I know who Moses is. >: hes in the book of Exodus. He was a member of /KHV/ remember he had the avvy of like a box in the stars... thats the guy im talking about.
NOOO!!! the anticipation will kill me!
I'm ******ed? your the freakin moron who made the name of their thread Great Ass ****ing Moses. yeah... damnit there goes my second bar of rep... :(
English=F Math=F Science=A+ History=A+ Seriously weirdest grades in the world. IDK why i am amazing in the other two.
Who is Moses now. I know this sounds ******ed. Did he quit /KHV/ or did he get a name change. I remember talking to him there for a while then bam. he was gone. avatar and all.
Scat... I swear I've heard that name before. I wish I knew what the book looked like i could probably place my finger on it.
nope. but i tend to have nightmares after reading a scary story. Maybe if i tried real hard to cry i might be able to force myself.
woh i just realized that too. what?
I am making a short called "The life of a homeschooler." its more of pictures. but yeah...
sei senior. i mean... yeah dude. it does seem it. and im claustrophobic. oh ****.
You! your ignorance of the lesser members wil not go unnoticed. so. since i just got my second bar if rep U demand that you acknowledge me!
SpamWars- Destined. Great story. everyone should read it.
do you like my new avatar? i dunno if you know what it is tho...:/
I mean comon. I couldn't have made it any easier could i?
Really? you had to squint?? meh. Powerpuff girls ftw! no not really. Avvy- 7/10 Siggy-8/10
umm close? what is the name... :)
Lol. cute kitty.
not quite... hint. Think Video Game.
Here's the Whole thing. It is a set of clues. When one person answers the first riddle ill go on and ask the next question. Ok first question. Little Android Man. Born Without A Soul. With no Voice of Reason The Sciccors took control. Little Android Man Born without a Heart. If he's in your vicinity. He'll Cut you Apart. Who is this character?