YOU PUT ME IN YOUR SIGGY!!! HEEECKKK YEAHHH!!! lol jkin. Umm yeah. Isn't it a great World were making for our Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great GreatGreatGreat Great Grand Children? hey get to look forward to wearing a metal umbrella becuz of the chunks of stuff pouring down.
I like the What? picture. that one is so cool
You see thats why I said IF God didn't interfere. I was basically just saying it from your point of view of god not existing.
umm seriously? you have words of wisdom for me? shoot.
I tried reading this but the posts are extremely huge. Wow. please. Downsize...
Yeah, seriously If God din't interfere somehow. I seriously doubt that its gonna be the sun killing us al. Probably disease. Nuking.
Welcome! having fun is the most important part! Dont anger the stuff! hehe jkin! Read the rules post! make friends! HAVE FUN!
you think he was bad? Before I met her at Starbucks that day My other friend (girl) (her best friend) was like Tyler you should totaly date her! and i was like what?! I've never really met her. So the whople day when we got to Starbucks she was like... "Oh! you wana tap that Tyler! right in front of her!!! but she was so cool about it cuz i mentioned something else about another girl and she was like "I thought you loved me?" But yeah. great life i have.
Plus that night I met her Dad for the first time. He loves me. hehehe OMG my friend was an idiot when he pulled up! My friend goes over to him and i'm talkin to his daughter and my friend goes to the dad. "hey theres your son-in-law." Oh man that got me heated but the guy was super cool. the first word i heard him say was "boobs" lol.and even better. he likes me. hehe
Oops sorry for spamming. Well to answer "How" he could do it ill just say hes god. he can do anything. Why? the sun killing us. If earth doesn't have the ability to protect itself by then. Every human being would die. He cares for everyone too much to let us all die. thats why he hasn't done any Huge miracles since then. Never has every human being been threatened to die.
Well... ya see. It was just kinda funny. We don't exactly LIKE each other. I mean cuz we've only met each other twice. It's just that we both think each other are cute. I think she's really nice and I'd like to talk to her more. OMG my stupid friends were being ******ed. And she thinks im Really funny.
hehe that was my super secret weapon. fight knowledge. with stupidity.
I mean it was perfect timing. and if you have the time ill tel you the story of what happened between us. we're not dating yet
uhh... ok... well ill take that as an apology excepted! Ok. First! My friend got outta the hospital! He won't need any surgery! and the idiot the day he elaves the hospital goes on a road trip to go to a hard rock concert. xD idiot. Second. I met a girl.
God Fixes the Sun before that happens.
it doesn't really feel like you have forgiven me... what would you like me to do?
Ok guys. First of all I want to apologize. Mostly to Sai. I was acting like an extreme ****** and i am soooo sorry. But I'm completely done. My life is so much better I can't even believe it. And as soon as someone gets on that I can tell it to I have two amazing things to say :) I'm back to my normal not so douchy self. Sorry again Sai. Really.
I've never realy checked into The Big Bang theory that much. But Radiation can come from many different sources. I mean Cancer Treatment is a source of Radiation. That Chemical Spill in Russia (Chrinoble err something like that) spread half way across the entire earth. And I'm jus saying I haven't looked into the whole radiation theory for the big bang so im just saying my thoughts on possibilities. That is the point. I believ in God More then Aliens becuz I see what he has done for the Earth. (what people think the big bang is) And by that i mean creation. I also believe that there may be Aliens out there.
I like how you blended the character witht he background. I'd change the colors and remove the username. so alot like what Anderson said.
yeah Desty I dont like those Edges either. change 'em. then make me a sig =)