dripping with darkness. The other spider scuttled over to Laurentinus and bit him with a crushing bite, The mandibles could not pierce the armour to apply its dark venom though.

    Darkweavers activate their passive, Dark Weave. Kara is ensnared and cannot move from her location.

    Darkweaver 1 used Dark Web on Laurentinus, he is moved backwards by two spaces. (5 AP)
    It then summoned a Dark Hatchling (4 AP)
    and moved away from
    Laurentinus (1 AP)

    Darkweaver 2 got up (3 AP) and moved over to Laurentinus (2 AP)
    Darkweaver 2 attacked with dark mandibles. Laurentinus failed to block. Darkweaver 2 dealt 19 damage and failed to apply Dark Poison. It dealt 19 damage but after armour reduction this becomes 15.

    Rayyad blushed as Tessa held his hand, and wasn't sure how to respond. He instead focused on Conrad "Oh, uh, okay. Yeah that makes sense" Rayyad ceded, and began to lead them into the mines. It was dark down here, but Rayyad brought out a glowing crystal to lead the way. Occasionally they came across the odd spider, but they usually skittered away after a warning glance from Rayyad. Eventually, they arrived at a stone door "This is the furthest I've gotten" Rayyad stated, in the centre of the stone door was carved a grotesque arachnid face, with eight eyes with jewels inset. Two of the eyes were missing their jewels. "The ancients of Arak'Un used jewels for keys, for some reason, but I have no idea where the keys we need for this gate could be. Hmm" Rayyad glanced around the room, and noticed a sparkle in the side of the cave "Oh hey, that's convenient"

    The room layout:
    There is the big stone door with the two jewel-keys missing. To the side, there is a statue of a spider with a jewel in its mouth to the side, behind an open portcullis. There may be other things in the room in the shadows that you may wish to look at.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Relatively Sane
    Malkira was satisfied with the way he and his allies were fighting, they would surely destroy this creature soon. "Right, what else can I turn my hand into" he said, unimpressed with the club. Focusing, he managed to recreate a massive blade of metal in his right hand "That's more like it!" with that, he struck the demon

    Malkira used Iron Dragon Slayer's Sword
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Relatively Sane
    Nicholas was glad when they were let out of the room, he was getting really uncomfortable dealing with the strange woman. This is not what I signed up for. Finally though, they were lead to a bunk room and told to stay here, but Nick just wanted to sleep. Although he wasn't sure he'd be able to get any sleep if he tried, seeing a fellow shadow hunter like that, dying in a pool of his own blood... it really made everything seem real. Nick decided to wander around the institute, he couldn't stay in the same place, he was restless. Suddenly as he rounded a corner he came across a new face.
    "Oh... uh... hello" Nick blinked in surprise. The young man was very handsome "Uh... are you supposed to be here?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Relatively Sane
    Once Archon had organised things and the culling was ready to begin, he began to try to find his new daughter. Approaching her door, Archon was about to burst through but stopped. Some small hint of compassion compelled him to at least knock. Gently, he knocked on the door "Anna dear? It's me, Archon. Don't worry, it's safe" she had conjured up some kind of rock golem to protect her, the girl had initiative.

    Kyle walked the streets with purpose, he had been given the mission, and the decree had been made. Any citizen who hands in known dopplers or witch hunters will be rewarded. Guards patrolled the streets of Novigrad with this message, and people rushed to comply. Kyle walked accompanied by some guards, he wore red robes with the Redanian symbol emblazoned on the front, and carried his spear. One of the guards was wearing a witcher medallion, to detect the real or fake dopplers.
    "Bring out your dopplers!" cried one of the guards, soon enough people were surrounding, bringing forward people they claimed to be dopplers and pleading for the reward
    "'Ere you are" said a peasant "'e's a doppler"
    "I'm not a doppler!"
    "I'm not a doppler!"
    "He says he's not a doppler" Kyle stated, these people would do anything for money
    "Yes he is"
    "I'm not!"
    "He isn't? I can't take him like that, it's against regulations!"
    "I don't want to go on the cart!"
    "Oh don't be such a baby!"
    "I can't take him"
    "I feel fine!"
    "Oh, do us a favour, well when's your next round?"
    "I think I'll go for a walk"
    "You're not fooling anyone, you know" the peasant then turned to Kyle pleadingly "Isn't there something you can do?" Kyle considered this, and whacked the "doppler" over the head with his spear
    "We'll pretend he's a Witch Hunter" he said, as the guards dumped the unconscious body in the cart
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 24, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Relatively Sane
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Requiem stepped back and leaned slightly on Veera, he felt as though his legs were going to give out underneath him, but robot seemed to be halting his assault.

    Timothy was conflicted. These people were clearly enemies, but they weren't attacking anymore. And Kala had suddenly lost weight, and her clothes. Without a word Timothy walked over his mistress and picked up up, wrapped in her cloak. "You will let us go free? We intend to join the Shards of Hope" he stated.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 24, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Relatively Sane

    Darklight Disturbance
    A wild Darkweaver appeared!
    Well, two actually.
    Since they rolled well for initiative, Kara and Laurentinus get to go first.

    Big Game Hunting
    The group left the inn, Sanderson wheeling Bryce along in the wheelbarrow. They had left Eredanos at last and were now hiking through the Everwood, the mystical magical forest that spread around the Dragonclaw, the biggest mountain in Tyrrus. "Can you see that over there? The Dragonclaw, bloody massive mountain!" Sanderson chuckled "Went up there once, but we only got about halfway" Sanderson said with nostalgia. "Anyway chaps, our friend here could do with some healing, any of you know any medicine or healing?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 24, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Relatively Sane
    The spider on the back of Kara's neck squeaked slightly and fell off. It was only a small spider. Suddenly from the shadows approached two massive spiders with glowing red eyes. They hissed at the trespassers, and scuttled closer...
    Rayyad shifted awkwardly. "Uh, I guess if you think that's... better. Uh... I can always get rid of the spiders..." Rayyad gently shooed away a spider that was following him "Tessa, I don't want to stay behind, I'd never forgive myself if they got hurt down there... I guess we'll wait, I'm sure I can get them to like me" Rayyad smiled anxiously "So uh, what are they like? Where do they come from? Maybe I should take off the mask, it's a bit intimidating" Rayyad removed the mask to reveal a quite young face, around 19 years of age, with bright green eyes, dark skin, and red-blond hair.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Relatively Sane
    Galadorn was shocked by the reveal but didn't let it show. A succubus? Those creatures were evil he'd always been told. But looking at Kala he could see no hint of evil, all he saw was a girl with a burden she didn't want to carry. Galadorn edged in closer, his face close to hers. He stared into her glowing blue eyes with his own eyes of green, and he never released the embrace. Something was nagging at the back of his mind, was her succubus status affecting his feelings towards her? No, he refused to believe that, then why was he so enthralled by her? "...Kala... I... really like you" he stated slightly awkwardly, the answer to his query was obvious "You are like nobody I've ever met before. You're wild, untamed. When we first met you asked, without hesitation, to ride on my back" he smiled "and you're fun and you're independant..." he stated, it was all so true. "This issue... it's nothing. I don't care how you survive, all I see is the girl underneath who doesn't want this affliction. You're a succubus, so what? I'm the last centaur, I thought nobody would ever like me until you came along" he hugged her tightly "Never change who you are inside, because it's the best part"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Relatively Sane
    Solomon ignored Vec and focused on Veera "Oh there's no going back now. The die has been cast, the decision has been made. The moving finger has writ, and having written, moves on. Look upon your works, ye mighty, and despair!" Solomon gestured to his undead army. That was when Derrick charged him. As Derrick approached Solomon began to chuckle, when Derrick flung fire at him the laughter grew. He spread his arms openly, accepting the fire that whooshed towards him. As the heat embraced him he cackled with hysteria, the fire catching onto his robes and burning his flesh "HA! The pain!" he shrieked "It feels so good!" Solomon backed away, still on fire, his robes charring, his flesh boiling, and the gap was filled by undead who blocked the way. Turning on his heel, Solomon sprinted away, leaving his undead to deal with the witchers. He embraced the pain, it had been so long since he'd felt anything this intense other than the burning hatred that filled his soul. This was a momentary distraction. Solomon eventually reached the riverbank and stood for a moment, just letting the fire burn his skin, before leaping into the cold water. The flames were extinguished and the heat was replaced by icy cold, the contrast make his whole body feel like a thousand needles were pricking into his skin. Floating to the surface, Solomon lay there on his back. His hat floated close by, having fallen off. His robes were charred, his skin was charred. Without the hat, messy pitch black hair could be seen on his head, but his face was still obscured by the mask, the only visible features were a pair of piercing blue eyes and a manic smile. Solomon saw red trails through the water... his own blood? No... Solomon giggled as he noticed the bodies floating downriver. Paddling sideways, Solomon sidled up to a dead body "Ah, how I envy your escape. But I can't let myself die, the mission is too important" he told the body "What's the mission you ask? Don't be so nosy. Let's just say it involves gathering a lot of souls... like yours" Solomon stroked his hand over the body and a shadowy tendril emerged from the body, before it was absorbed by his locket. For a moment longer he cradled the body as they floated down river, this was one place without battle. It was peaceful. "Sometimes I worry... darling... am I insane?" he asked the corpse. Grasping its jaw he moved it up and down "'No Solomon darling! You're perfectly alright, it's the rest of the world who are mad, it's them who don't understand!'" Solomon pushed away the body "I don't like yes-men" he stated, crawling onto the riverbank and fishing out his hat. Solomon didn't feel the cold, he barely even felt the pain anymore. There by the riverbank Solomon pulled out his locket and stared at the picture within "They don't understand, how can I be mad? Everything I've done has been for love"

    Meanwhile, the undead had stopped fighting the dopplers and turned on the witchers. The dark army surrounded the three, their pale emotionless eyes staring without expression. As a unit, they struck, all at once. Some of them had picked weapons from the carnage, others simply clawed with cold hands which grasped at the witchers, trying to drag them down. Three undead witchers would make a wonderful addition to Solomon's army.

    "Well, I'll teach you a bit about Redanian history, maybe some manners and courtly elocution... Enter!" Archon called out before the messenger even knocked on the door. Filled with paranoia at the king's apparent omniscience, a messenger entered bearing a sack "And what is this?" he questioned.
    "A peasant came bearing this sack, says it's from Crow's Perch"
    "Ah, Crow's Perch, and how is Lord Ethilis doing?" he asked, as he gestured for the messenger to open the sack
    "It wasn't sent from Lord Ethilis, the peasant said a bald man with a burned scalp gave him this delivery" the messenger opened the sack and promptly turned away, almost retching on the floor
    "Oh dear. Hello Lord Ethilis" Archon greeted, as the mage's head was revealed "Annabelle, go back to your chamber, you don't need to see this" he gestured for a servant to take Annabelle back. "You too messenger. Go home" he snapped the messenger left hurriedly.

    Archon stood by the head, Ethilis appeared an old man, but was actually another mage, placed into power upon Archon's rise to the throne years ago. He placed a hand upon the decapitated head
    "Wake up Ethilis" Archon hissed disdainfully. There was movement, then suddenly the eyes fluttered open
    "My king! Archon! Oh you won't believe what just happened!" the old man's head blurted, his eyes were darting around, almost as if he was trying to notice something
    "Oh I'll believe anything. Speak" Archon commanded. Traces of magic could be seen flowing between his hand and the man's forehead
    "They came! They invaded! A whole bunch of them! Not sure who they were, they rallied the townspeople against me! I'm not sure how I got out alive!" the voice stated with apprehension. Archon was silent. "Uh... my king... where am I... why can't I feel my body?" Archon was silent, he stared at the head with cold, distant eyes. He was thinking. "Archon! What has happened? I couldn't have survived! They killed me! What have you done to me?!"
    "Silence" Archon commanded, as he took away his hand and the spark of life was gone, leaving the head once more motionless. He gazed out of the southern window. first Oxenfurt... now Crow's Perch... The people needed to be taught a lesson. Archon had gotten soft while thinking about his new heir. Time to bring in the discipline.

    Striding through the palace Archon found the council chamber. The only mage currently present was Kyle, good, he was one of the most loyal.
    "Kyle, Have you heard?"
    "What is wrong, my king?" the mage stood and bowed as he spoke, Archon waved a hand to signal that he could be seated
    "It doesn't matter. Round up every doppler you can find in the city and take them to the battlements. If you can find any witch hunters too, bring them. In fact, if you can find anybody who is rumoured to be working with witch hunters that's just as good. If you can't find any, just round up some peasants" He instructed the fire mage "Now, I'll get the servants to gather as much rope as they can"

    Up above the chaos, clambering along the rooftops, Willow peeked into windows. On several occasions she found humans hiding in their houses, and quickly killed them. Usually with a knife to the throat, sometimes with an arrow. Eventually Willow discovered a room on the top floor of an inn. Inside seemed to be two people, one of them severely injured, the other with handcuffs on. Dimeritium cuffs. That revealed the nature of the person. Stealthily and silently, Willow crept to the window, hanging off the ledge. Then she suddenly pounced, chucking a Dimeritium bomb into the room, Willow waited a second, then leaped in after the bomb had gone off. A whirlwind of blades, Willow spun into the room and grabbed the woman, holding a knife to her throat "For Bryce..."
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Relatively Sane
    As Kala fell Galadorn cried out and reached for her. While she didn't seem hurt, her hood had fallen and revealed her face... it was beautiful. He didn't understand why she was panicked. As she talked all Galadorn could think about were those beautiful glowing eyes, and he didn't understand why she seemed to be hesitant to reveal them. "Your eyes... they're beautiful. Why would anyone hate you? And you have nothing to be sorry about" he shifted himself off the bed "As you said, you can't control it, why are you apologising?" Galadorn didn't understand but he wanted to. He moved closer, kneeling down, and embraced her "If it's that much of a problem, you can have the bed. I can sleep anywhere
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Relatively Sane
    "I've never trusted someone this much before." Said Kala, Galadorn chuckled "Oh don't worry, neither have I" he smiled, then pondered the sleeping conundrum "Why don't we sleep in the same bed? It seems big enough" Galadorn's naive mind didn't understand the implications with this sentence. He began to take off his armour, he didn't really need it here, and left it on the floor. He then flopped onto the bed, his half-human half-horse form squirming as it tried to get comfortable
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Relatively Sane
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Big Game Hunting
    Flint gave in to the agony that coursed through his body, and fell to the floor, beside his enormous blade. Closing his eyes, Flint smiled at the victory as he fell into darkness, in the distance, he heard applause... good.

    Sanderson watched the battle but did not intervene, sometimes people needed to solve their problems independantly. Sanderson flinched as the heavy weapons were flung around and applauded as Bryce appeared to have won. Suddenly, however, the opponent got back up again and knocked down Bryce, before falling down himself. Sanderson got up and clapped enthusiastically "Bloody good show!" he exclaimed "Such determination, old sport!" walking over casually he took Bryce's helmet off and left it by Flint "You deserve to keep that, and the money" Rolling up his sleeves, Sanderson hefted Bryce up and gently placed him in a wheelbarrow "I think our little diversion is over, friends. Let's carry onwards!"

    "Oh, you will fear me Tessa, because I will destroy Rayyad. Tessa... Tessa...Tessa... TESSA!" Tessa was awoken from her sleep by Real-Rayyad "Hey, are you alright?" he looked from her to the caves "Why didn't you wait? Oh it doesn't matter anymore. Are you two ready to head in?" he asked anxiously "I mean, you don't have to, there are things down there that won't hesitate to try and kill you, especially since we're trespassing... I just have to ask... can we please not kill them?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Feb 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home