Orientation for college ? Wazzat ? Oh no, wait, I think I saw that in Buffy once. You fill a bunch of personality tests and the results tell you what kind of job would suit you best, am I close ?
Wait, they' re getting rid of their golden goose ? Let' s face it, at this point Kojima was Konami. Their execs are notorious for their meddling, trouble is they have their heads so far up their own ass they had no problem greenlighting a DBZ-style final fight in Silent Hill 5 (among other things). It definitely sounds bad for Silent Hills.
The latter. I assume they earn a living from their work at PETA ? People don' t work there for free do they ? Then it should come as no surprise their hammer somehow managed to found nails where there aren' t any. The goal is to make the news, preferably the front page so the more outlandish the better.
At first it was supposed to be a Tetris movie, at least that' s how it was worded in the news. Which ... good luck with that mate ! The news I read today said Chris Colombus was actually inspired by a short Tetris movie :
Well Vince Gilligan wrote some of the most memorable X Files episodes, so I suspect Breaking Bad would be right up my alley. I' m not looking forward to the new X-Files just out of nostalgia, but also because the American political and sociological landscape has changed quite a bit in a couple decades and that series was brilliant at asking just the right questions. The creator certainly seems excited by that prospect.
I still haven' t watched Breaking Bad. I watched the first couple episodes with my sis and a pal, that scene with the bathroom had me in tears. Loved the way they phoned it from a mile away. xD I heard a new shot at X-Files has been announced, that cannot come fast enough.
Depends which enemy you kill and where (the same enemy won' t necessarily give you the same kind of phantoma when fought in a different square of the map). Cyan, magenta and sepia can easily be farmed if you' re in the right place, or even outright bought at some point (though they' re not exactly cheap, but hey, there' s an infinite money trick !). The rarest phantomas require patience. The move you used to kill your enemy does affect the type of phantoma it will drop. Ice for blue, fire for red and lightning for yellow, but I don' t think there' s a way to increase your odds to get a purple or green phantoma.
I just checked, it' s April 22 here. xD Not sure about the rest of the world, but in France American studios don' t get to choose their release dates as they wish. To prevent your blockbusters from drowning our own French movies we can delay or accelerate a release. Besides movies are always released on Wednesdays here, I think it' s more of a week-end thing in the US.
Yeah I do hope they fixed it because it was endlessly moronic. He' s in the later half of your second playthrough, you only get to see him the first time around. Uber Gilgamesh aside (plus maybe a few PS4 bonuses) everything can be beaten in two playthroughs. My lowest characters are lv 35+ and that' s low enough to get easy S-ranks against that boss. So yeah, no hurry. Besides I suppose training doesn' t give you rare phantoma, and you' ll want heaps of that too. Seven and Sice were my backups, my main was Ace.
Oh good, the training is pretty useless otherwise. Took me forever (2 walkthrough and quite a lot of grinding) to take three characters up to 99 on PSP, and Lv is everything in that game. Word of advice though : you should avoid grinding all the characters, even if it is much easier in that version, because one of the later bosses cannot be killed easily/quickly unless you have two or three lamers around to sacrifice. That boss respawns every two hours, and as long as it' s alive and kicking it steals all the phantoma you generate for himself. If it respawns while you' re in the middle of a mission you can kiss a good score goodbye. They might have fixed this boss in this version (I assume you' re playing on PS4), but I wouldn' t bet on it. And while I' m at it, here' s another tip for you : it' s easier to get an S-rank if you attempt the missions with a single character (no backup at all). On some of the hardest missions it might even be required.
If I am to believe wikipedia Nabokov thought the book broke three puritanical american taboos : - Incest and pedophilia. - Mixed race marriage. - A happy and useful atheist who dies of old age. From what I gathered it' s the original English edition that was categorized as pornographic, because of its editor. The book has been censored in France at first, but that was under pressure from the English Home Office. All they could do was stall though, they couldn' t prevent French translations to flourish.
Oh I was totally aware it came from that book, I just had no clue what the book was about. And it is actually held in high esteem here nowadays. French, remember ? xD Besides I' ve had this song stuck in my head ever since I' ve read this thread :
Not sure how it is in English, and I haven' t read the book, but in French the word describes a child' s mind in an adult/sexualized body. Or in a broader sense a difference in maturity between mind and body. Lolitas definitely can be (and often are) dressed in a fashion quasi-universally perceived as sexualized, they' re just not necessarily aware of it or do it for different reasons.
It' s better than Atlantica, but that' s not saying much. It' s also harder. The moments we' re supposed to press buttons are much more in synch with the songs than they were in Atlantica (though some are still offbeat), and it relies more on memory than reflexes. I' m not a huge fan of it (rythm games aren' t exactly my thing), but I didn' t mind it too much either. Having to do it all over again with each character was a big downer though.
That' s probably correct. In my experience they put all the stuff they should just throw away in there, so they' re half filled with useless/gross junk. And of course what you' re looking for is usually right in the middle of said garbage. Besides, our hands are our tools, we do everything with them so they' re easily the most germ-infested part of our anatomy. Not that it' s that bad, being exposed to very few germs is just as bad as being exposed to too many, our immune systems need something to grind their teeth on. What you said about the way we filter the gross stuff for peace of mind reminds me of a short story by Isaac Asimov. I' m not sure what its English title would be. It' s about this dude in space who stumbles upon a bunch of people in a pinch. They won' t deal with their trash themselves, even though it' s putting their lives in jeopardy. He does it for them, but as soon as he' s done they all flee without a thank you : he' s now just as taboo as the trash to them.
Or much, much worse says my nurse sis. I' ve worked with plumbers for a couple weeks, it had its nasty moments. I' ll spare you the details.
There probably was no knowledge on the matter. If memory serves historically the keyblade warriors institution (if you can call two teachers an institution) has shown quite a lack of interest for darkness-related topics. The scales had been tipping on the side of light for quite a while, so it was considered superfluous. It' s precisely what drove Xehanort away and prompted him to take the matter in his own hands.
Surprised Nick Fury didn' t think of pulling that one himself. Protip : next time SHIELD is compromised do not store your sensitive data on a USB drive. Put it on floppy disks. Hydra might find them anyway, but at least if they do it will take them a while to read them.
FF VIII : Squall' s cutting habits landed him at the infirmary again. This school has crushed his soul so thoroughly no black clothes can do it justice. Can he still find it in himself to question the status quo ?
Ironically, one of the the reasons native american and black slaves were so handy is that their immune systems were more suited to face the various illnesses and plagues one could come across in the new world. They were superior beings ! As mind boggling as it sounds now, at first a lot of Europeans genuinely wondered if blacks were humans. The Church reigned supreme and dogma is all these men knew, contradictory evidence be damned. Their definition of "human" wasn' t exactly scientific. Of course, the double standard became more and more blatant as time went by, but by the time it caught on enough wind in the public debate slavery was already an economical reality you couldn' t just get rid of overnight. The Valladolid debate would be a good example of the moral dilemmas colonization flared across Europe.