I Shall add Johnny Depp! I shall stalk him. and the movie shall be called 'Stalking Johnny Depp.' Sound good? xD Is that something you would watch?
Hell that sucks monkey balls. xD Well, the Otafest is going to be my first one. And I shall send you personal wishes to the camera for you. You just have to remind me, because the Otafest is in may of next year. xD I choose to go to one like that so I can have time to get ready.
**** Yeah???? Where In The Hell Of It Can I Get One???!!?!?
Lolz let's just make our own movies! Today I am going to buy a Cam Corder! I shall make you all a movie and post it. xDD
Oh yeah? xD And then once I get my Roxas outfit, and my best friend gets her Axel outfit, we are totally going to own Otafest 2009! xD I'll post up out crazy adventures here. xD Anyone else going to Otafest in Canada? RANDOM QUESTION: Have any of you been to an Anime Convention?
I'm going out on an epic search for a really good Cam Corder! Then, I shall make a video or two called 'The Chronicles of a Kingdom Hearts Fan' or 'The Chronicles of a Yaoi fan'. xD What'da you think? Anyone else here have a cam corder? I think it'll be great! I'll say my username in the thigner, of course.
Teehee, sorry! >,< I didn't mean all Jessica's are like that! *Sweatdrops* It was just a random name that popped into my head. -_-
How about we all just continue to make things up, purely for the sake of fun curiosity, and wait till it comes out? It doesn't matter who's right or wrong with what's going on, so theres no need to chew each others heads off. Cause honestly just because they are making up their own theories doesn't mean you have to be rude about it. ^^ It's all purely for fun! <3
Hokay, got it! *Salutes*
Ghosts are supernatural. Sorry. -_- Couldn't think of anything else to say. xD Anyways, I've scared myself now, so I'm going to to watch the Lion King and the Hercules. <3
Ack! I'm scaring myself. -_-
Wow, It might be fake, but who knows? Found another video. Care to watch? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t87rJxKaoQ&feature=related
Okay, I've always believed in ghosts and Always will. What about you? Here, watch this video, it's scares the crap outta me every time I watch it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m4QIPlsWbQ
My biggest fear is to have another person close to me die.. again. >,< 4 in the last Four years is too much on my count.
Hmm.. another one of my guilty pleasures is that I love to Watch Dumbo lots and lots, and cry every time Dumbo and his Mom grabs each others trunks. Plus I've seen the 'Note Book' A thousand times, know the script off by heart, and it still makes me cry at the end every time. XD
<3 I find him mysterious too, and cried in the end when he was shut away into the realm of Darkness. -_- POSTED! <3 http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=1862962#post1862962
Sure! <3 It starts off when they are at school, and then goes on into an intricate plot line which I have devised myself when lying in bed for the past week. <3 I'm a loser, I know. :registro5B15D:
BECAUSE I'M WRITING A LONG FAN FIC ABOUT HIM! Chapter one is up today. Anyone want to comment? =D :bounce: Well, it's going to be up anyways. Almost done! <3
Alright. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS IN THIS VERY LONG, VERY MUCH SO CHAPTERED FAN-FIC. Thanks. Alright! Let's get on with this! Okay, first off, let's describe you. My Name? Well, it's: Imiko Roan. (NOTE: IGNORE THE FACT THAT IT'S MY USER NAME. NO ONE CARES, THIS IS ABOUT YOU AN RIKU, NOT ME AND RIKU.) How old am I? Well; 14 What bathroom do I use? Well, seeing as you don't have a Penis, I should suspect... a girl? What my friends call me? Imi, or Ims. Who are my friends? Well, Sora,Riku, and Kairi. Who else? What about me? Well, you asked for it; Well, lets see. Your name is Imiko. You've lived on Destiny Islands all your life, and Riku is your best friend. You're constantly trying to hook Sora up with Kairi, they are so obvious for each other. You have more enemies than friends. Who? Well, let's see, theres Jessica Mars, that snarly *****, she's the Leader of the Riku fan-club. She is so jealous of the fact that you're so close too Riku. Honestly, she stops at nothing to make your life a living hell. She has a general possy too. Her right hand woman is Miranda Thresh The thug of the school, as you have sourly noticed multiple times. The Hyper one of the group is Sarah Isreal. She's not that bad, but honestly she needs to get a life. You and Riku often go over to Riku's house when you can spare some time and play some video Games. You always end up stealing his controller then running away with it while kicking his ass. It's a personal favorite of yours. Though you rarely get some time in these days, your Foster Parents are getting more and more cruel. Yes, you were fostered into a family. No brothers or sisters, you were just appointed to live with them the rest of your life. Lucky you, they hate you. Your mother calls the shots around the house. Her Real name is Anna Naru, and she's horrible. Sometimes she makes you go without food for days. Luckily, you can sometimes sneak over to Riku's after school. They don't care what time you get home at, really, they couldn't care less about you, they just care if it's after dark. Now your Father, don't get me started about him, his name is Darrel Naru. He a drunken, Gambling Idiot. He barely even notices you. The only time he actually noticed you, even though you yelled at him multiple times when he was babysitting you once, was when you pulled his cigarette out of his mouth. You got sorely beaten and sent off to bed without another word. You got to school with everyone else, and you and Riku are the oldest in your class. You're in grade eight.