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  1. Relatively Sane
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    "You cannot let her get away, get Carissa!" Anthem heard his mistress's command from his earpiece. With an affirmative chime Anthem continued the pursuit. Parts of the building were falling from above, debris from the explosive round, but the armoured man used the sheer momentum of his charge to dive through and emerge on the other side. With a heavy thump Anthem landed on the ground beyond the collapse and hastily got himself back up agin. Chaos surrounded, a fateful battle that would decide the future of this war. Slowly, Anthem continued the pursuit, he was not quick but he was determined and consistant. The dramatic music of his battle tune echoed throughout the halls, spurring on his allies, accompanied by the general chaotic sounds of battle. Through the debris and dust Anthem focused on one figure, the fleeing huntress. Anthem would not fail his mistress.

    It had been a long time ago that the twins Anthem and Reqiuem had met Ashleigh Reaver, but it was a day they would never forget. The two warriors in matching armour had been searching for the young woman, after all, she was the legacy of their last master; Nighthawk himself. They had had no idea what they would do once they found her, they were mute. But they had incredibly extended lifespans and searched for something to do with it. When they did meet Ashleigh she was originally cold and distant, but still they followed. She eventually grew to become comfortable with their constant companionship, and in an unusually kind move, repaid them. With one spell, one application of her harmonic magic, the Knighthawks could once more express themselves. She could not give them back their voices, but she gave them something more powerful than words. She gave them music.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Relatively Sane
    Damian sighed, it wasn't easy to get past fears "Vance is not particularly strong" he stated "You, uh, probably won't remember... since you were unconscious... but I carried you once before. When I arrived at the guild I found you outside and brought you to Evanora. So... uh... can you trust me?" he gestured to the cave "It's either that or stay up here forever"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Relatively Sane
    Malkira sort of zoned out while the demons and guys were talking, none of it was particularly interesting. That was when the creature from the darkest depths of H.P Lovecraft's nightmares appeared. Well this was certainly a development. But this was also exciting, he would get a chance to test out his new magic! "Right uh... Iron Dragon Slayer, I can make my body into different stuff" Malkira stared at his stone hands "Well I mean they're already pretty effective weapons. Let's try uh... Can I make one of my arms into like a battleaxe? Ooh ooh, no, a morningstar!" Malkira held his fist into the sky and concentrated, there was a slight glow and the sound of metal scraping. When he looked back at his arm it was... a club. Literally just a big lump of iron. "I guess I need more practice..." he muttered "Nevertheless, TO BATTLE!" Malkira bonked the creature around the head with his now metal arm. He had absolutely no idea what he was doing.

    Malkira used Iron Dragon's Club

    Damian's mind probed around the area, but other than his companions he could find nothing "I can't find her, she must be really far away... that, or I'm just bad at this". Damian exited the cave with the rest of them, still trying to pick up a signal. As Vance and Shani went down Damian noticed that Thea could not bring herself to "Uh... hey... are you okay? Do you need some... um... help getting down?" Damian stuttered. Vance was this girl's father, not him. Damian was reminded of the time he had found the girl outside the guild hall and brought her back, and here he found himself once again "I can probably carry you down, you're not that heavy" he smiled at her awkwardly.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 16, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Relatively Sane
    Ashleigh smirked, it seemed she had attracted quite a crowd. And now her companion was accompanying them. However when the woman mentioned meeting her leader she narrowed her eyes and glared down at the kindly woman "You're speaking to Ashleigh Reaver, daughter of Nighthawk, I am one of the major leaders of the Order of the Hammer, how dare you presume I am simply a minion. Although it is true I answer to Jayce, I'm a much better strategist and am probably all you need" turning to Veera she muttered. "I do not know who these people are, Veera. They claim to be unaffiliated. Of course they could just be Shards in disguise..." but something about them, perhaps their surreal and confused manner, convinced her otherwise "hmmm... nevertheless I don't like people skulking around the battlefield. You..." she pointed at the man "...claim to want assisstance, and you..." she pointed at the woman "...need to talk to me. Both of you come back with me to The Valiant, we will discuss more there" with that Symphony began to trot back to the airship. Ashliegh checked back on Anthem and was not suprised to see him in combat along with the main Hammers against the main Shards. The air in front of her shimmered and a holographic battleplan appeared showing the inside of Sky Tower. It seemed they'd done well without her, but nobody was dealing with Carissa, who was possibly the largest threat. Kalak was absent for some reason, Jayce was dealing with the fire mage and the blue guy was dealing with the strange incredibly tall man "Anthem, activate Battle tune, corner Carissa, block off her escapes" she told the Knighthawk, speaking through an earpiece.

    Anthem complied obediently. After the minimal damage the last crossbow bolt had done to the Knighthawk's heavy armour he was probably best suited to face the Huntress. Although the fire had been toasty and heated his armour, causing the Knighthawk some distress. Anthem stopped and a slow drumroll began to build up, rising to a dramatic tune perfect for fighting to. Weilding his polearm the Knighthawk charged towards the huntress...

    "Kill her"

    Were there some things it couldn't talk about? Well there was always the Backup Systems, which... come to think of it Timothy had no idea what they did. "I was built with certain limitations, and there are blocked off areas of my memory banks. For example, I am prohibited from killing a living being. Additionally I am prohibited from making coffee"

    Ransak eventually reached an area close to the airship, the rod was going crazy, it seemed there must be loot in the ship. Ransak just needed to get past the guards. Scurrying ahead Ransak managed to find his way to the exterior of the airship. Sneaking a bit closer, Ransak attempted to listen in to a conversation going on between two guards
    "It's just that we never get invited to all the big battles, I bet they're having an amazing fight right now..."
    "If we were they we'd probably be the unnamed bystanders who get killed"
    "Yeah, you're probably right. You know I used to be an adventurer like those guys, until I took a bullet to the knee"
    "Always the way isn't it, no help for injured soldiers"
    "Yeah... I'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a bellyful of mead right now"
    "I should ask one of those mages to conjure me up a warm bed"
    Ransak edged away, guard conversations quickly got boring, and waited for his opening.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 15, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Relatively Sane
    (& Friends)
    The portal shimmered as an elegant riding boot stepped through it, followed by the rest of the body of a well dressed and elegant nobleman who carried a cane. Disposable Mage #6 Bramwell gazed around at the scenery disinterestedly. The mage woman and the young girl were here, the older girl was clearly insane. "In the name of King Archon Dragoncrest..." Bramwell began, before he was rudely interrupted by a dark fireball thrown at him, the mage deftly stepped aside as the fire hurtled further into the forest "...Very well, if you're going to be like that..." With that the mage threw off his jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt before charging towards the woman, cane raised. He swung at the woman's face viscously but she dodged and punched him in the stomach. She was good, while the strike was not particularly hard it was effective and Bramwell was knocked back, bent double. With a look of rage Bramwell lobbed a blast of frost at the woman, she was obviously not expecting him to be a mage as she was too surprised to dodge the attack. While stumbling back from the impact Bramwell lunged and struck her across the jaw with the gold-plated head of his cane. Desperately the woman threw weak flames in his direction but Bramwell summoned a shield of ice to halt the blast, she was obviously getting low on magical energy. With one final ember her magical energy was finally depleted. Muttering incoherent things she stumbled away into the forest, Bramwell was too tired to follow her. Sitting down he turned to face the young girl "Sorry about that... who are you anyway?"

    Disposable Mage #7 Zavarius heard a rustle from behind him. The werewolf must be near. Slowly he took out his falchion, the weapon was weighty and made a powerful cutter, not to mention the fact it was crafted from silver. It had been specifically designed by a witcher for killing werewolves, but it had certainly not been good enough to kill Zavarius. In his other hand he readied a spell and a magical coil of silver thread seemed to swirl around his arm for a moment. Zavarius was not like the more scholarly mages who thought a staff and some robes would be enough to save them, Zavarius was practical, from his experience he had learned the use of a bit of chainmail. The mage was a monster hunter and wore many relics of his hunts upon his armour as well, including the horned helmet and pauldrons and his cloak made of scales. Suddenly, the mage sensed a movement from behind but was not quick enough to turn and stop the werewold pouncing onto his back and tearing its razor claws into the man's armour. The brutish creature was heavy but twisting around with force Zavarius managed to hack into the beast's arm with his silver falchion. The creature howled in pain and leaped away, as the mage got back up the two faced each other again, daring each other the make the first move. The werewolf struck, and the mage released the spell he had been holding all this time. The magic twine lashed out, a silver thorn at its head, and struck the werewolf in the chest. One hand gripping the tether the mage whipped it to the side and pulled the wolf off course. Zavarius went to strike the fallen beast but it was too quick and attempted to bound away. But the silver thorn was still embedded in the wolf's chest and the mage pulled it taut, limiting the creature's movement. Another silver thorn was lashed towards the wolf, this one wrapping around its legs. Two more followed and the creature was bound and on the floor. Overconfidently the mage strode over, leering at the creature. But the werewolf was tough. In one thrash it broke the thread that bound it and slashed at the mage, retreating with surprise the mage attempted to parry, but the wolf managed to rake its claws across his face. The wolf leaped on top of him and pinned him down, its maw going straight for Zavarius's neck. Swiflty Zavarius summoned more roped to try to hold the wolf back, and for several moments the creature's slavering jaw snarled at him, desperately straining against its constraints. Noticing that the threads would break, the mage could do only one thing. A portal manifested below them, taking them deeper into the forest but high above the forest floor. For several moments the pair grappled, until they landed with force on the floor, both flung in opposite directions. The silver had taken its toll on the creature, who bounded away into the night. Zavarius was no better off. There were deep lacerations in his back and face which wouldn't be pretty any time soon. In futility he limped after the wolf but gave up. This mission was a failure.

