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  1. Imiko

    Sainteh D<

    O.O OOOoooOOOOooOOOooooOOOooohhhhhhh REALLY? *Bows down to almighty greatness* (xD)
    Post by: Imiko, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Imiko


    Lolz NICE! *high fives* WOOT! <3
    Post by: Imiko, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Imiko

    Sainteh D<

    <3 I can help kill him if you want! I can be your.... SHINIGAMI! xD (Besides Ryuk, I'm guessing him and you are good friends. I'll be the stalker.xDD)
    Post by: Imiko, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Imiko
    Lolz no. But it can if you want to! ;) Lol JOKING! xDD
    Post by: Imiko, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Imiko

    Sainteh D<

    *Goes to hell and meets up with Matt* HELLZ YEAH! <3
    Post by: Imiko, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Imiko
    In My Innocently Kinky Opinion, I think you're all insane. :)
    Post by: Imiko, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Imiko

    Sainteh D<

    Lolz! *Eats popcorn and watches, amused* xD
    Post by: Imiko, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Imiko

    Post by: Imiko, Aug 30, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  9. Imiko
    I watched about 32 second before I threw Up in the garbage can next to me. Not all of them are that bad.... Trust me. When I post up my 'Roxas Chronicles; In the Mind of Orginization Thirteen' It'll be awesome. xD I just have to get the cosplay costume.xD
    Post by: Imiko, Aug 20, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Imiko
    Yeah, the point of this thread wasn't out to change it, I was just posting up conversation. And I know about the more fun Role Plays where your character can do what ever you like, those are great! <3 I used to love those, especially the one role plays where it was like, every anime coming together. There was this one I was in, it had like, Invader Zim, Inuyaysha, Yu Yu Hauksho and Naruto all in one. It was crazy. Apparently Sesshomaru didn't like Gir. xD
    Post by: Imiko, Aug 20, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Imiko

    ".....But my king, are you sure? If we are mistaken, if that Wretched woman has lied to us, we are sacrificing our greatest troops to some wild-" A booming, horridly screeching voice interrupted the Frail demons rant.

    "FOOL! The Scrouges do not lie. We shall send out our troops to destroy these prophesied Humans." The King of Demons spat out so violently that his puny adviser shook where he stood, just a stones throw away from where the King himself sat upon his decayed throne. King Granthos narrowed his horned eyes viciously.

    "B-But you're majesty, the Angels- I mean Scrouges, Could have devised a way to Lie in their Language." The king thought for a moment, His long curling horns that rest a top his head burned lightly at the tips. He lifted one gnarled hand, covered in rough black skin that seemed almost Identical to bark. He stroked his broad chin thoughtfully, Opening his mouth in a wide hellish smirk, only to reveal two rows of Perfectly pointed canines.

    "No, Serril, they did not lie. I know this for a fact. Our High Priest has made the very same prediction in the past, it is only right that those pathetic Scrouges would catch up later rather then sooner." The king chuckled to himself, enjoying calling them by their Nasty Nickname only said by demons of the highest class. The King loved to insult them with that foul name, which in the Language of the Ancients means ' Pathetic pigeons'. Serril seemed to calm down by his masters new found calmness, and continued to speak, wiping the sweat from his purple brow.

    "Then how come we were not notified of this atrocity sooner my liege?" He carefully choose his words, knowing how often the King was angered and how easily. The kings purely red eyes glowed with amusement as his cracked face moved into a sly grin enough to make any man be foul themselves.

    "Because this particular one has my interest. The Seven Creatures of Creation. The creatures of the elements; the most sacred beasts of all time. It angers me that they shall be given to Seven humans as their guardian beasts. But then again, if I keep this secret long enough, I can have my Army ready before they even come out. Of course, no regular demon can defeat a Creature of Creation. They are the seven beasts that created this world and all who live on it. That Is why I have left it to my Royal Army, the closest to me and all that I stand for, you see. Not the Regular one, but My Elite of the Elite. Lead by the Shikyo Shuhan Himself. My closest friend. He shall go into the void, and there he will wait with his Elite group of Demons. He alone will be able to sense the Creatures of creation finally find their humans. And that will be when he comes out of the Time void and Destroys them." He finished with his hugely Muscled chest puffed out in triumph. Serril sighed in defeat.

    "Yes, my liege. But it is in the Prophecy, how are we supposed to stop destiny?" He asked, and knew it was a mistake the moment it came out of his blue lips.

    "ONNA! None shall defeat me! Whether it is written in a prophecy or not! My kingdom shall not fall!" He screamed and the small fire on the tip of his horns grew to cover his horns, as a reflection of his anger. Serril shrank back, looking like an Ant compared to the Kings enormous size.

    "Wh-When does the Shikyo Shuhan leave?" This made the king laugh. A horrible sound it was, enough to make anyones ears bleed with despair. Serril endured though.

    "He has already left! This morning! You are slow, my friend. And you are dismissed. Leave me to my thoughts, or perish."


    And thus that's how our story began. With a Prophecy, you see, one that surely spells the Downfall of the King and his Kingdom of Hell. Seven Humans are given the gifts of the elements, able to control them at will. They are also Given the Seven Beasts of Creation, for the Seven have seen the destructive path the Demons have laid behind and in front of them. These creatures did not want that to become the world they created, one full of despair and hatred. So, they decided in the year 2012, they would come down themselves and stop the demons from re-entering the world from their prison they were encased in. Because you see, a few years after the conversation with his adviser, the Creatures sealed the Demons down into Hell itself, bringing peace to the world once more. But the Demon King has found a way to break through from the outside, and with that he had sent out his Shikyo Shuhan- Death Leader- to break the seal from the outside world, spelling the destruction of the Creatures. This was prophesied, and with that the creatures decided it was time to take action. They vowed ti destroy the Shikyo Shuhan before he could break the seal, and Kill the Demon king where he stood. And this is your story. You are either one of the Seven children of fate, or you are a Guardian Spirit, watching over them in a human form. You must defeat the Shikyo Shuhan before it's too late- else Hell will be unleashed on earth. So, what will it be? Will you Fight to save the world? Or fight to destroy it?


    1.) No God moding or Power Playing, thanks. No perfect characters either. No ones perfect in real life, and no ones perfect in Role Playing.

    2.) Please be Literate, and please fallow my Rules along with my Plot. Let's not change anything, because I have a ton of Sub-plots planned for this 'LONG TERM ROLE PLAY.'

    3.) Please keep the spam in the Playground, thanks.

    4.) Please don't change my Profile skeleton in any way, shape, or form.

    5.) Private Message me with your Profile. Please do not Post it.

    6.) Name the Message 'Truth' for humans, 'Valor' for Guardians, and "Hell' for Demons.

    7.) Put a random smiley somewhere in your Profile, anywhere, So I know you've read the rules.

    8.) I am goddess of this Role Play. I have a right to kick you out of you break any of my rules, and if you do not comply A tree shall fall upon you.

    9.) On second thought, please also put another smiley in your profile anywhere. I don't care, and long as there are two smiles.

    10.) I can add rules at any moment in time that I want to. The new additions will be made in 'Red'

    Character List:


    Koudo (Earth)-
    Kaji (Fire) -
    Mizu (Water) - (Reserved)
    Kuuki (Air) -
    Koori (Ice)
    Awai (Light) -
    Kuro (Dark)-


    Shikyo Shuhan (Death Leader)-

    Demon 1
    Demon 2-
    Demon 3-
    Demon 4-
    Demon 5-
    Demon 6-
    Demon 7-
    Demon 8-

    Creatures of creation:

    Koudo (Earth)- Imiko
    Kaji (Fire) -

    Mizu (Water) -
    Kuuki (Air) -
    Koori (Ice)-
    Awai (Light) -
    Kuro (Dark)-


