Guilty habits... -_- Well, let's see here. One of my worst would be... Well, I'm greedy. Anything and everything I want. I'm also perverted. Not in a real bad way, but just enough to hit on my Girlfriends as well as Guy friends all the time. I like the song 'Numa Numa' And 'What is Love'. I know all the lyrics off by heart.
So you forgive me? <3
My habits, lets see... I run my sharpest nail underneath all my other nails when I'm not paying attention. I have to move. I'm obsessed with Kingdom hearts, So I have a habit to start thinking about it or reciting the script off by heart. .....>,<; Sometimes I even take up fighting stances as I'm waiting in line or something. Wow... I have no life. But WAIT! There's MORE! I have an obsession with old keys, and have a habit to ask anyone where they can get me some cool ones and such, and if they have anything to do with Kingdom Hearts on them, well, lets just say I'll talk their ear off. I have a habit to not pay attention all the time.. Hmm.. what else?
I don't think that true. One can't exactly say thing like that when there are unexplained things all around the world. You must be open minded, you see, for things aren't just what the facts say they are. I myself cannot explain what I mean, just that saying you cannot predict the future is not true. By my opinion anyways. No one has the Mind power enough to tell exactly what's going to happen all around the world, to every person, and to every being on the planet. You cannot say that without seeing for yourself that there are some people out there with some Psychic Capabilities. You are so right. Some people out there are frauds, but that doesn't mean all of them are fake.
It really depends on how well you know your Anime. Some people don't know much about Anime when they first start out, and think that the Dubbed versions are 'God'. Anyways, I find that if you read the Manga then watch the actual shows it's way off by a Million miles. But, then again, Movies and books always do that. It's just a matter of weather or not the change ruins the whole plot system. Like, in Naruto, for example, the Dubbed version pronounces the Akatsuki as 'Ahkahski'. What the hell man??? That's a huge pet peeve of mine; when they don't pronounce things right just because they are ignorant to what the real way is. I mean, they could study it and get the names and words right, but NOOOOO. Were just going to think no one who speaks English is going to know the difference.
Though, truly, I cannot understand the whole thing myself. Though we have all said they are ignorant; were are ignoring one simple fact our selves: We, each of us, has probably laughed at a joke about another race and/ or told one. Does this make us bad people? No. It just makes us a little bit ignorant as well. Not all people are horridly racist, but I'm sure everyone takes part in some way to increase the stereotypes. Though we mean no harm, others may think so, and thus they start to hate us because we are being slightly ignorant. And then the hatred continues to accumulate, and they say cruel things about us to get us back. And so on and so fourth. Do you see what I mean? Over the years things have gotten so out of hand it's most likely irreversible. Even though we do not say anything bad about anyone or truly hate another race, we still crack the same jokes. It's probably something that's been going on for centuries. I don't think we can help it all together, but maybe in the near future someone will stand up and make a difference. It may not eliminate it entirely, as I have said, but maybe decrease some of those stereotypes. What do you guys think?
W00t! *High fives* And don't forget us girls~~<3 But really, if they don't like it, they should really just stop trying and stop airing Anime shows then.
Yeah, I agree with you. If they Dub it, it's okay, but I think I like the Subtitled versions better. Then it's actually real, and even though you mainly get it off the internet, it's almost perfectly unchanged. Personally I think if we all hate it so much, why don't we just watch the unchanged version of it on the internet? Or at least, get the Japanese version of it with Sub titles. Man, I hadn't thought of a that till now. It makes you wonder why they even put those shows on air if they're going to change it. If you don't like the content, get another show. Or at least show it when little ones are asleep. You hear what I'm saying? They shouldn't sit there and change it all the time. Besides, Yuri isn't that bad. Honestly.
Something that really helps is having the Limit Command for Goofy. It gets a lot of hits on and you can do it multiple times. Try using that, it made it easier for me.
I must say, 4Kids is getting crazy with the changing the content thing. Did you know they were going to take on Naruto in Canada? But, In the end they didn't do it. You know why? Masashi Kishimoto wouldn't let them change Sasuke's name. What the hell man??!!? What's so inappropriate about Sasuke's name????!!!?!? Honestly, it's getting to be enough. And about the Homosexuality, I am strongly against them blocking that out. Love is love, and one such as them cannot tell them who they can and cannot love. Most people think that Homosexuality is wrong, well, really, love is love. As I have said before. One cannot tell the heart whom it is attracted to. A lot of people just have to suck it up and get on with their ****ing lives. It's not the end of the world people, let them be who they are. Respect is a two way street. So, yeah, it can be a little, scratch that, a lot influential. But hell, don't take on the show if you want to change it. In Canada, it's not so bad. But there are some things. I havn't heard of any laws so far, but I'll keep my eyes open and ears perked for some information. Really, I think video Game creators and Anime creators don't make their games while thinking 'Hey, I'm going to make this one guy get his head chopped off and hope that all the kids of the world will take the killers example'. Hell, if you don't want your kid seeing it, DON'T BUY THE DAMN GAME AND/ OR SHUT OF THE ****EN T.V. It's not as if were all out to make the world a horrible place people! Damn you and your government bullshit, that's what I say. Anyways, that turned into a bit of a rant but I hope I got my point out. Any opinions?
It is dark. All is see is black. Hungry. I must search. What I am searching for, I do not know. Where is it? I see a light, It burns. I am somewhere new. New smells, New place. Not black. New search. I feel something, Drawn to something. But where? Where is it? I cannot see. I am on the ground. I stand up. My long, black fingers twitch with excitement. Is this it? I move forwards. I see it, A human. Brown hair, and I taste it. Now I know what I am yearning for. His heart. This thing he holds in his hands, It draws me here. But what could it be? He looks at me, and cries out something. Loud, necessary noise. He comes towards me, I jump towards him. Is he giving me his heart? The thing hits me. I fall, It hits me again. What did I do to deserve this? It is dark. All I see is black. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the Eyes of a Heartless. Something I randomly did when I was bored. Hope you like! Critics are welcome.
Hallo. My name is Imiko! It's nice to meet you all... well, lets get this thing started. A.) I have an OCD with Kingdom Hearts, B.) I'm a Writer and look forwards to putting something up in the creativity section, C.) I am currently searching for Cosplay items for Roxas, not in the Orginization, but in Twilight town, D.) I AM A YAOI FANATIC! WATCH OUT! E.) I'll add more later, I have a brain cramp. F.) OH RIGHT! I'm literate, if thats got to do with anything. On which I doubt it but still... :bounce:
Hello, fellow newb! It is I, the Infamous Imiko! *Tootles off then comes back wearing a monster mask* FEAR ME! For I have a STICK! Just like Roxas!~ ~~<3
Dude, I'm thinking that obviously with their own specialized weapons, there has to be some pretty kick ass reaction commands. I mean, everyone has that, but hey, what if there are no reaction commands? What if, like, they have group things they can do? Like, I'm down for the Limit Idea, I can only just barely imagine though. Kinda makes you even more excited for 358/2 to come out, don't you think? :)