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  1. Imiko
    Hokay! *Tootles off to work on number three*

    <333 Teehee! :bounce:

    CHAPTER: Three.

    Stupid Popular girls.

    Riku stalked up to you and burst out laughing.

    "Thinkin' real hard?" He said before he clutched his stomach from laughing so hard. " 'Sat all you could think of? Oh yeah, real original." He smiled over in Kairi and Sora's direction. They had just got here and were laughing as well. The once empty halls began to fill with students, and chatter filled the half silence. You rolled your eyes out of frustration and were just about to tell him off when Kairi piped up with her own little opinion.

    "So were you asleep or were you really thinking real hard?" Kairi asked with that big dumb grin of hers. You were just about to open your mouth when Riku piped up once more.

    "Ha! She was obviously asleep, since when has Imi ever 'Thought real hard' about ANYTHING?" That of course, caused all three of them to burst out into another episode of laughter. At least while they were laughing you could get your god damned say in.

    "Hey! That's not nice! I do so! And, well, okay so I was sleeping. But you gotta hear me out! I had this really weird dream- first, there was this voice but it wasn't really a voice it was sort of silent but not- it's really hard to explain, alright? So don't give me that look Riku! Anyways, then there were these three pedestals then it shattered and I was falling and then I landed and then these black things showed up and holy crap I'm so kick ass I beat them all but that's not the point. After that I got sucked into darkness and then I was back and then a whole buncha other things happened and I was on the island and off again and then my shadow turned into this crazy ass monster and attacked me! I kicked it's ass and then this voice is all you're the chose one and crap like that and I got sucked into darkness again and that's when I woke up!" You gasped for air. You hadn't taken a single breath during that entire speech, and since you had talked really fast and constantly without pausing, you were just a little bit winded. Sora, Riku and Kairi all looked at each other before Riku burst out laughing again. Once you caught your breath a bit, you just managed to choke out what you needed to say.

    "Wh-whats so funny??" You Gasped and waved your arms up and down like a chicken trying to fly. Riku could just barely pause himself from laughing before he could respond properly.

    "YOU? A-A CH-CHOSEN ONE?" Now he was having one hell of a time by himself, and thats when Both Sora and Kairi started to giggle as well.

    "It's not funny!" You squeaked out as loud as you could, and just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, along came the Black haired nasty, Jessica.

    "Of course it isn't." She said coolly and Riku managed to control himself enough to turn his laughter into a fit of giggles. You saw Jessica's Possy watching her admiringly from a safe distance. She walked up to you and flicked her hair as she walked past Riku, making it hit his neck softly. You tried to hide the gag reflex, but your stomach still made the convulsing movement, which landed you a quick glare from Jessica. "Nice one, Roan." Jessica never called you by your first name. You glared daggers into her head and imagined it exploding, and giggled a little out loud. She turned so fast you got a mouthful of hair.

    "PLEH! EWWWY!" You squeaked and waved your arms some more. Jessica ignored you and walked over to Riku, hips swaying like mad. What the hell? You pouted as you watched her stop, deadly close to Riku and he watched her curiously. She was a little shorter then him, probably the same height as Sora.

    "Riku, would you like to walk with me to the next class?" She asked in that sugary sweet voice of hers. You rolled your eyes. If he tried to say no, she always insisted and then forced him to do her bidding. You let out a great sigh as Riku shrugged a bit in half defeat.

    "Fine. Whatever." He replied and she looked over joyed.

    "Great!" She yelled and turned around attaching her arm with his. "Shall we?" She asked and he shrugged his response, with a slight frown placed on his usually sarcastic features. Jessica gave you a triumphant look as both he and her passed, you just barely made it out of the way in time. You crossed your arms and pouted, complaining openly to Sora and Kairi as you both took up a safe distance behind the two.

    "Lordy, I hate her so much!" You growled and let out a large sigh-pout like thing with your eyes narrowed and your eyebrows arched. You look like a three year old who just got her favorite toy taken away from her. You walked with a little bit of a stomp.

    "Awe, cheer up Imiko. Riku'll come on sometime." Sora said with a smile on his face while putting both hands behind his head. You watched him walking beside you, and got curious as to what exactly it was that he meant.

    "What'dya mean by that, Sora?" You asked lightly, and Kairi came up on your other side, laughing like crazy.

    "Well, of course Sora means YOU and Riku, what else would he mean?" Kairi said and you stopped in your tracks.

    "AM NOT!" You yelled, which didn't make much sense all together but you couldn't think of anything else right now. You shut your eyes tight and covered your now beat red face with your hands. "Shud'up!" You squeaked and walked a little faster and uncovering your face in hopes that the redness will go away soon. Both Kairi and Sora laughed.

    "Oh, come on Ims," Sora started, " You're always trying to get Kairi and me set up, well what about you and-" You interrupted him.

    "THAT'S ENOUGH OUTTA YOU MISTER!" You stomped forwards and turned the corner, stalking towards your next class with Mr. Dumalyn (Who's actually pretty hot, but that's besides the point.)

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((FF-End of the day. After School.))

    You sighed and waited for everyone at the Usual place, the tree in the front of the school yard. You never use your locker, you just shove everything into your bag. You really should organize that some day... Your thoughts trailed off to that weird dream. Sew together the light? Something about Hearts... Man, you were so confused. And those gloves. They were pretty cool- and wasn't it all a little too detailed to be a normal dream? Whilst you were leaning against the tree, eyes closed and deep in thought, a familiar voice floated into your head.

    "Imi... earth to Imi!!!!I'm going to burn your bag if you don't-"

    "HUH????" You snapped out of your self and snatched your bag from a grinning Riku's hands. "Gimme that back you freakin tard!" You said playfully, and Sora and Kairi giggled a bit.

    "Sleeping again?" Riku demanded with an attempted serious look on his face. It didn't quite work out, and it only ended up making you laugh. Riku smiled and started to walk away.

    "Hey, where you goin?" You called towards him he just lifted up a hand and did sort of a wave thing.

    "Peacin' out before the Fan Girls get here." He replied by yelling back, you laughed and ran towards him, Kairi and Sora hot in pursuit.

    "Hey," Kairi started, "Why don't we all go to the Island tonight? We only have like, six more days of school left anyways, It's not like were going to get any Homework. Maybe that's why Mrs. Gibbson gave us that test today- By the Way, Imiko, how'd you do on it?" She finished and turned over to you. You blushed a little and rubbed the back of your neck.

    "Well, lets see, I read number one- well, half of it anyways- and I read the first four words in number two... that's about it." You smiled and everyone laughed as you all walked off the school yard. "And Yeah, I like the Idea. Let's go out to the Island today!" You said happily, Sora looked unsure.

    "What about your mum and dad?" He asked a little wary. You smiled and gave your reply.

    "Oh, they wont care as long as I'm back before Dark." You said bubbly. Sora smiled and nodded.

    "Right! Then let's go!" He said and stopped in his tracks."Last one there has to clean out the moss from my boat!" Sora yelled suddenly and started to run.

    "Hey! No fair!" Kairi yelled and ran after him, Riku laughed and said,

    "Fine by me! Hurry up, Ims!" And he ran on. You smiled and ran after them. You were going to be last, again. You tried not to laugh while running, because after years of hanging around with these guys, you've gained enough experience to know that doesn't exactly work out so well.


    Just as you thought, you had gotten there last. You had argued with Sora and demanded that he clean it himself, since he had been neglecting to do it for months now. Jeeze. You had argued with him all the way over to the Paopu tree. All four of you sat there, staring at the Sun set. It was really pretty. Of course you, Sora and Kairi were sitting on the actual tree, whilst Riku just kind of did the weird Lean against it thing. He had his eyes closed, and seemed to be deep in thought.

    "Somehtin' wrong, Riku?" You asked happily. Riku sighed for a moment then uncrossed his arms and opened his eyes.

    "I was just thinking..." He said and trailed off, looking into the Sun set. The Red-orange glow made his Silver hair glow a reddish sort of color, and his Silver blue eyes sparkled as the wind gently caressed his hair.

    "Yeah? 'Bout what?" Sora asked, looking curiously over at Riku. Riku looked over at you, Sora, and Kairi before lifting his hand in a Dismissive like gesture.

    "Nah, it's stupid." He said flatly. "You guy's wouldn't believe me any ways." It was Kairi who spoke this time, her Short red hair even more red in the setting suns light, her skin glowing softly.

    "Awe, C'mon. I'm sure we wont laugh at you!" Riku sighed.

    "Well... I was just thinking.... maybe... there are other worlds out there. With different people, and different cultures. You know, just more then this and..." He paused and you let out a grunt to show for him to continue. "well, maybe, I was just wondering.. why were we put on this Island? What's our purpose for being here? You know, If there are other worlds out there, I want to see them." He finished matter-of-factly.

    You blinked away your surprise, and wonder soon filled you. "Like, what kind of other worlds?" You asked curiously.

    "I don't know. And we'll never know, not with us being stuck on these Islands for the rest of our Miserable Lives." He said with a hint of malice in his voice.

    "So what do we do?" You asked.

    "See, what I was thinking," He continued, " Is that during the summer we could build a Raft. And then we could go search for other worlds on it!" He replied with a wild glint in his eyes.

    "How far do you think we can get on a raft?" You asked once more.

    "Who knows? Guess we'll have to try and find out now, wont we?" He said. Sora smiled and jumped down off his spot on the tree.

    "Yeah! Lets do it!" He said excitedly, and Kairi nodded her head in agreement.

    "So too other worlds?" Riku looked back at everyone with a smile on his face.

    "Yeah, too other worlds." You said happily and stared once more at the fading sunset.


    END OF CHAPTER THREE! Sorry about the Shortness.
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. Imiko
    CHAPTER: Two.

    What a Strange Dream..

    You sighed Gently, staring out the window just opposite you. Riku blandly passed back the test, it was like... ten pages long! God damn. Growling a little you picked up your pen and began to read the first question.

    1.) In what year did the.....

    'Oh great,' You thought gloomily, 'A question about the date. Man, god knows only she cares about that.' You gave an annoyed sigh and started to click your pen over and over again in the silence. Well, almost silent anyways, there were the sounds of shuffling papers and pens or pencils scratching on paper. The window was closed, and it was getting stuffy and hot in that stupid room. You stared at the window for a bit more before trying to move on too number two.

    2.) Why did the Nomads.........

    "Ughh..." You groaned out loud and slammed your head against the desk. You could hear Riku snickering. You rolled your eyes and fashioned your arms as pillows. The room was getting hotter, and you were getting sleepier. It was so stuffy in here... you could barely keep your eye lids open. It was so quiet.. and you couldn't see anything anyways, no light....You closed your eyes, and gently drifted into an odd sleep.


    You were falling. There was blackness all around you, you were falling head first towards something. Wait, no, you were falling forever. There was nothing down where you were falling, and that's when you felt yourself twist into an upright position. You continued to fall, but started to slow down. It was totally black around you. Soon you felt solid ground hit your toes, and your heels fallowed in their example. You couldn't see the ground you were standing on. Just then, a blinding light came out of no where and you felt something flutter all around you. You covered your face instinctively, and once the light died down you looked at the floor. There was a picture of a woman, wearing a yellow and blue dress, she was holding an apple and there were little pictures of men all around her. The rest was green. You were confused. What was going on? Where were you? You looked around, maybe this place will hold an answer. No luck. You were on a round platform, the rest was just a blue-ish black now. You grumbled something under your breath.

    "Hello?" You said meekly, and it echoed in the silence. Then there was a voice. It wasn't really a voice though, just something forming with the vibrations of sound that made noises sounding like words to you. What ever it was, it was all around you, coming from all directions and was neither male nor female.

    ' Do not be afraid.'
    'There will be darkness on your journey, and it will attempt to engulf you.'
    'Do not loose sight of your light.'
    'Now then, step forwards. Can you do it?'

    You cautiously moved forwards, your feet making odd little 'Tip' noises as you slowly stalked along towards this faint light in the center of the circle.When you got there, you felt the urge to stop, and thus you did, looking around for the source of the voice.

    'Power lies within you. If you give it form, it will give you strength.. Choose well.'

    Three pedestals appeared out of no where and upon the three of them were each diverse things. On the one in front of you, there were two Gloves that were fingerless and white with some black stripes on them. You slowly walked towards it. The voice sounded again when you reach it.

    'These gloves are pulsing with power. Is it power that you seek?'

    You didn't quite know yet. Turning you walked to your left, and stared at what looked to be a Staff. The voice sounded again.

    'This staff holds the ancient power of the mystics. Is this what you seek?'

    Still you were unsure. This must all just be a really weird dream, but it was so real! You shrugged off the odd feeling you got and walked over to the last. It was definitely a Shield. You looked at it curiously as it floated there.

    'This is a shield that can block any blow. Is defense what you seek?'

    To be honest, you really liked the gloves. They were cool. So, you walked over and picked them up. When you did, they both glowed brilliantly white and re-appeared on both hands. Just when you though it couldn't get any weirder, the voice made itself heard (If that's even the right word for it) once more.

    'Now, which one will you give up in return?'

    Well, if you're going to fight, you might as well be able to defend yourself. You walked over to the staff. The voice replied to your actions.

    'This staff holds the ancient power of the mystics. Will you give this up?'

    You nodded softly, hoping that thing could see you, what ever it was. You watched it vanish in the same brilliant light as the gloves. You watched in shock as all the pedestals collapsed onto their sides and you felt an odd vibration that almost cause you too loose your balance. You looked around, and the Platform started to shatter! You let out a cry of surprise as you stared to fall, once more, into the darkness.

    This time another Platform popped out of no where, this one mainly blue-ish Silver with a lady in a large dress with dark hair and weird animal like symbols all around her. You thought you were going to crash head first into it, and panicked in the air. You got closer, and started to slow down and move into an upright position. You ended up landing softly, to your great relief. There were the Brilliant lights around your hands again, and the gloves appeared once more around your hands. You hadn't noticed them disappearing at all. The voice piped up mysteriously again.

    'You have gained the ability to fight.'

    A weird black shadow formed on the ground and crawled its way towards you. You stared at it curiously, when the voice continued.

    ' There will be times you have to fight. Keep your light burning strong.'

    More of the shadows appeared, and then they rose from the ground and you jumped in surpries, they were little creatures after all.

    "What the..." The closest one jumped at you and you instinctively clenched your fist and jabbed at it. It flew back, and the others jumped at you as well. You continued to beat them off with your fists, not knowing you could fight like this before. If you'd have known, well, lets just say that Jessica would be- wait. This was just a dream. It had to be. You twisted and turned to kick them as well as hit them out of the air. It didn't take long to beat a few, and then that's when the rest retreated back to the ground and vanished.

    'Behind you!'

    It cried and you looked back just in time to react by slashing it out of the air with a gesture of your hand, you made contact with what seemed to be it's face. You fought a bit more, and then one of them turned back into a shadow, but this time it expanded. There were blotches of shadows growing and crawling all over the place now, and you twitched away from them in surprise. But it was too late. The darkness pooled all around your feet, and you felt yourself sink in knee deep. You struggled and yelled out in frustration as you continued to sink into the darkness. Soon it was up to your chin. You yelled out once more as the Darkness finally engulfed you. You continued to struggle for a few minutes before opening your eyes, the darkness had faded, and now you were on a weird pink and white one with hearts on it and a white silhouette of a woman with a crown on.

    There was a door on the other end of this weird thing. You stood up slowly and brushed yourself off mumbling under your breath. You waltzed over to it and pulled sharply on the door handles. They came open after a great deal of stress. Light blinded you as you walked through it, and you covered you eyes briskly until it was good enough to see. What the- you were on the island! On the boat, the one Tidus always practices on. There, was Tidus, Selphie, and Wakka all there.

    'Hold on, the door wont open just yet, first, tell me more about yourself.'