    My favorite saying? Oh sure, it's; (A spiffy quote here. Keep it some what clean people.)
    My name? Well, sure; (Name of character.)
    How old am I? Well, you're never supposed to ask someone that. it's rude; (Age)
    I use the (Gender) Washroom.
    What Am I? Well, isn't it obvious? (What you are. Demon, Human, or guardian.)
    Hey, Mommy, lookie what I can do! ( Abilities.)
    Ohh, pointy and shiny! I'll take it! (Weapons.)
    Don't come near me with that!; (Fears.)
    Oh, yeah, my favorite!( Likes.)
    Blech, Ewwey. (Dislikes)
    Me? I'm attracted to; (Sexual orientation.)
    What do I look like? Well, heres a Picture.( Picture of your character. Demons can have multiple forms, humans have one form and Guardians have as many forms as they like, including human and depending on their powers. Put them in URL form and I can deal with them.)
    What happened to me? Well, you asked for it. (Biography. Two paragraphs minimum.)
    In the group, people would say that I'm; (Personality. Minimum one paragraph.)
    Who's Asking? (Username.)


    You can make it any color, size, or font you want to. Please fallow the rules, and everything will be written in first person point of view so it fits with the Skeleton. Like 'I am the type of person who would randomly yell at someone for no reason.' Okay, crap example, but it still works right? Anyways, I want a Role Play example sent along with your Profile so I can get a feel on how you Role Play. ^^ Thanks!

    Accepted Characters; Males


    Accepted Characters; Females
    Thread by: Imiko, Aug 13, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Imiko



    Tenacious D- Karate
    Post by: Imiko, Aug 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Imiko
    Lolz yeah, But then again it some times is hard for people to create some plots, see heres an example. I wrote this myself, and It's only based on what I saw, I'm not using anyones writing against that that would be dorwn right rude.

    'There are six castles in the kingdom of Erriccan. They each have princesses and princes along with kings. Alright, heres the Profile skeleton!~'

    .........Wheres the plot? That's like, One third setting and .5 Plot. ...???
    Post by: Imiko, Aug 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Imiko
    <3 yeah I hate it when People don't stick to the plot. That's why I have rules in my Role Play, but they're only there to keep everything running smoothly. Plus the One I'm thinking about has nothing to do with Kingdom Hearts, but something entirely new that I just thought up two seconds ago. xDD
    Post by: Imiko, Aug 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Imiko
    *Smaks back* xD Super Back Smak! xD What are we doing?
    Post by: Imiko, Aug 12, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Imiko
    <3 Of course! I know How it is, I started out like that too you know. It just took me a bit to get into it 's all. ^^ I'm sure everyones the same at some point in their lives, like there was this one time when I was just starting out, and I joined this Role Play that was solely just to piss the Literate people off. We had Sasuke running around in a Banana suit. xD Have you ever done something like that? It's really fun! <333 You can make them do stupid Shat. xDD
    Post by: Imiko, Aug 12, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Imiko
    Konnichi Wa! Hajimemashite! Or, in other words, Hello! How do you do? You say 'Hajimemasite' when you meet someone for the first time. It's the polite thing to do. There's also 'Konban Wa' Which means 'Good evening'. This is the basic Beginners stuff. <3
    Post by: Imiko, Aug 12, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Imiko
    I was reading through a few of the Role plays, and I almost started crying. I don't get it! Most of them the plots aren't apparent. Where, oh where did the lovely plots go? It breaks my heart. They seem like really good role plays, I really want to join some of them, but I can't if I don't get it, you know? >,< So I've decided to make my own Literate Role Play- Tomorrow! I have to work in half an hour. T-T But the plots! Oh, the plots! I miss the intricate plot lines with sub plots so cleverly woven into them, *Sigh* What's a girl to do?
    Thread by: Imiko, Aug 12, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Imiko
    Banned because you were trying to rape me! *Gasp* :roar:
    Post by: Imiko, Aug 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Imiko
    Yes, well, I think censoring the real bad words is only needed, but censoring them all is torture.
    Post by: Imiko, Jul 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone