Okay, that does alleviate some of my fears. Judging by her expression, good luck making her admit it. xD
Yeah the school I was in had Silicon Graphics stations, I had an entry price computer from 20 years ago. It took 15 min for my computer just to open or save my biggest files, and it took it a whole week to render my 3 minutes long final project. That being said, it' s the special effects like particles and reflections that will really bring your computer to its knees. Stay away from those and you should be fine with a modern computer.
Just so you know, 3D animation softwares can do 2D too. Who can do more can do less. Besides personally I would argue that animating 3D is simpler, more intuitive. The only softwares I' ve used are 3DS Max and Maya, both are professional. If I was you I' d pick one of the best softwares out there, no matter how complex it is, and resort to tutorials to learn the ropes without feeling overwhelmed. If you were to jump from a simple software to increasingly complex ones you' d waste a considerable amount of time getting familiar with each interface. When I jumped from 3DSM to Maya I spent weeks learning how to do the stuff I already knew how to do with 3DSM.
I assume they meant hate the sin not the sinner. The same way I hate religions, but not necessarily religious people.
It didn' t strike me either back then. It' s meeting Makaze that made me realize it. He kept spouting words like "straw man" and stuff and I was like oh yeah, I do vaguely remember studying that. I also had philosophy courses, those were a bit more focused on the scientific method.
*googles it up* . .. ... Liberal arts ? *googles it up* Oh. I often see students having debates in American movies, we don' t do that here. We mention fallacies rather quickly, and then focus on analyzing French novels. Which is completely backwards considering I took the scientific road. Well anyway, congrats !
FFDream linked an interview of Yosuke Matsuda recently. I' ll translate a few bits : He concluded the interview by encouraging the readers to take to social medias to tell him what kind of J-RPG we' d like to get.
While I do find it awesome and would totally put that in my room I assume it costed quite a buck.
The only entries I miss are gummi ship related. Not sure I' ll bother considering I' ve already unlocked the secret ending. How do you even input cheat codes on a PS3 btw ? Are action replays still a thing or do you have to crack your console ?
I got a childhood memory that just popped back. Actually, I had heard of Star Wars before I watched the movies. They were talking about Return of the Jedi in the news, it had just been released in theaters. The one shot they chose to show was Anakin without his mask. Talk about spoilers lol.
Listen and believe.
Well, there' s a reason I don' t think I' ll ever move to the US. Not the kind to hide who I am. I think the problem doesn' t just stem from religion itself, it' s a combo with your medias. I' m sure most of your journalists find this stuff just as preposterous as Europeans, the difference is they' ll keep a straight face and pretend there' s something worthy of being listened there. Even Santorum himself has a hard time keeping a straight face when he talks to his base, how that woman didn' t notice is beyond me : A teacher, ladies and gentlemen. She is a teacher.
It' s all the more perplexing when you actually meet one. If memory serves Mixt is both. He has never bothered detailing any of his political views, he assumed nothing good would come out of it. But clearly, if you put politics and religion aside, he seems neither daft nor uneducated. While it is sad to know what they think of people like me I can' t help being sad for them too. All the more easier for me when I don' t have to endure their disdain directly. These people have been lied to. A lot. They' re probably in a much darker place than I am. It' s infuriating for me to see people torture themselves over this.
Allergies eh ? Same boat here, this is agonizing. Zyrtec never did anything for me, nor any of those long forgotten names I' ve tried, I stopped even trying.
I' ve got just the shit for you. This is a kinetic-kill, side-winder vehicle with a secondary cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine RDX burst. It' s capable of busting a bunker under the bunker you just busted. If it were any smarter, it' d write a book, a book that would make Ulysses look like it was written in crayon. It would read it to you. This is my Eiffel Tower. This is my Rachmaninoff' s Third. My Pieta. It' s completely elegant, it' s bafflingly beautiful, and it' s capable of reducing the population of any standing structure to zero. I call it "The Ex-Wife."
Wait, I thought Tri-Ace had been disbanded ? Is Tri-Ace a thing again, or are they now part of SE ?
The problem is that, as with religion, the moderates are used as a cover of respectability by the extremists. This hijacking does happen and it does have consequences. It' s the sexist label that wasn' t sitting well with me, things are a little more complicated than that. I get the feeling some people watched the guy cry gleefully. When you then moved to "inappropriate", given the context and American culture, I could accept that. That thing Emma Watson said about men feeling more and more like targets ? I guarantee you she' s spot on about that. See, this is what confuses me. The fact that you paint yourself as a racist. I mean there might be a bit of truth to that, idk, but I have a hunch this might just be self-flogging. I don' t do that. I' m secure in the fact that I' m definitely not a racist, good luck trying to convince me otherwise using dubious quotes of mine, which I' m sure could be done. I' ve had discussions on that topic with a Vietnamese friend, he told me himself he knows I' m not like that. The French are given flack all the time by Americans, haha coward surrender monkeys ! And the French sure give as much flack back to Americans. You think I find the coward stereotype funny ? I don' t. None of this is necessarily racist, but have the same attitude with a minority and you' re in for a high horse parade. That whole Charlie Hebdo thing has been a real eye opener for me, on many levels. Self flogging is definitely a thing in the left, so are bad alliances.
Semantically speaking, yeah, it is a confusing choice. But hey, as long as we' re clear on what we mean by that any arbitrary choice will do.
Exactly, they' re pretend feminists. Just like the pretend leftists mentioned in the video I posted.