I' ll take that as a no.
I just read in the news that a French actress got a role in Age of Ultron. The latest X-men also featured a famous French actor, and spent a good length of its plot in Paris. Which makes me wonder, are there any French mutant ? If memory serves Gambit' s actual name is RĂ©mi Lebeau, but given his accent in the movie I assume he' s Cajun rather than French.
Heh, noblesse oblige.
I guess it depends what it is you want to do with your life. Dunno if it' s the case in the US as well, but good math/science grades are a master pass here, they open every door. I was lagging behind as well at some point, couldn' t keep up anymore. My parents hired a private teacher two hours a week for a few months, that was enough for me to score a decent grade at my finals. You should explain to your parents that you' re fighting an uphill battle, too many things you' ve failed to grasp along the years. Without a little help chances are will alone won' t lead you far. Maybe one of your siblings could do something about it ?
Is that fresh enough for you ?
Obviously. Wacha gonna do about it ? Spoiler
A Frenchman is drowning in the Thames, he sees a local on the ground and cries for help. - "Sir I' m sinking ! I' m sinking !" - "What are you thinking ?"
HEIL !!! I mean ... sure.
Well then you might want to give a try to another mushroom. Just because Halloween Town was the easiest for someone out there doesn' t mean it would be the easiest for you. I guess Agrabah is out of the question, 3 seconds looks pretty unfeasable, but how about Mulan' s ? That one was a piece of cake for me, maybe S is totally feasable against it. Give four luck rings to Sora and tell Goofy and Donald not to fight (they can' t stack as much luck as Sora). Also equip any equipment or ability that could boost his luck some more. I' m not sure those stack too, but better safe than sorry.
Not to confuse with whitecum cishet. It' s subtle, but there' s a difference.
I assume s-rank is what' s required to get the best materials too, a-rank won' t cut it ? I' ve farmed the one in Agrabah dozens of time to get all the crystals I needed. Took me between 7 and 9 seconds on average. I don' t feel like checking but I assume that' s s-rank fast, yet I don' t have those weapons either. I was only wearing a single luck ring though, but I noticed later on that they stack.
They didn' t have much to say about that game when I played it a few months ago. They' re probably playing catch up right now. I used this instead, everything you need in one neat document : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...dRV2pqWWdyLVViMWxtVklOY2c&toomany=true#gid=26 Locations names might have changed a bit, they didn' t match the fanslation either.
While it probably nets you A-ranks rather than S-ranks, the Agrabah mushroom is hands down the quickest to farm. I didn' t check which weapons they can drop though, I got three for Donald and three for Goofy. Do they have an even better (or rather less lame) fourth one ?
There' s no pledge in France, but I' ve heard similar stories. Our right wing is extra suspicious of Islam. For good reasons, I gotta give them that, but I can also see why their approach to secularism would make Muslims feel stigmatized. I was a bit on the fence about the veil thing, but their latest proposal to get rid of substitution meals in school cafeterias is outright shameful. Aside from sticking it to the Muslims I' m not sure what that would accomplish exactly. Our right wing has been stuck on that notion of "national identity" for years now, trying to think of what makes a French truly French. Way to waste your time there, Mr Scotsman. If I was to say publicly, in a moment of anger, that France is a shitty country no one would give a flying **** about it. See, I' ve checked all the boxes those guys actually care about. But when Zlatan Ibrahimovich says it aw naw you really did it !!! The pledge, in and of itself, stems from the same effort to artificially inject a national identity. Problem is true respect is earned, it' s not a given. I find it curious they chose the pledge of all things to promote foreign language week, but then maybe the irony wasn' t entirely lost on the teachers.
Are you going to match that font or be all ... Spoiler
Wasn' t it supposed to be a prequel ? I vaguely remember them saying so. I understood diddly squat about the plot anyway so ...
Bump ! Meanwhile in Germany ... This is glorious. xD
It' s purely commercial here as well, but it' s pretty tame. It' s not like we desperately needed a special day to go drink beers with friends.
I wear green everyday because my jacket is green. And St Patrick is my saint. But all we do here is drink beer. People don' t go crazy on the green, and that pinching thing is complete news to me.