WOOT! Alas, I must be off. I have to work tomorrow, you see. I can only hope that I will have very hot homosexual dreams tonight. ;)
Dude, me too! I'd be like, a flaming Homosexual cause it's so hot! <333 I have a Homosexual Fetish.<33
Banned for no reason what so ever.
Banned for having a Weird 'O' in the Username.
I disagree with that. How do you know that this 'God' person put it into their minds? They could be deceiving you. HOW DO YOU KNOW FOR SURE? There is absolutely no proof. This 'God' Person could be made up altogether, it's almost as if someone wrote it to be a story, long, long ago and someone found it and Mistook it for something real. That's my opinion anyways.
CHAPTER FOUR: And the Hatred grows. You slammed your head against the desk with an extremely loud groan which gained you some glares from a few people. Writing the Pre-test was Murder! You let your head rest on the desk for a few moments, then decided you'd better get to work on it. You grumbled heatedly underneath your breath as you gazed at question fifty two. 53.) 3T x 4n -(-6Y+ 9H) = Your eye twitched in an annoyed fashion. Awe, who needs Math to be an artist anyways? Still, you needed at least fifty percent so you can get into the next grade... continuing to grumble, you concentrated extremely hard, and then decided that you liked the number Seventy Two. And since you liked the number, it was obviously the answer to that question. And maybe the next five questions was well. Hell, who knows? Maybe all the answers are Seventy Two. Nah, better not risk it. You continued with a sigh, and decided to play the 'Answer-random-letters-on-the-test-and-make-a-picture' Game. You squinted at your answer sheet and tried to play connect the dots... hey, it looks like the top of an ear and.... a head! Hmmm... You continued to make it, marking multiple answers twice with your tongue sticking out the side of your mouth. You eyes were screwed up with concentration. Just as the final bell of the day rang, you had finished your picture. You put down your pen and leaned back to examine your Handy work.It was a... cat, no, wait, those were hooves, and the tail was too small to be a horses... you had made a DONKEY! You giggled with utter happiness. You didn't much care for donkeys, but then again they were funny little things. You hadn't noticed the class beginning to file out, only until Riku's sarcastic voice breached your satisfied conscious. "Hey! Imi! Man, where do you go girl? It's almost like you're in another world all up in your mind. Anyways, you're supposed to put that on Mr. Dumalyn's desk. How'd you do on it?" He asked and you quickly shoved your hands on top of your beautiful art work. Sora and Kairi walked up to your desk as well, Sora with a pissed off look on his usual bubbly features. "Stupid test..." He continued to grumble under his breath and Kairi piped up playfully. "Well, if you only would have studied for it, you wouldn't have failed you lazy bum!" She said hyperly and Sora groaned openly. "Yeah, who the hell studies for a freakin' Pre-test?" He inquired. You chuckled softly and returned your gaze to Riku. "I am not in my own little world- okay, scratch that. I am sometimes.And JUST to let you know, I worked REALLY HARD on this... okay, scratch that." You said with a sly smirk. Riku rolled his eyes. "You avoided the 'How'd you do?' Question there, Ims." He said in a final tone as he crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow over towards you. "I worked real- okay, well...ummm.." You trailed off and Riku laughed. "Out with it woman!" He said louder then intended, and you laughed and lifted up your paper, showing him what you'd made. "I MADE A DONKEY!" Little hearts bounced all around you in the background, while Everyone, Sora, Riku, and Kairi, all sweat dropped. Riku burst out laughing and took the paper from you, and placed it on your teachers desk. You stood up, pouting as you walked out the door. "You don't have to be so mean! I thought it was a really nice picture." You said in a childish voice. Riku stopped laughing, but there was deep amusement embedded in his voice. "Oh, yes, it was a positively BEAUTIFUL Picture, Ims, But that doesn't mean you passed the test." You pouted even more, sticking your lower lip pout even more. "Betcha five Munny I get more then Ninety percent on the test!" You said in an ecstatic voice. Riku smirked and looked back at you as all four of you walked towards your lockers. "You're on. Free five bucks for me then, eh?" He said which only made you puff out your cheeks in anger. You waited patiently for everyone to get their stuff, and sighed as you stared out the windows. Two more days of school left. It's been four days since you four had made the plans to go visit other worlds on a raft. How far would they get? Man, it was like a vast ocean out there. You were curious though, and excited all the more. You were thinking about the vast outreaches of space- when all of a sudden you got the Hamster Dance stuck in your head. You giggled. These things randomly happened to you, you would be thinking about something important, and then something completely random pops into your head. You started to hum, and once no one was paying attention to you, you started to sing along with it. "But-da di di di Ba doh doh, di ba di di doh!" You started to do the Head- bobbin thing and Riku, Sora and Kairi all gave you those kind of 'What the ****' Looks, before laughing extremely hard. "Wh-what are you on child?" Riku demanded to know before he continued laughing. You waved your arms up and down, once again, like a chicken trying to fly. "It wasn't me I SWEAR! The Hamsters made me do it! Their just so damn cute and fluffy!!!" That, of course, only made them laugh even harder. You pouted once more, and fallowed them out of the school and into the front court Yard. "Alright, so, we all know the plan for this summer?" Riku asked suddenly, and you nodded. They would toil away at making this Raft, and travel away on it sooner or later, or at least that was the plan anyways. "Hey, Imiko, Riku, Sora and I are going to go down to the Island again today. You want to come?" Kairi asked quietly, and you shook your head. "Nah, I think I'm gonna start studying. Lord knows I need it." You said with a pained voice. If only you had known what was about to enfold around you, you would have said yes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You sat at the Ice cream shop, only a few hours after to had parted from them with a heavy heart. You might as well get some brain food before you study, am I right? Anyways, you were just finishing of your sixth bowl,(Yes, you do have an obsession with Ice cream) When suddenly Someone sat in the chair straight across from you. You look across the round table too see only the Black haired Nasty. Jessica. You chocked on your Ice cream and Jessica laughed. "Nice one, Roan." She said with a Smirk on her face. You glowered back at her. "Whadya Want?" You said in between mouthfuls of Tiger Ice Cream. She grimaced at the sight of you. "Oh, how attractive. Well, actually, I wish I could say that I only stopped by to mention how horrid you looked today, but lets face it, I'm sure you already know that and so does everyone else. But that's not the point. The real reason why I'm here is rather Important. So keep your trap closed and listen up, I'm only going to say this once." She finished and you glared hatefully at that comment. Oh well, when you figured you were allowed to talk again, you would get her back. Until then you just continued to shove Fork Fulls of Ice Cream down your throat.You hated eating with spoons, and didn't know why, you just couldn't do it. "Right then, as I was saying, you seem to be a little too...... close with Riku. And How many times have I warned you to stay away from him? Just to let you know, I'm not going to take much more of your crap. You and I have a score to settle, and I think we all know who Riku likes the best and it sure as hell aint you." She paused and you laughing inside your head. 'Are you Kidding me? He freakin hates you!' You thought with a highly amused expression on your face. This didn't seem to please her one bit. "As I was saying, this is your last warning before I snap. And you wouldn't want that, now would you? See, cause I know people. And It just so happens that for a price, they'll do what ever I want them too. And I know for a fact that you're not strong enough to protect yourself from them. You get what I'm saying? So, Final warning, stay away from him, or else." She finished with hatred in her voice, and before you could say anything, she stood up and walked away with such a forceful air it seemed as though she had bricks tied to her feet. Haha, she looked funny. You burst out laughing and finished off your Ice cream. You still had some time before the sun set, so you decided to go to the park. At the time, you thought nothing of her threat. She always threatened to do stuff like that and never went through with it. What makes her think she'll do it know? You giggled as you slowly made your way to the park. You usually like to sit under the shade of the trees surrounding the park and day dream. It was your favorite Pass time. You found your favorite Oak tree and sat underneath it, gazing up at the Sky in a dreamy like manner. You dozed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you re-opened your eyes you saw that, to your dismay, the sun was almost setting. "Crap!" You yelled and shot yourself up right. The world suddenly turned your vision black and Tunnel like. You briskly brought up your right hand and grabbed your head. "Whoa, dizzy spell... I got up to fast." You complained and once it subsided, you gasped at the time once more, and decided to take a short cut home this time. You ran through the alley closest to the park. It was getting dark, and shadows were long casted. You continued to run, only to see four figures standing at the end of the Alley. That's weird, no ones usually out back here at this time of night. You shook the though from your mind. It wasn't before long that you saw who it was... and you were even more shocked. So much so that you skid to a stop. Jessica was standing in front of three dangerous looking guys. One with deep chestnut brown hair and an overly pudgy face. One was bald and extremely ugly, and the last was was bulky with a well toned face and mustache. They seemed older then even her mom and Dad. But why were they hanging around with Jessica? You eyed them suspiciously as you continued to walk, and that's when Jessica turned her head and said something to them, they all nodded and started to walk forwards. You shortly wondered what she had said, until you saw them speeding up. And faster, and faster... Until they broke into a run... straight for you! Alarmed, you turned swiftly and broke into a fast run in the opposite direction. What were you gonna do? Down the bend, around another turn, through another alley, You just couldn't seem to shake them off, so you continued to run through the Vast town. It seemed like you had been running for hours, and perhaps you had, because it had gotten dark and your breaths were short and labored, your legs burning like hell. Finally you took a quick right and skidded to a stop. You were trapped. It was a dead end. You turned to face the Three who were breathing harshly as well, and You saw Jessica walk past the three of them with an evil Glint in her eyes. "Awe, c'mon guys, lighten up. Can't we just talk about this?" You said hastily, backing up into the Dead end of the Alley. Man, were you in a damn good position now. Jessica smirked. She had the three over sized thugs behind her, and her arms were crossed. "No, I think I've already tried to talk to you about this multiple times. It's either you stay the Hell away from Riku, or you get Shitfaced." You glared deeply over at her, and then laughed, giving her a cocky little grin. "Sorry, He and I already made plans for the Sumer about- ehh, four days ago now? You're too late. And I ain't plannin' on breaking those plans up anytime soon, you see, they're kind of Important." You gave her a dismissive hand gesture and now it was her turn to laugh. Her beady eyes shone malevolently in the dank street light from behind her. You could just barely see the moon coming over head. Damn. You were going to get in so much trouble when you got home! "Fine then. Have it your way." She took a few steps back until she was level with the three thugs. "Boy's, do what I paid you for. And don't screw it up." You twitched with anxiety as you watched them laugh and crack their knuckles as they walked forwards. The tallest one got all up in your face and you just glared straight back. He lifted up his fist, and so did the others. You watched with horror as they came crashing down on you. You braced for Impact, but never felt it. You opened your tightly shut eyes slowly, only to see that he had stopped, and so had the others. They were completely still, as if Time itself had stopped. Then, you heard that voice again. "Defend yourself." Was all it said, and there was the sudden flashing of light as the gloves replaced themselves on your hands. 'No way, I thought that was just a Dream! So... it was... real? No way, This can't be-' but your thoughts were interrupted as they started to move again, and you had to move quickly to block their attacks. The one in front of you was blocked by your right, and the one on your left was blocked by your left hand. You sharply lifted up your right foot and slammed it into the third, chubby faced one and sent him flying. You watched as the others showed naught but shock on their pathetic faces. Great, so it has begun. You flew both your hands out, knocking theirs aside and flattened your palm and brought it up to the one guy, the bald ones chin and slammed it hard. You heard him bite through his own tongue as blood splattered your hand. You fisted your left hand and used an upper cut maneuver to get the guy in the stomach. You hadn't notice the Bald guy get up and get got you in the face. You kicked out at him and got him in the crotch. "HA!" You yelled before getting kicked in the stomach. You coughed and doubled over, blood spattering on the cement. Kay, now you were pissed. You brought your leg straight up and kicked him under the chin, again, and this time he stayed down, obviously stunned, then you grabbed the one guy with the Brown hair with your right hand on his collar and your left on his stomach, you moved to the side and picked him up, throwing him at the other Bulky guy. They collided with a great 'Thud' noise, and slammed into the wall with an ugly crunching noise. You found your chance. You bolted while they were all down. Exhaustion seeped into your very bones as you ran, and your breathing hadn't gotten much better either. You turned a few bends and found yourself at the park. You flew into the forest at a record speed and found an over turned tree with it's roots still partly in the ground. You crawled under that, and lay half way in, and half way out, breathing heavily. Your body burned. Your stomach hurt more then anything, and your right side of your jaw inflamed with agitation. You hurt all over. Slowly, your vision started to dissipate as exhaustion over took your body, and you felt a wave of sleep wash over your injured body. You had to get up, you had to get home.. but you couldn't move. And the ground was soft, cool and comfortable... you struggled to stay awake, but in the end the massive entity that was sleep claimed your body and mind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END OF CHAPTER FOUR! Sorry about the shortness, I wanted to leave it with a Cliff hanger and I'm sure the amount of rising action in it kind of out weighs the shortness, sorry anyways! <3
Hmmmm... Interesting.... new, Kind of random, though it makes a statement. Hmmmm... I like it, though it could flow a bit more together, you know what I mean? Other then that Its really good.
Ummm...... Yeshhhh..... RANDOM PICS SOUND GOOD! *Tootles off to find some*
oooooooOOOooooOOOOOOooooooOOOOOOOOOooooOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nobodies are Sexier. <3
Lolz NICE! <3
Lolz WOOT! <33 Yeah baby! Bring the Ladies on! xD (Don't hate me because I'm a woman. xD)
O,o Ummmm............Yeah. Admin please? I think you're doing what one of the things that CTR said pissed a LOT of people off so... umm... ADMIN????? Where you at? Help me! I wasn't trying to be mean, and I don't want this thread to be locked soo... I HATE MONKEYS! Anyone else? xD
<3 then we shall talk about something else.... Like.... Ummmm..... lets see here..... OH! I GOT IT! How do I post a video?
Lolz sorry. I shouldn't assume that you're from America, though most people I've come to know have been like that are from America. That still doesn't give me the right to assume though, sorry. And I still find that offensive, stop please? I'm asking nicely. :bounce: :bounce:
SHUNNNNNNN! SHUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN THE NON-BELIEVER! We are NOT all fat, I HATE hovckey with a passion, and if you say that a gigantic Canadian tree shall fall upon your head! SHUNNNNNNNNN! I find that offensive actually. D<
I know, eh? ((<--------*Points to stereotype* Not every Canadian says that either. I think it's just me. NOT EVERY CANADIAN SAYS EH! And we don't have a ****en accent so back off all you American jokers! *Waves fist around viciously*))
OI! What with Dissin' the Canadians today? -_- Somehow, I feel honored and slightly pissed off. xD
OI! No dissin' the Canadians! >,<
I disapprove of what you put. Everyone has a right to freedom of speech, if you don't like it you don't have to be here. No one said you had too hun. <3
Yeah, I hate that too. I'd have to agree about when someone gets all pissy and insults you just for the heack of it, then runs when a person stand up for his/ or herself. That happened to me yesterday. xD I was just having a bit of fun, cause I don't usually come on the Spamzone/ Playground. So I figured I'd just post a bunch of random Shiat. Apparently I was trying to be 'Epic', and had the IQ of a Squirrel. -_-;. I tried to be nice back, and when I confronted the person about it they bolted! Honestly, if you're going to pick a fight, the least you could do is not be a coward and run away when the person sticks up for themselves. I mean honestly, a person can't get mad on here for someone being stupid, because this whole thing is called a 'Play ground'. You know, where people hang around just to act stupid for once in their life? Sorry, a bit of a rant here of my own. xD