    "Wait!" Vyle called to Teliana "Solomon went to Kaer Morhen. That's where the portal lead. I... I cannot go there for obvious reasons but... could you maybe investigate for me?" He could not step foot in that place, but perhaps she could. Vyle never thought he'd enlist the help of mages but at this point he had to.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 15, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Relatively Sane
    Sanderson Bracklewood:
    "Oh but it is true, this world can be cruel but I assure you we are not" Sanderson answered kindly, he chuckled as the girl demanded peaceful treatment from Aston "I'm sure the lad meant well, he's just a bit overenthusiastic! And as for food, there's brunch in the dining hall right now, please help yourself!"
    "Sanderson, shouldn't we be starting the expeditions about now?" Shyra frowned, they were running late. Shyra had been watching this whole affair with disdain, they'd ruined the floors. She gave Aston and the girl a judgemental look, did they really have to try and start a fight in the manor?
    "Patience dear sister! We should at least allow our guests to settle down for a moment. It was nice to meet you young lady, I'm sure we'll meet again!" With that Sanderson left to wander around the hall, he soon came across Lyra Arcamere "Lyra my dear! You haven't had a bite to eat all morning! Go eat some scones, after that come with me to the Armoury, we're going big game hunting" Sanderson grinned, hunting was his passion, and this was a chance to hunt some of the most dangerous animals in Tyrrus. Eventually he strode back into the dining hall "When you're ready for adventure come talk to me, Shyra, or Aston, we've got some expeditions to go out on, I can't wait!" with that Sanderson went to the armoury

    DM message: In your next posts you can finish brunch, then talk to the leaders and we can start the expeditions, please go to the mission you've signed up for. Also can we not waste any more time I'm hyped to get this started XD

    Big Game Hunting - Go talk to Sanderson in the Armoury

    Darklight Disturbance - Go talk to Shyra at the stables

    Mists of Fogwarden - Go talk to Aston in the lobby
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Relatively Sane
    DM message: Kara rolled a 15 for agility, successfully evading Aston. However as she runs down the hall she bumps into an enigmatic figure and falls to the ground...

    Sanderson Bracklewood
    As Kara was running down the hall she was suddenly intercepted by a man who almost seemed to appear from nowhere. Despite her great momentum as she slammed into the figure he remained unmoved, and Kara fell to the ground.

    "Young lady you should not be running down hallways" stated the butler expressionlessly, it was of course Chesters, the enigmatic custodian of the Bracklewood Manor
    "Aston, old sport, what is the meaning of this?" Sanderson suddenly strode into the hallway purposefully, having been alerted by the commotion. He walked over to the young lady and held out his hand to help her up "That was remarkable, remarkable I say! You have true skill and intuition! I don't even care that you're trespassing in my home" He chuckled slightly "It is sad you have turned to crime, but if you join the Adventurer's Society we can put those skills to good use, and you will be generously paid and fed" Sanderson Bracklewood looked down at the girl with an understanding and almost fatherly smile, it was a smile that somehow knew and understood the girl's troubles, a smile so totally focused on her. A smile that would forgive the girl no matter what, and would be with her to the bitter end, if she accepted his kindness. "How about it?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Relatively Sane
    Solomon will be helping Veera
    Vyle will be on neither side
    Willow will be on the dopplers side
    Archon... well we'll see[DOUBLEPOST=1452872943][/DOUBLEPOST]I might as well do some descriptions for Archon's minions:

    Disposable Mage #7
    Name: Zavarius
    Gender: Male
    Race: Mage
    Appearance: White haired, tall, strongly built. Zavarius wears green robes and chainmail, with a cloak of scales. His helmet and pauldrons are decorated with horns
    Bio: Zavarius is a famed monster hunter, but hunts only for fun, not to help people. He is an overconfident and pompous man who believes there is no monster he cannot defeat
    Occupation: Member of the Order of the Supreme
    Weapons: A Silver Falchion
    Power: Zavarius has control over magical silver whips and lashes with silver barbs at the ends. He can source these from himself, or remotely, but remotely takes more magical energy

    Disposable Mage #6 [DECEASED]
    Name: Bramwell
    Gender: Male
    Race: Mage
    Appearance: dark haired, tall, and elegant, with exquisite facial hair and slicked back hair. He often wears noble and elegant clothes and pays a lot of attention to fashion
    Bio: Bramwell was a nobleman for many years, hiding the fact that he had magic, until he was called upon by Archon to join the Order. Bramwell is usually polite and classy, but bottles up violence and anger which he sometimes unleashes when given a chance to fight.
    Occupation: Member of the Order
    Weapons: An elegant cane with a heavy metallic head
    Power: Ice magic
    Frost blast - blast a target with frost, slowing them slightly
    Ice Shield - create a shield of ice
    Icicles - strike a target with sharp icicles
    Permafrost - freeze a target's feet
    Freeze - freezes water

    Disposable Mage #5 [DECEASED]
    Name: Sylvi
    Gender: Female
    Race: Mage
    Appearance: nobody knows, she is always wearing dark robes and a hood
    Bio: Sylvar just showed up one day
    Occupation: Member of the Order
    Weapons: Daggers
    Power: Illusion
    Ivisibility - become invisible for a short time
    illusion - create an illusion of Sylvar

    Disposable Mage #4 [DECEASED]
    Name: Kyle
    Gender: Male
    Race: Mage
    Appearance: long blond hair, red eyes. Kyle wears red robes and several religious amulets.
    Bio: Kyle was once poor and broke but was raised up and taken in by Archon, who made him a member of the order. Kyle is now incredibly devout to Archon and will stop at nothing to achieve Archon's ideologies and aspirations
    Occupation: Member of the Order
    Weapons: A Spear
    Power: Fire magic
    Fireball - a fireball
    Searing Strike - Kyle's spear attack is enhanced with fire
    Flame Spear - a long range spear of flame
    Combust - an explosion of fire around Kyle

    Disposable Mage #3
    Name: Violet
    Gender: Female
    Race: Mage
    Appearance: Long black hair, purple eyes. Violet wears heavy metal armour with purple embellishment and cloak
    Bio: Violet is one of the greatest warriors in the land and knows it. Violet avoids emotion if possible and just does her job as efficiently as possible
    Occupation: Member of the Order
    Weapons: A Morningstar mace and a Bulwark Shield
    Power: Earth magic
    Stalagamites - summon rock spikes from below
    Quake - shake the earth
    Earthen Weapon - weapon attacks are empowered by magic
    Stone heart - Temporarily transforms herself to stone, can only return to normal after a day

    Disposable Mage #2
    Name: Evelynn
    Gender: Female
    Race: Mage
    Appearance: Evelynn wears purple robes and a cloak, she has brown hair and purple eyes
    Bio: Evelynn is one of Archon's most trusted advisors, she helped him rise to royalty and is his least disposable minion.
    Occupation: Member of the Order
    Weapons: A staff
    Power: Air magic
    Lightning Bolt - electric bolt of magic
    Thunderstorm - summon a thunderstorm
    Mists - mists that obscure vision
    Wind blast - blow back a target
    Breeze - move much quicker than normal
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Relatively Sane
    and Damian and Malkira fell down a plot hole never to be seen again

    sorry guys but at the moment stress is piling on with exams and stuff, and at the moment I'm not enjoying this RP soo

    *Sam leaves in a puff of smoke"

    Change in plans, we're staying for this mission
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 13, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Relatively Sane
    THE TIME HAS COME... choose your spells! If you have taken any magics, so elemental or rituals, there is a massive list of spells below.

    Couple of notes:
    1) Please read the guides
    2) To start off with you get 2 spell/rituals from level 1. If you have 2 points in the chosen magic, you get to choose one from 1 or 2, etc.
    3) you may notice some of the magic is... erm... incomplete. For example, if you have chosen "fortune" light rituals you might be waiting a bit longer sorry : P Also like the ingredients and values and stuff is kinda not done yet on most of it... sorry XD
    UPDATED NOTE: 4) don't post for the level 0 spells, you will get them automatically

    Anyway here's the link

    Also, we'll be starting the expeditions soon so this is last chance to get some character interaction and stuff in
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 13, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Relatively Sane
    Lots of people had arrived to take Sky Tower, Anthem barely acknowledged their presence. The order from his mistress was help the infiltrators, and that is what he would do. Soon enough they were bombarded from the few forces guarding the Tower. Anthem, being heavily armoured and disposable (at least compared to the others), strode slightly ahead of the others. But as he watched avidly the Knighthawk caught a glimpse of their target, Carissa the Huntress, peeking out from behind a wall and firing a shot aimed straight at Jayce Reaver. Although technically Anthem only answered to Ashleigh, Jayce was his mistress's cousin. With a dramatic chime Anthem broke step and valiantly attempted to block the whoosing bolt which sailed through the air towards The Cousin's heart...[DOUBLEPOST=1452623687][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Timothy was delighted by his master's ecstatic reaction to their escape "Thank you kindly, a pleasure to serve you Ms. Kala" Then she asked the question. For a moment Timothy just stood confused. "Does not compute?" it stated electronically, its voice slipping out of the posh British into computerised speech. "I do not understand what you mean. Not... like... people?" for a moment memories stirred in the back of its hard drive, memories locked away. It tried repeating the words but they had no meaning to Timothy. "I... like... people..." the blue lights in Timothy's eyes dimmed and its whole body sagged. The constant noise that usually was emitted by the machinery within stopped, and was replaced with silence. The spark of life and energy within the brass structure was gone. Suddenly, after about a second, a motor kicked in again and with a whirring noise Timothy slowly restarted. The eyes filled with a happy glow again and it looked down upon Kala while making little happy beeping noises "A pleasure to serve you Ms. Kala" Timothy stated in its normal eloquent manner. "How can I be of service?"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 12, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Relatively Sane
    "Uh maybe I can try to find Florica" Damian proposed "With the power of my mind!" he stated enthusiastically, before blushing and realising that what he'd just said was super lame "Uh, I... I mean telepathy" trying to ignore the looks the others were probably giving him Damian closed his eyes and focused, trying to reach out and find the mysterious woman. Tendrils of thought scanned the cave and beyond.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 12, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Relatively Sane
    Cold and empty lay the castle that night, the halls echoed with Archon's footsteps as he marched purposefully across the palace. Novigrad palace was built for a family, yet now only three rooms were occupied. Archon's chamber, the guard garrison, and the chamber of the Order of the Supreme. Passing by old rooms Archon glanced into a couple. The old king's chamber, still in a state of disrepair since the dreadful "accident". The nursery, abandoned and unused. That irked Archon slightly, even though his extended lifespan would mean he would rule for a very long time, he still needed an heir. His legacy must go on. Yet as of yet he had never met a worthy mage. It was either find someone worthy, or indoctrinate them.

    In a normally quiet village a portal popped open and out stepped disposable mage #6 Bramwell, a mage in the service of King Archon and member of the Order of the Supreme. Bramwell was dressed in wealthy clothing, much like a knight of Redanian, he didn't want to appear too conspicuous. Heading into the area the disturbance came from Bramwell just about managed to see a woman and a young girl pop through a portal, they seemed to be confronted by a man dressed like a mage. Bramwell strode purposefully towards the man "I am searching for a mage woman and her young accomplice, I assume they were the people who just went through that portal?"

    disposable mage #7 Zavarius popped out in the woods near Vizima, this was a much safer and less conspicuous place to appear than within the city. As soon as he arrived he noticed blood on the ground. No doubt it must have been the werewolf. He began, with difficulty, to follow the trail of blood. Eventually he lost the trail, but unbeknownst to him he was closer to the werewolf than he knew, and the killer could probably see him...

    "I cannot stop you if you wish to hate me, we are after all natural enemies" Vyle said expressionlessly "Honestly, I was going to kill you. You're lucky Ana here convinced me otherwise"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 11, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Relatively Sane
    Please welcome
    King Archon Dragoncrest
    Supreme Ruler of Redanian
    That's right, **** is about to get real
    Slowly the figure took out a bolt and reloaded the crossbow. He was wearing a purple cloak embellished with gold and a mask covered his mouth, leaving two piercing blue eyes visible. The last victim's corpse lay bloody on the ground.
    "Release the next prisoner" He asked in a clipped and formal manner. Slowly the gate was brought up and a hesitant man wandered out. He was skinny, malnourished, when he saw the cloaked man he gasped
    "Please! No! I just wanted to feed my family! I never meant to..."
    "Run" the cloaked figure commanded "RUN!" the prisoner stumbled back and ran out across the fields, aiming for freedom. Calmly Archon brought up the crossbow and aimed at the fleeing figure. A quiet whooshing sound and the bolt sailed through the air towards its intended target and struck the man in the leg. the cloaked figure cursed. "That was supposed to hit his head" the figure tossed the crossbow aside, the man could no longer run and so the game had lost its fun. A wave of his hand and the assembled guards finished off the criminal. "Take the rest of the criminals to the Fear Chamber, I'll deal with them later" The figure commanded a nearby guard
    "Yes my King" the guard responded, for the cloaked figure was indeed the King. King Archon Dragoncrest, a man revered and feared for his ruthlessness and the oppressive way he ran his kingdom. Archon strode into his castle and down the halls brazenly. Most leaders would be accompanied by guards but Archon was confident in his ability to defend himself. Most citizens of Redanian did not know the king's true nature, that he was not human at all, but a user of magic.
    Agitated, the King strode into the Conference Room of the Order. The Order of the Supreme was an order founded by Archon and populated entirely by mages, they ran Redanian from the shadows. The people of the country had no idea that every political decision was made in this chamber.

    "Reports" he snapped. The gathered mages quickly began to retrieve papers.
    "There have been disturbances in the doppler Sanctuary..." a hooded mage began but Archon waved him away

    "Let the dopplers deal with that, it is none of our business"
    "A female mage has been seen causing trouble, she seems to be accompanied by a younger girl..." A mage stated, Archon smiled slowly
    "Good. She's doing our job for us. Fear is an excellent method of keeping the populace loyal. However if we were to capture this woman and pretend to punish her, I would recieve even greater respect from the people. Send a mage after this woman" the other mage bowed and slipped out of the room through a portal, to follow the King's orders.
    "There have been continued reports of the necromancer, Solomon..." a third mage, a woman wearing a large black cloak, murmured. She was Evelynn, one of Archon's most trusted advisors.
    "Similar response. I would like to get this man on our side, I am sure we can learn much from him" Archon pondered for a moment, nobody interrupted the silence "What of the werewolf? In Vizima?"
    "Continuing to cause dissent and fear, my King" Archon slowly fidgeted with the hilt of Punishment, his curved blade.
    "This... this is different. We must continue our presence across the kingdom, this killer cannot be tolerated. Zavarius?" Archon nodded to a lesser mage "go after this werewolf. Kill it. In public preferably"

    "Yes, my King"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Relatively Sane
    Character Name: King Archon Dragoncrest, the God-King
    Age: 150
    Gender: Male
    Race: Mage
    Appearance: Archon is a tall, sinister man with short coal-black hair. He is quite thin but lean. Archon has bright piercing blue eyes. Normally he covers his face and wears extravagant clothes.
    Bio: A long time ago the Dragoncrest royal family adopted a young child they found abandoned by the road. They brought up this child as one of their own and named him Archon, but hid them away from the public. Soon enough it was discovered the child was a mage, this only gave them more incentive to keep the child out of sight. Although the Dragoncrests tried to keep Archon in the castle, he abused his magic and often escaped out into the city to discover more about the world. For many decades this continued and Archon learned much about the world, and began to grow a hatred for humans. Soon he began to see the unfairness that his "brothers" would inherit the throne and he would not. Archon eventually even outlived his brothers due to his extended lifespan and was annoyed when the crown was passed down to his brothers sons, and not him. At 75 years of age, which is comparatively quite young for a mage, Archon abused his magic to brutally usurped the throne, claiming afterwards that the rest of the Dragoncrest family had died in a "tragic accident". On that day the mage's brutal and tyrannical reign began.
    Archon now runs the land from Novigrad to Vizima, and has contested the land of Kaer Morhen. He founded the Order of the Supreme, an organisation of mages who secretly run the country from the shadows.
    Archon has a strict set of ideologies that he rules by, he believes that all humans are inferior and mages are the supreme race, but he does admit that the sheer abundance of humans is useful. He believes in certain ways of running his country and keeping the population oppressed. Archon also has a sadistic streak and enjoys repressing and tormenting humans.
    Occupation: King
    Weapons: Punishment, a large ornate curved scimitar
    Powers: Archon has powers of manipulating human minds and telepathy
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Relatively Sane
    Name: Galadorn, The Greenwood Guardian
    Age: Who knows?
    Gender: Male
    Race: Centaur
    Appearance: A centaur with wooden armour with green embellishment. His shield and glaive are large and carved intricately
    Role in society: Guard
    Weapons: Glaive and Shield
    Power: Galadorn can create magic shields, but with a very long cooldown
    Bio: Galadorn has guarded the woods for as long as he can remember, he watched while the humans built a city in his woods and pledged to guard them as well. Though Galadorn has lived for many decades, he cannot remember much of his life, all he knows is that he is duty-bound to protect the city of Kaynta.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Relatively Sane
    AFTER the next lot of expeditions we'll be going outside of Tyrrus (the main country) out into the mysterious lands beyond.
    But which direction will we go? I'm going to leave it to a vote

    West: To the West lies the jungle and of Hirokir, a country Tyrrus is currently at war with. All we know about this land is that it's one massive hostile jungle. We know a few places in this land thanks to previous explorers, but most of the country is unknown to us. The people of Hirokir are said to possess advanced magic and science.

