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  1. Imiko

    I would be mad as well. Or what if, since theses guys were the ones who translated it, what if they changed what ever they wanted to change and made the Bible today Inaccurate? How can anyone trust such a thing? But that's not the point, yeah, I think it isn't a sin because you cannot trust what the Bible says in the first place. Who knows what's been changed and manipulated over the years.
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 18, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. Imiko

    lol wtf...

    *Luaghs Mother freakin ass off* xDD That;s the best! <3

    Post by: Imiko, Jul 18, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Imiko
    I say it isn't a sin, and I don't care what this so called 'Biulble' or 'God' says for that matter. Who was the one who wrote the damn bible in the first place? It's so full of discrepancies towards the Homosexual people. First it says it's a sin, then it says that love thing, and so on and so fourth. Who ever wrote that thing really has too make up his/ her damn mind and open their eyes to what love really is. I have nothing against the Catholics, and am not trying to offend in any ways what so ever, my point is there are too many discrepancies in the 'Bible', so you can't really know for sure if it's a sin, right? I guess that's why some people choose to believe it was a sin and others don't, because the 'Bible' isn't specific.
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 18, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. Imiko
  5. Imiko
    Sora and Kairi.
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Imiko

    Lolz Yays!!!! <3
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Imiko
    Teehee, screw chuck, lets go with that Jack guy. xDD
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Imiko

    I could barley Read it, But I would have to agree. <3 Besides, Roxas and Sora are like, intertwined.
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Imiko


    I am not going to get angry or anything, But I was just having a bit o' fun, really, and Plus I am not a 'Sir'. Thank you for your comment though, it's nice to have someone else's opinion on a matter such as this, though I do have to say that I have done nothing wrong towards you and am not trying to be in an 'Epic' group or anything of the sort. :/ I'm sorry if you took it that way, and if you really must tell me what it is that I have done wrong, take it to Private Messaging. This is spam even for the Spam Zone.
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Imiko


    I don't know either, But the IQ Comment was just a little bit Uncalled for, don'cha think? ^,^
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Imiko
    Roxy- Roxas Rox my Roxing Sox <3
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Imiko
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  13. Imiko


    AWES! <333 OOOOOHHHHHH SHINEY THINGSSSSSSSSS <33333333333333333333333333
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Imiko






    DANCE POWER BIATCHES! For Hours of Fun filled surfing! Only recommended for people on Speed Balls though!
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Imiko
    Kingdom Hearts Two Peoples! Riku is all mysterious and sexy like! <333 You gotta love them boys from Kingdom Hearts! <3333
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Imiko


    Okay, so I was looking up for a new Laptop and I was reading about this new Vaio thing, and I was looking threw the specifics and this is one of the things I got...


    Type: DDR2
    Installed: 2GB PC2-4200 (1GBx2)
    Maximum: 2GB
    Speed: 533MHz

    Thread by: Imiko, Jul 17, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Imiko
    Teehee! <3 That made me laugh. Just them, walking down the isle of a freakin store. A freakin FIGHT SCENE in the STORE! xDD The random little boy on the swing set, the crazy crashing through things for no go damned reason! I just love it too death!
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  18. Imiko
    <3 And the Excitement builds! Here's a Sneak Preview into Chapter four!

    "Awe, c'mon guys, lighten up. Can't we just talk about this?" You said hastily, backing up into the Dead end of the Alley. Man, were you in a damn good position now. Jessica smirked. She had three over sized thugs behind her, and her arms were crossed.

    "No, I think I've already tried to talk to you about this multiple times. It's either you stay the Hell away from Riku, or you get Shitfaced." You glared deeply over at her, and then laughed, giving her a cocky little grin.

    "Sorry, He and I already made plans for the Sumer about- ehh, four days ago now? You're too late. And I ain't plannin' on breaking those plans up anytime soon, you see, they're kind of Important." You gave her a dismissive hand gesture and now it was her turn to laugh. Her beady eyes shone melevolently in the dank street light from behind her. You could just barely see the moon comming over head. Damn. You were going to get in so much trouble when you got home!

    "Fine then. Have it your way." She took a few steps back until she was level with the three thugs. "Boy's, do what I paid you for. And don't screw it up." You twitched with anxiety as you watched them laugh and crack their knuckles as they walked forwards. The tallest one got all up in your face and you just glared straight back. He lifted up his fist, and so did the others. You watched with horror as they came crashing down on you. You braced for Impact.


    Post by: Imiko, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: Archives
  19. Imiko

    Yeah, it's a movie. And another weird plot line is INVADER ZIM! <3 Gotta love Invader Zim. xDD
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 15, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  20. Imiko
    A Horror Movie called Perfect Blue. This famous singer, Mimirin, quits her job and goes as an actress for this one t.v show. Then she find this letter bomb for her and it get her producers hand blown up. Lovely, but that's not all, she finds this web site where someone claiming to be her is writing down EVERYTHING IN FULL DETAIL that she had done every day, like someones stalking her and pretending to be her over the web. And then in this one part she gets raped in the show she's in and the stalker gets pissed and totally writes fake cries of help all over the internet. At some parts in the movie, you don't know what real and whats a dream for her. Then her Producer gets murdered, the one who made her go through with the rape scene, and he gets killed by a screw driver. Very graphic.

    Then this guy makes her get nude photo's of herself all through this magazine without her knowledge, and he gets slaughtered as well. But the thing is, it looks like it's Mimirin that's killing him! So she wakes up from the dream of killing him, and then goes to he closet only to find the clothes that the guy was murdered in and covered in blood with a bloody screw driver. At that exactly moment, the press comes to her door and she has to hid the evidence. Then she keeps seeing herself, like a ghost of herself who's telling her she's just a **** and that she should have kept on singing. Her Manager, this girl, comes over to say hi and make sure she's okay after all that happened and more people end up dead. The she is back at the studio and she wakes up again and you have no Idea what's real and what's the dream. So she finishes the show and she's on her way out when the creepy stalker guy comes in and says "You're not Mimirin!" And tries to rape and murder her with a Screw driver I think. She ends up knocking him out and then her Manager comes in and saves her. Or so you think, because the Manager is Mimirin's best friend, but then when Mimirin is out it shows the stalker guy murdered by a screw driver.

    So Mimirin sees that ghost of herself and when Mimirin looked into the mirror that the ghost was standing on in front of, it was her over weight Manager dressed up as her with an insane look on her face. It turns out it was her all along, the nice, loving woman who would have done anything for her. So in the end her Manager attempts to kill her using a Screw Driver and Mimirin gets stabbed multiple times while running, and then she pushes the fat Manager in the overly tight cloths away from her and the Manager gets something shoved through her stomach. She then stands up after that and walked clutching her stomach over to the road and tries to get herself run over. Mimirin saves her, and the guy in the big truck stops and gets help. In the end her Manager thought she was Mimirin the whole time, and had a personality disorder and is in a mental institution for the rest of her life. Crazy, huh?
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 15, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga