Oh sure, one doesn' t necessarily entail the other, it just does for me. Sorry for the confusion. I' m not allergic to the feminist label as you just defined it, it totally applies to me. I just don' t agree with every feminist out there. And these days the number of self labeled feminists I agree with is pretty scarce.
If I am to believe FFDream SE said they intend to keep this game alive for a decade.
Apparently Misty would rather have this be its own thread so ... here I go. I' m a humanist as well. Which makes me both a feminist and a MRA, just ... not an active one. Can' t help noticing the MRA and gamergaters have raised an awful lot of devastating points lately. They' re just as likely to give in to cat fights as feminists though. And I wish they could use all that energy to criticize medias at large, we sure could use it. Precisely. Privileged is synonymous with "non-discriminated", and I sure as hell don' t see how that' s a problem. I' m all for equality, but I hate censorship with a passion. And a lot of these people are really snowflake censors. Even the "good" ones can be guilty of that every now and then. Misty, I' m looking at you right now. Being okay with nudity as long as it stays in your room is the very definition of puritanical. I assume the reason you made no attempt whatsoever at demonstrating why that shirt was sexist was that, at some point, you realized you couldn' t. At least I hope so. Don' t worry, I know your heart is in the right place. And you don' t flee actual dialogues, that will always earn you cookie points in my book. I just needed something concrete to illustrate my case and that' s what popped to mind. Actually, and that' s the scary thing, it does work. I would just laugh it out if they just stayed in their tumblr bubble, but they don' t. I read the Huffington Post daily, it' s infested with click bait tumblrina diarrhea. This isn' t just about the video games I love, this isn' t just about the comics I love, when they fuck with my country and keep painting the Charlie Hebdo staff as racists/islamophobes, over and over and over again, I lose my shit. What' s even worse is that the French Huff Puff doesn' t dare to print those articles, nor did it dare posting their Chapel Hill shooting article without editing it a bit first. Make no mistake, they are deliberately dishonest, this isn' t an accident. When I bitched and moaned about the Faux News of the world in the Chapel Hill shooting thread this is exactly what I had in mind. Fox is easily the worst offender, but the others aren' t that much better. But wait, it doesn' t stop there either ! Just look at what' s happening in American universities right now. Or the kind of laws that have been passed in Britain and Sweden lately. Those people do have an impact. They don' t have nearly as much of an impact in France, THANK GOD !!! But they sure are trying.
GPS syndrome ? You mean the fact that quest givers couldn' t be pinpointed on the map, forcing you to talk to everyone until you find them (if they even appear at that hour) ? Yeah, that was annoying as hell alright. And a bit curious considering the menus did an awesome job at tracking what should be kept and what could be sold without a second thought.
Ow come on, I literally just told you to stick with the one that suits you the most. Look, this is personal and sensitive to you, I get that. The first time people called me amoral for being an atheist it left me speechless. But getting on my high horse would have little improved their understanding of atheism. So every time I keep calm and just explain why it is a stupid statement. Preferably without sounding condescending. And you know what, sometimes it works. When they display some genuine curiosity, like Te Deum did, my anger vanishes. This is the third time I try to speak of gender and just manage to piss people off, I' m getting tired of walking on eggshells. I' ll probably just avoid the topic entirely from now on. Don' t worry, I' m not gonna hold that against you. No hard feelings really.
I meant people might assume Laurence is trolling them. If you' ve never heard of it before neutrois sounds as legit a gender as helicopter.
I think of myself as male because I was born with XY genes. I can' t "feel" my gender any more than I can feel my hair color. Puts me in the position of a blind man trying to get a grasp on the concept of color. I almost threw some disclaimer saying that you should of course stick to whichever word suits you the most, but kinda hoped it wasn' t needed at this point. It' s just that, if the goal was to gather more understanding and ease up conversations, I' d personally go with the most self-explanatory word. I imagine most people won' t bother googling neutrois. When I saw Ars Nova use the word genderfluid I assumed he just made that up. There' s a very real possibility people will confuse neologisms for trolling.
Err ... those all look perfectly synonymous to me. And if it is a French portmanteau then neutrois means neutral third. Yet another synonym. But my point was that agender and genderless are rather self-explanatory to an English audience (at least I assume so), as opposed to neutrois.
Out of curiosity, wouldn' t the word "agender" be less opaque to an English audience ? I assume neutrois is a portmanteau of neutre and trois, but then I am French.
My success rate against him is 50/50ish, with a rather carefree attitude. I just spam flame and thunder surges until I get evolved styles and try to heal or dodge away as soon as I hear the siren. If he flies to the ceiling, shotlock.
I was against it. Against France agreeing to join I mean, your plan just sucked. We tried to friendly warn you but ... look where that got us. You had the luxury of being an ocean apart, we kinda Napoleoned our old school neighbors. Woops. Besides your enlightenment took a much less anti-clerical turn than ours. In the US secularism has mostly protected the church from the state rather than the other way around. We' ve had to kick out 6000 catholic priests by force first, they just wouldn' t let go of their power. Three centuries later France is 40% atheistic, 45% non-religious. And more importantly, we have a negligible amount of fundies. Our right wing never resorts to religious arguments unless the topic itself is religion, even our far right, they' d lose any credibility on the spot. In the US that' d be 5% atheists, 20% non-religious, so it' s no wonder your church tries to rape your state every Tuesday. Your Tea Party and creationists are baffling to the vast majority of Frenchmen, and that' s the sugar-coated way to put it. I'm pretty sure it' s not just us, I' ve seen your politicians laughed out loud on British TV.
I had a Vietnamese friend. I ate a lot of these at his place, he called it migoy (can' t promise I' m spelling that correctly) : Spoiler Never added anything myself, but if memory serves he told me his parents sometimes threw an egg in there. And I assume switching those suspiciously crappy powders with actual vegetables/meat/bullion wouldn' t hurt either. Homemade bullion, not a Maggi cube.
Tru story : I beat him on my first try. He was FM material so I barged in all leveled up to 99 and expecting a challenge anyway but ... nope, I wiped the floor with him. I completed the original BBS 100%. Not sure I' ll bother doing that in FM but my trophy list says 97%.
I guess it' s a good thing you included the desired pronoun since, as far as I can tell, the problem here is we don' t even agree on what gender even means. For instance the only way I can make sense of the concept is by equating it either with genes or with grammatical arbitrary standards. Both are rather clear cut. However it looks like a lot of the gender definitions listed in your link are defined based on our colloquial understanding of societal expectations, whose frontiers are much murkier and vary wildly from place to place. That makes them a minefield. I suspected as much when Ars Nova posted a thread on the topic, even though he never bothered defining genderfluid, and lo and behold, our incomprehension scared him away. So yeah just tell me what you' d like to be called, it' s much simpler.
You might also want to tell Las Vegas they' re on their own now, pretty sure casinos don' t require fountains. If memory serves Nevada has survived using Californian water for a while now, their own reserves are already empty. I talked about it briefly with my sis and her hubby last week-end, they both heard that too on TV as well.
Ever wondered why, when the US chose a governance system for Germany and Japan, they didn' t pick the US model ? If you' re tired of useless wars just put the draft back. Make it mandatory, zero exceptions, not even women. Forcing all those death merchants and their uninformed base to send their own flesh and blood is the only thing that could make them think twice about it next time. Which yeah, doesn' t sound very likely. I understand why both our countries played the cultural tribalism card three centuries ago. We were two budding secular democracies in a see of theocratic monarchies. The rest of the world was watching us like hawks, half expecting/wishing we would crumble under our own weight. We were betting big, so I understand why your founders resorted to indoctrination as a survival insurance. But now tribalism is just a rhetorical tool used to sucker people into voting against their own interests. We didn' t hear a peep when you sent us Coke and Mc Donalds, we won' t hear a peep when you send us Avengers 2, but somehow halal meat is a fundamental threat to camembert. Go figure ... The French are already fairly united on the need for secular values, and not just because they' ve been told in school that they should. Secularism is pretty much non-negotiable here and I don' t expect that to change anytime soon, halal or not, ISIS or not.
My best best friend' s dad had brain damage when I was a teen. It wasn' t a car crash, it was medical. An aneurysm or something. By the time his wife realized he wasn' t waking up and brought him to the hospital the damage had already started. He bounced back though. Slowly, the first year was painful to watch. Then his son kinda died and I kinda moved, but I still see him every now and then and he' s spectacular now. I mean, he does take things a bit slower than before, but he' s functional and got his memory back. I think it took him five years to get back to work. You say it' s been years for you already so I get why it would be a bummer, but just because they failed to register progress on one front doesn' t mean you haven' t progressed at all. You write pretty coherent posts, when they' re not spam I mean. The thought you might have a mental problem never crossed my mind. So yeah, just focus on school right now, these things take time. And don' t feel too bad about that money, it' s meant for you. Insurance ya know ? As in reassuring ? One thing less to worry about ? That' s usually why people subscribe in the first place. It' s a cane, not a license to give up. Have the doctors made you train your memory ? I guess school already does that to some extent, but I know there are more specific exercises around.
The Arab of the Future, a graphic memoir by Riad Sattouf. I picked it as a last minute Christmas gift for my youngest sister, I was sold on its cover and first page alone and knew she would be too : Spoiler View attachment 41794 Then in January I noticed it won the most prestigious French comics award there is. I also noticed Riad has (and still does) work for Charlie Hebdo. I didn' t have the time to read it around Christmas, but my sis knew I wanted to so she brought it along for Easter. It was quite the page turner, I' m looking forward to the next volume (dat cliffhanger).