    East: To the East lies a great desert of unknown mystery, very little is known about this arid land except what is found in ancient scriptures that speak of vast empires and legendary figures. This desert land may be incredibly hostile but based on what little we know, may also be home to great riches.

    South: To the south of Tyrrus lies the Storm Barrier, a great wall of Storms created by the Dragonlord Akrazur, ruler of Storms. Only very few mortals have ever crossed this barrier, but recently Shyra has discovered how to get past. We know nothing of what lies in the seas south of Tyrrus, but we can find out.

    Once these expeditions are done we'll travel in the chosen direction. Also yes you do have to vote, you can't abstain, this isn't politics ;)

    And no, you can't go North.

    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Relatively Sane
    It seemed that the werewolf was up again, as a human this time. Vyle stayed still, sipping tea, while Zach went back into the house. When the werewolf glared at him Vyle just raised an eyebrow. "Calm down" the vampire said to the werewolf when he was back "If I wanted to kill you, I could have done already" To get the point across Vyle brandished his silver knife "I was making sure you didn't get up again and cause any more harm. Lucky for you, you did not" Vyle put away the knife again "This may come as a surprise but I am not like other vampires, I despise my brethren. Rather than preying on humanity, I protect it"
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Relatively Sane
    Name: Ashleigh Reaver

    Title: The Conductress

    Faction: Order of the Hammer

    Age: Lots

    Gender: Female

    Description: maybe this
    She also has two human bodyguards called "The Knighthawks", these knights are heavily armoured in dark and evil-looking armour.

    Personality: The daughter of Nighthawk, Ashleigh is often said to share some of his attributes. Ashleigh has a similar level of cunning and devious intentions, but is much more rational and level-headed. Ashleigh loves nothing more than being in control of a situation and will stop at nothing to achieve this. She is very calm under pressure and it takes a lot to set her off. Ashleigh's greatest passion is music and within music she sees a level of harmony and perfection that she strives to create in real life. Ashleigh hungers for control over people the way she can control music.

    Weapons: While Ashleigh does not use weapons herself, and is not in the least bit trained to use the, she does have the Knighthawks constantly around her. These bodyguards wield polearms.

    Armour: Ashleigh usually just wears her suit, her Knighthawks wear dark heavy metal armour.


    Level 5 immortality
    Overexertion - If Ashleigh uses more than three abilities in too quick succession, she may faint as she has overexerted herself.
    Orchestra - Ashleigh can only have one "Tune" active at any time, and must wait until its completion before changing it.
    - Ashleigh can view the battlefield from a bird's eye view, as long as one of the Knighthawks are there
    Dischord - Lauches a high-pitched note, this disorients and may temporarily deafen a target
    Lullaby - Makes a target drowsy
    Silence - Stops a target, and Ashleigh, from using their abilities for a while
    Bass - Propels a target away from Ashleigh
    Ominous Tune - Chance to make everyone nearby afraid, can be used by her or through a Knighthawk
    Melodious Tune - An alluring song that can lure anyone nearby towards her, or can be used from a Knighthawk
    Battle Tune - makes a Knighthawk and its nearby allies temporarily stronger and more motivated, the Knighthawk moves in time to the music
    Harmonious Tune - Chance to calm everyone nearby
    Crescendo - A powerful song that shakes the very earth and makes everyone feel intense emotions. The Knighthawks are unaffected. After using it Ashleigh is overexerted so it is only a last resort
    If Crescendo is cast from Ashleigh a constant blast of sound is expelled from Ashleigh which damages and blows everyone away, this fuels the emotions of everyone nearby
    If Crescendo is cast through a Knighthawk by Ashleigh, the Knighthawk grows and expels a weaker blast of music that does similar.

    Strengths: Ashleigh is a master strategist and is incredibly intelligent, she possesses an impressive level of cunning and is quick to come up with plans and back-up plans for any situation. She's also a pretty good musician and excels at magic.

    Weaknesses: Ashleigh is definitely not very strong, or tough, or fast. In fact she possesses no athletic ability. She has not yet perfected her magic and can let it get out of hand. Additionally she is often seen as untrustworthy and her brutal reputation can precede her. Ashleigh can often be too greedy for her own good and may take unnecessary risks to achieve her goals.

    History: Being a daughter of Nighthawk started her off in a pretty bad place in terms of reputation. As a child Ashleigh was sent away and did not live with her father, which probably was for the best let's be honest. Growing up, Ashleigh had very little interaction with other people and did not get to meet any of her family, as such she grew up quite comfortable in solitude and loneliness, never wishing to be close with others. Ashleigh instead found comfort in music and magic, which she believed came hand in hand. She spent much of her life practising this combination until she was needed in the Order of the Hammer. Due to her high status as a demigod she already had some authority, and due to her hunger for power and control she quickly rose through the ranks. Nobody is quite sure where the Knighthawks came from but it is generally accepted they were loyal to Nighthawk and therefore gravitated to Ashleigh when she rose to power. Ashleigh desires complete control over the Order of the Hammer and conspires against Jayce.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 8, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Relatively Sane
    Ran ignored the woman and focused on focusing the stick. Suddenly the rod thrummed and guided Ran towards the Airship. It was glowing brightly, that was good "Just as I thought, there's valuables on the airship" Ran looked around with his goggles it appeared that most of the forces of the Order of the Hammer were out of the airship by now, although a sizable section of the guard were still there "Cover me" He muttered to the woman as he began to skitter towards the airship, trying to stay as stealthy as possible.

    "Sad? On the contrary miss, I find no greater pleasure than serving someone, it is how I was made" The woman suggested they go somewhere safe, which was probably a good idea come to think of it. Golly, wasn't his mistress smart! "Indeed my lady!" Timothy quickly scooped up the woman and began to run on mechanical legs away from the battlefield. Once they were safe Timothy put her down again "Apologies but as you quite rightly stated, it wasn't safe there" They were far away from the tower now, behind an ashy dune. "If you do not mind me asking, and without meaning to sound rude, who exactly are you?"[DOUBLEPOST=1452352478][/DOUBLEPOST]Jayce Reaver's earpiece crackled as a new voice came through, a feminine voice. This voice spoke calmly but with hints of bitterness, but its sound was harmonic and melodic, almost as if in time to a silent tune.
    "Hello Cousin" the voice greeted "So sorry I've arrived late, I was dealing with an bit of dischord caused by the Shards in the West. You'll be happy to know the deviants have been dealt with" The voice was not apologetic, and gave no hints that it cared about Jayce's happiness to recieve this information "I'm sending the Knighthawks in now and will shortly be arriving at the Valiant to survey the battlefield". Ashleigh looked down upon the battlefield from the hill she and her horse were sat atop. The horse, its name was Symphony, was black as coal with glowing purple eyes, nobody was quite sure where she managed to find it. But even odder were the two heavily armoured figures with her, the Knighthawks. Ashleigh herself was not sure where they'd come from (not that she'd admit this) but they were fiercely loyal and that was all that really mattered. "Anthem I want you to go assist the insurgents infiltrating Sky Tower. Requiem, stick with me. We'll be heading into the Valiant, I'd rather stay far from the actual battlefield" Ashleigh spurred on Symphony and began to ride towards the airship, the Knighthawk called "Requiem" following closely behind. Suddenly she stopped as she noticed a lone figure wandering around the edge of the battlefield, "Stay in front, Requiem, I don't know who this could be" Slowly they approached the figure, he looked strange, almost as if he was from another planet "Halt!" She called "You are approaching a contested region between the Order of the Hammer and the Shards of Hope, which faction do you belong to?" In front of her the Knighthawk raised his polearm threateningly to the figure.

    Meanwhile the Knighthawk named "Anthem" was rushing into the battlefield. It came across a group of enemy soldiers who were not expecting attacks from this direction and Anthem easily dispatched them all with deadly wave of its pike, cutting a swathe through the lesser humans. When it reached the tower it was a simple matter of following the path of destruction the dwarf had caused. Upon hearing the mighty roar of Throda Anthem responded in kind. The Knighthawk let out a deep, low tune that echoed around the tower, it was a powerful purcussive sound that easily drowned out the dwarf's voice. As the sound waned the heavily armoured figure arrived in the room, silhouetted in the shadows, its glowing purple eyes hinting of something not quite human. It stared straight at Throda, towering above the short bearded man. For a while he just glared threateningly, before reluctantly bowing.
    Post by: Relatively Sane, Jan 8, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home