(Their ages fit, okay?) You often argue with your teachers and have an obsession with Ice Cream Cake and have been known to eat one whole in one night. Your personality is all over the place, and you have a tendency to piss people off with what you say because you say things without thinking. You're really sarcastic and rather on the slow side. Riku reminds you of this often as well. Sometimes you could walk past something a hundred times before noticing it. Your mind is often in other places. You mainly don't pay attention in class and get horrible grades, but that's okay. You don't need good grades to be an artist. You are an amazing artist and an even better singer. Animals come running at the sound of your voice and the world seems to come alive. It's odd, and you have always wondered why. Who knows, maybe theres a bigger purpose for it out there somewhere. Everyone will learn more about you as you go along your epic journey. What do I look like? Well, heres a picture; You. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alright, this is all you know about yourself right now. More will be added as more chapters Come out. <3 Enjoy! Now onto Chapter One! <3 CHAPTER: One. The Same old thing. The sun gently made it's way through the Basement curtains. Your eyes fluttered with slight annoyance as the light hit the lids of your eyes. Yes, you were currently sleeping right now. Or at least trying to anyways. You shifted your body a little, uncomfortable was this stupid old Mattress, of course. It was given to you by your Mother. You weren't allowed to call her mother though, oh no, just Ma'am. You parted your soft pale pink lips and ushered a small sigh. Once you woke up during the day, you had to get up. You simply couldn't fall back asleep. Shifting from your side onto your back, you sat up groggily and rubbed your eyes with both backs of your hands. Your long, silky red hair fell onto your face and made it hard to see when you opened your eyes. You squinted through what little light there was and tried to make out the objects of your room in the pale blackness. You were in the center of a small, cramped, damp room in the Basement. You had no carpet, just cold, Grey cement under your feet and some old blankets you put down for padding when you walked. It was a square room, and you didn't have much to begin with. There was your makeshift dresser, just a couple of Boxes stapled together to hold what little clothing you had. You had cut out holes in the front of the boxes and made sure to seal the tops. Now you can just shove your hand in there and grab out what you need to wear. Easy, no? You thought it was ingenious. Next to your pathetic so called dresser was your black-and-white T.v that doesn't even work anymore. When your father gave it to you he told you you weren't aloud to watch T.V in the Living room anymore. Basically, you have more important things to do then be lazy and watch T.v all day. Well, it's not like you had a choice or anything. You laced your fingers together and made it so the backs were facing you and moved into a hard stretch. This mattress always made you so stiff in the morning. You looked around your room once more, only to see everything else was where you had left them; various trinkets and magazines you had gotten from Riku or Sora. Just random stuff littered your floors and made it almost impossible to walk through, but somehow you managed. Besides, the crap on your floor acted like a barrier to keep your parents out. Or at least that's what you had hoped. Your boldly brown eyes sparkled in the light as you looked towards your window. You had drawn lines on the curtain to tell you what time it was in the day, seeing as your parents wont give you a clock. It was just about seven O'clock. Great! You were up early today. That gave you time to do your hair. You smiled great fully over to the sun and silently thanked it for waking you. Yeah, you do talk to inanimate object, inside and outside of your mind. It's just something you do. You used your hands to vault yourself up into a standing position. You wobbled a little bit, and mumbled under your breath grumpily. "It's too early in the morning." You finished flatly and started to rub your left eye again whilst your lips parted wide to let in a huge yawn. You stumbled off your bed hastily and opened the old, grungy door to the rest of the Basement. The rest of it was well furnished, and carpeted. When they built this room for you, though, they didn't even bother. It's okay though, too you it's like your sanctuary. Your Home. Where you spend most of your time when at home. The less time you spend near your parents, the more happy they are and the more happy you are. You usually sit and read most of the time anyways. Sighing once more, you shook the thought from your mind and stepped onto the cool blankets covering the rough floor in your room, turning away from the now opened door. Blandly you walked over to your 'Dresser' and grabbed out your school uniform. Usually when you stuff things in there they get all wrinkly. But see, that's not a problem seeing as you take a shower everyday anyways so during the Shower time you just throw it into the dryer downstairs. It's not like your parents care or notice, since you have a crappy Bathroom that's all yours down here. You rolled up the shirt and skirt as you walked out of your room and stalked over to the Dryer. There was a pile of clean towels stacked on on top another resting atop the dryer. You opened up the Whirlpool and threw your stuff in there with whatever else was in there as well. Grabbing a fuzzy blue one off the top you gingerly headed towards an even grungier door. It was yellow, of all putrid colors, and the door handle was so covered in rust it scratched you every time you went to open it. Gruffly you wrapped your slender fingers around the nob and twisted carefully as to not get yourself cut again. You hated shots. The door opened with a horrid 'Creeeaaakkk'. You smiled at your Bathroom. It was clean at least, if not old. You kept it clean. You had too, you couldn't stand it when it was dirty. The Bathtub was yellow with age and the shower was just a box like thing with no door to cover it and a drain in the middle. You turned around and closed the door, again with the ugly noise, and then twisted the lock and it closed with a faithful 'Click'. Turning to the shower, you threw your Towel into the dry, ugly yellow sink with the cracked mirror above it. You striped out of your pajamas, a Silk shirt you had gotten from Riku on one of your Birthdays with matching blue and orange bottoms to go with it. You folded them gracefully and placed them in their usual spot beside the Ugly almost black toilet. You turned and looked at yourself in the mirror for a millisecond before turning back and stepping into the shower cautiously. You lifted your left hand and turned the water on almost full. You let out your usual yelp of utter shock at how cold it was. It was your way of making sure you were up in the morning. You waited anxiously for the water to turn hot, and when it did you let out the breath that you'd been holding. You lifted both hands up and began to toss your hair to get water through it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(FF-) You were still in the Bathroom after your shower and were currently trying to pull on your skirt. Your hips were still wet with water, you hadn't really dried off that well. Anyways, it took you a bit to get the stupid thing on, and when you did you looked back into the Cracked Mirror with saticefaction. You had blow dried your hair, and it was currently lying flat on your head and softly lying against both your cheeks. You brushed both your bangs out of your eyes and marveled at the fact that today they were actually hugging the form of your round face. You got to work on your hair. You pushed all but your bangs behind your ears and lifted the back. You back combed it and sprayed it with mediocre styling products. You made the back look as if it were being held up by clips, and then added the clips for extra protection. "Perfect," You exclaimed, putting your hands on your hips and leaning to one side, "And all in.. forty minutes!" You were quite proud of yourself. It was now twenty to eight, that gave you twenty minutes to walk to school. It only took you five minutes. This would gave you time to hang out with your friends! You smiled happily at how good your hair worked with you today, and walked out of the Bathroom once more. You bag of things was lying next to the door. It was a large shoulder bag, and you picked it up placing it around your neck and rested it at your left hip. You heaved in a heavy breath and walked over towards the door leading to upstairs. Maybe they wouldn't notice you today? Let's hope so. You gripped the better looking handle and opened it without much protest as you walked forwards and took on the thirty-two steps. You managed to do it unnoticed, and turned right to walk towards the entrance hall. Almost there... you walked over to the Shoe Closet and grabbed on your flip-flops. Almost there... you opened the door silently and turned around briskly and shut it. You turned abruptly towards the rising sun and the row of houses and yelled. "SCORE!" You threw up your hands in victory and rand down the three steps up to your house and jogged down the street. It wasn't long before your house disappeared behind you and you were halfway there. It didn't take you very long running there, and you did that every day. You didn't know why, you just felt excited to be out of the house. Happy even. You continued on your way, and in five minutes you made it to the school. You slowed down and looked around. It was a normal school yard, with a large, four story building being the actual campus. You looked around the front yard, searching for the Tree where you, Riku, Kairi and Sora always meet. There it was. And there was Sora and Kairi, Kairi was smiling and Sora looked a bit upset. You smile and waved over at them to get their attention. They looked over and smiled while they waved back. You gingerly ran over there and stopped in front of Kairi. "Sup?" You asked, out of breath. "Nothing, you?" Kairi replied, her smile getting wider. "About the same as usual. Hey, Sora, why do you look like you've just had a piece of dung shoved up your nose?" You asked and laughed at Sora's protesting 'HEY!'. "I do not." Sora snorted and made a face while crossing his arms. Kairi laughed. "I was just telling Sora how lazy he was." Kairi explained and Sora puffed out his cheeks. "I am NOT Lazy!" He said, shoving his face into Kairi's. You laughed as they squabbled. "Come now, guys, play nice!" You said shoving your one finger in between them as if to point. That's when you heard a cool, male voice from behind you. "Yeah guys, you heard her, play nice." You turned around abruptly to stare into a pair of silver-blue eyes and a smirking Riku. "Hiya!" You squeaked out happily. "Hiya." He replied with a wave of his hand and walked past you over too Sora, who now had both hands behind his head and was smiling widely over at the Silver Haired boy. "Hey, Riku! What'cha up too today?" He asked in a somewhat high pitched voice. "Nothing really. Oh, and I agree with Kairi. You are lazy." He said and laughed as Sora jumped up and threw his arms out in surprise. "Not you too!" He moaned and started up with the loud protests again while you, Riku and Kairi all laughed. You all stood there and chat about nothing really, when the First warning bell rang. You jumped in surprise and Riku laughed at you. You pouted and stuck your lower lip out childishly as all four of you headed towards the Big, brownish red building full of ugly, unwashed windows. It didn't take you guys very long to get to Classroom 2-A, which was all of your guy's home Room. You walked in and low and behold, Jessica was sitting in Riku's seat near the back. Imiko smiled and pushed Riku to the left a little as they walked over to their seats. "Psssstttt," You said in an attempted quiet voice, but failed miserably, "Look out! It's the FAN GIRLS!" You tried not to giggle and saw that Riku was having a hard time trying not to laugh as well. Smiling, you walked past Jessica only to get the usual death glares. You sat in your seat, which just so happened to be behind Riku's. It was always fun to poke him with the sharp end of your pencil when he wasn't paying attention to you and you were bored. You saw Jessica's eyes fallow you like a hawk stalking it's prey. You didn't much care for her beady eyes anyways, and Ignored them as usual. Riku walked over too his desk casually and Jessica instantly ignored you completely. You pouted again. She was so damn annoying. "Hi, Riku! How were you this morning?" She asked, flipping her hair a little and batting her eyelashes. That girl can get any other man in the school, but she just has to go after Riku. Makes you wonder what's wrong with her in the head. "Fine, um, that's my seat." He said smiling kindly and gesturing towards the seat she was sitting in. She smiled and acted innocent. "Really? Oh, I'm sorry. Must have gotten the wrong one again." She giggled and bat her eyelashes more. "Whoops." She stood up and made sure to make her hips sway more then one's hips normally would. Her friends met up with her at her desk and they all went into silent whispers. Riku looked back at you and you made a Gaging noise and motion with your mouth. Riku laughed openly and Jessica shot another nasty glare back at you. Oh well, it doesn't really matter anyways. You leaned forwards in your chair and whispered to Riku as he took his seat. "She knows damn well where you sit, she's in the same class for god's sake!" Riku tried not to laugh again, and this time it came out as a disgruntled snort, which he then turned into a cough. You smiled and leaned back in your chair happily. The teacher, Mrs. Gibbson, Though she may be pretty, walked in the Room with an air of superiority. She was one of the Meanest teachers there, and it usually get you into a lot of trouble because of the way you talk to her. I mean, hell, respect is a two way street. You smiled at her as she looked over the class and she returned your smile with a nasty glare. 'Well, this is stupid...' You thought as she announced to the class that there would be a pop quiz. You joined in on the moaning as she ruffled through some papers on her desk and began to Hand them out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END OF CHAPTER ONE! I will start working on Chapter two today, and maybe even get it out today as well. Anyways, here's a little sneak preview into Chapter two. "Turn around. For what you see before you is your true destiny, though you may not see it. Take them, and use them to your advantage. You will face many dangers and horrors on your journey, and all I can do until then is train you for your plight. Are you ready? Good, now go towards the door, and open it. Beyond lies a new world, take your time, you need not rush." It may not be exactly that, maybe even some more events in there somewhere, but read on to find out who that person talking to you is and whats going on! Message me for comments, suggestions and/ or complaints! Thanks for reading! <3 *Gasp* Do I sense and INTRICATE PLOT-LINE??? <3
I voted Riku cause he's a Sexy Beats. =D