    You shrugged and said aloud," Well I would if I could see you." then continued to grumble under your breath as you walked over and talked to all three of them. You answer their stupid questions. Then, all of a sudden you were transported to another Platform. This time with a pretty girl in a purple dress, and yet there were thorns all around her. Some of those black things appeared, and you had to take up fighting again. This was getting old, but what ever. You beat them, and walked over to a glowing circle on the ground. It made you feel way better after all that. Man, what was this weird- A light, sort of like a spot light, moved from the weird circle you were standing on and moved forwards. It moved off the Platform, and then a multitude of colored specks showed up, then some pretty stained glass steps started to appear. You cautiously walked up them, they lead to what seemed to be another Platform. The weird Black things started to pop out of no where.

    "Awe come ON!" You yelled in frustration as you beat them away. "Enough already!" Rolling your eyes you fought your way up to the Platform, and once you got up there you were pleased at the fact that they stopped coming. "Finally..." You breathed an annoyed sigh and walked to the center of the thing.

    'The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.

    Confused, you turned around and looked at your shadow- it was huge! You stared in shock as it started to move on its own- hell, it even stood up by itself!

    "Whoa! Hey, what the fu-" But you were caught off guard at it's transformation from you to this- gigantic monster with weird feet and a scarf that flows out in all directions!

    'But don't be afraid.....And don't forget.'

    "Eeep!" You squeaked and turned to run back down those stairs- damn! They were gone! You stopped just before the edge, and turned to face that thing. You'd have to fight it. You ran for it's feet, the only thing you could reach at the moment. You began to take a few swings at it when the blasted things hand came swooping down. It Punched the ground and a pool of darkness sprouted from it- and along came the weird black things! They attacked you as well, and you figured you'd better take care of these guys first. So you did some pretty crazy moves you really hadn't known you had and soon they all exploded into nothing. The big guy was still left, and you aimed for the feet once more. Maybe if you knock him off balance, you could kick him off the pedestal! That's when he leaned backwards and fell to his knees and threw his arms forwards as if to hug himself, then back again and this weird black orb appeared on his chest. You did the best you could to avoid those things but damn, did they ever hurt. You had to constantly keep moving while hitting his knees. Maybe if you could weaken them.. it stood up once more, and you gave it a good THWAK! on the back of the legs, where the knees are. It cried out and fell forwards, falling off the pedestal. Yes! You had done it!

    "HELLZ YEAH!" You yelled and threw up your arms in victory, like you normally do when you get something your way. At least you though it had fallen off the pedestal, but it came right back up!

    "Uh-oh!" You said and jumped back in surprise as it went onto it's hands and knees. You fell backwards with surprise and landed in a pool of darkness.

    'But don't be afraid.'

    The darkness started to crawl up your arms. The thing started to fall towards you, and the darkness creeped up your arm.

    'You are the Chosen one of Hearts.'

    You were drowning in darkness! You flailed your arms around and struggled harder to get out of it, then saw that thing coming towards you. You were trapped.

    "No-NO!" You yelled and continued to struggle and beat at the force pulling you down.

    'So don't forget. You are the one, who will sew together the light.'

    It engulfed you once more.


    "WHOA!" You yelled and jumped so hard that you thought you might Fall out of your seat. Your teacher was enraged.

    "IMIKO!" She yelled at you and the class laughed. You were still trying to find out where you were with a stupid glazed look on your face when everyone looked back at you. And I mean everyone, Including Riku, Sora, and Kairi. Riku was smirking over at you and looked as if he'd burst out laughing at any moment.

    "Having a Nightmare are we?" Jessica put that look on her face that spelled 'Haha, you're in trouble!' You glared, hoping to whipe that look off her pretty little face.

    "Uhhhhmm.. no, I just realized the answer to number ten after thinking real hard." You lied innocently, and the class laughed once more. Your teacher glared at you.

    "Your head was down on your desk." She stated matter-of-factly. You pouted in an innocent mannor.

    "Yeah, I was lookin' at the words real close up so I could think harder." Once again, laughter. The bell rang. First period was over. Thank god. You stood up stoutly and rushed out the door without another word. You stopped a little ways down the hallway with a sigh. You shuddered, that dream was so... real. And sew Together the light? What did it mean by that? You were so confused. You watched Kairi, Riku, and Sora walk towards you, all with big ass smiles on their faces. It made you fell a little better, and you smiled at them back, standing in the same spot you had stopped in earlier to wait for them.


    Post by: Imiko, Jul 13, 2008 in forum: Archives
  3. Imiko
    Seems to be angry with Imiko, though she can't figure out why... xD
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Imiko
    jojoj13 is a Yaoi fan, running over Haters with his van, when little haters hear his yell, all little haters run like hell! xD
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Imiko
    Oh-Ehm-Ghee NO WAY!!!!!! <33
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Imiko
    I'm currently making Paopu fruits and Sea Salt Ice cream to sell at the OtaFest. I just have to go out and but some supplies.
    Woops, I have an Extra 'U' in the title of the Thread. xD
    Thread by: Imiko, Jul 10, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Imiko
    *Laughs* Nice try. How about... Hmmm...... I dunno. Let me think for a while, besides, I'm still looking through Cam Corder possibilities.
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 9, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Imiko
    Yeah, like, superman or something crazy like that. I have a whole list of potential ones, and am willing to spend at Least a thousand dollars to get a good one. Let's see... I'd definitely Parody Kingdom hearts, just because I'm obsessed with it. What would you do in a Kingdom Hearts Parody?
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 9, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  9. Imiko
    Hiya! I'm getting a Camcorder here pretty soon so I can record what happens at the Otafest of 2009. I'm also going to make a few feature films. Like what, you ask? Well, let's see here. How about the 'Chronicles of a Kingdom Hearts fan'? Or the 'Chronicles of a yaoi fan'? <3 If you guys have Camcorders, why don't you record a little something of a movie and post it in the Amv section or what ever? I just thought- maybe we could make a Parody of a Movie? If you could make a Parody of a Movie, which one would you Parody?
    Thread by: Imiko, Jul 9, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Imiko
    If that guy touched me I would punch him in the face. I, personally, have nothing against Christians. I just hate what they have done in the past, and now this guy is brining back the ugly memories of what the Churches did back then. It personally bothers me that he would burn crosses into the kids arms. What if they didn't want to be christian? What if they had their own religions, and was violating them by doing so? These people say that they have rights to religious freedom, so do those kids in that classroom. But he didn't think about that now did he? He basically could have violated their religion for good, and now they are stuck with it because some ****ed up crack pot burned it into their arms. Honestly, If I ever met that guy it would be messy.

    HE BURNED IT INTO THE KIDS ARMS! WHAT IF THEY HAD THEIR OWN RELIGIONS DAMMIT??? Honestly. That Principle did what he had to, this ****er was burning those kids! That's ABUSE! Sorry for yelling, but this is a very sensitive subject for me.
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 9, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  11. Imiko


    *Gaspeth* All this over my name??? I feel so loved! <3 :luv:
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Imiko
    Personally I have nothing against the other religions, and would like to learn more, but I just don't think I'd sit there and listen while wasting my life on that when I could be doing other things. I'd like to learn, but not THAT much.

    So are you saying you have an enemy religion? I don't think that's something very respectful to say towards other people. It's almost like your saying Genocide here.
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 9, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  13. Imiko
    Nani? O.o....

    OH! Al Bhed. Kay, now I get it. xD
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Imiko
    Okay! <3333333333333333333333333333
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Imiko
    Awe. *Cries* :(
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Imiko
    WOOTY! *runs around in circles*
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Imiko
    'What the frig'?


    'Holy shitcakes Batman!'




    And the list goes on. xD
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Imiko
    Can I be a happy dappy zip zop zoobity bopping abukabuk friend??????
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Imiko


    Oh wow. O.O- xD Helz yeah! I feakin love you! xDD
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Imiko
    Alert! I Just Realized Something! I'm Doing My Hair To Go Out To Get A Cam Corder, And If I Dyed It Silver I'd Look Like Riku In Kh2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone