Lol yes. Quite. Dear journal, I learned a new English word today.
"Only for women".
If memory serves the one chapter I read back when I was a kid that had Daredevil in it had him team up with Spidey against Kingpin. Or was it Juggernaut ? My memory is really blurry on that one. Can' t remember either if it was legit Spidey or Spider Woman or alternate Spidey something but it was in the late 80s/early 90s.
My sis knew someone who killed a boar while driving to a nightclub. He charged it in the car boot to eat it later and resumed his plans. Turns out it was just KO'ed, when he got out of the nightclub he was a tad surprised to find out the boar had trashed his way out of the boot and all the way through to the windshield.
HOLY COW NAMI IS FRENCH ?!? Could have sworn that was supposed to be Sanji, the guy just oozes French stereotypes.
Not sure why you' d think he' s from Africa (haven' t caught up with the series in a looooooong while but pls don' t spoil me), however Maghreb is in Africa. If he' s from there it wouldn' t necessarily warrant a dark color. That, or he' s non red-eyed albinos.
There was this Spanish series on tv when I was a teen, a series about dance students. In the first episode one of the teachers was waiting for his students nude as a worm. He told them that their body was now their professional tool and that this *points down* was a part of it. He was warning them they' d be expected to let go of their shame at some point.
I meant it' s like religion, the vagueness of all those buzzwords they throw around allows people to insert whatever the hell they want to see there. They sleazily change the definition of words while you' re not looking, words like "objectification". What really bugs them is pretty naked women, every job out there is objectifying to some degree but no one seems to care. I don' t believe they' re in on a conspiracy (already told you I don' t believe in them, remember ?), I just think some of them are con artists and the rest of them shared the same echo chamber a little too long. Third wave feminism has a firm and obnoxious hold on the medias. I' m really getting tired of being told the 40 horrible things I am 40 times a day by every news site out there, thanks to everything I like ever apparently. And worse, they even try to outright censor stuff now. Look, to be honest with you, this thread has already accomplished its goal. At least I hope so. I would explain the 40 different ways I disagree with you but it would take me forever. If you' re that interested just click on that orthodoxy video, search its channel and see what else the guy has to say about 3rd wave feminism and SJWs, our views are very similar. I already gave you the tl;dr version (rational over dogmatic).
Oh no no no no no. I' ve been raised catholic, I know shaming tactics when I see them. Abstract is useless in my book. If you' re going to slander me you' d better be able to conjure up a little more than empty buzz words my little lady, or else an oppressor is exactly what you' re going to get. Feminists abuse shaming tactics because feminist discussions usually are a lose/lose situation for men. You just do not make a frail little girl cry. I meant a strong girl. Ever. You don' t get it. The vagueness is intentional. No one is actually trying to back feminism up in credible ways, especially not tumblrinas. All you' ll ever get from a direct confrontation is more smokescreens. How the hell would you go about addressing a problem you can' t even begin to define ? I thought that' s what my taxes were for. They clearly have loopholes, but I wasn' t exactly counting on feminists to fix that.
The whole oppressor narrative would be part of the feminist dogma. Not sure what they mean by it but I doubt I buy it anyway. I would be uncomfortable to know that my daughters are fed with that kind of male negative crap in school. It' s not the focus on women I' m necessarily worried about, it' s the man hating vibe.
Wich is why I posted that vid saying feminism is in dire need of orthodoxy and transparency. It' s hard to tell what you' re really signing for. People are of course free to start from the conclusion they want to reach, but don' t be too surprised if the people who don' t share your bias call bullshit on it. But come on, could we not at least agree it' s just bizarre and surreal to have shelters and stuff refusing people based on what dangles between their legs ? Even though they' d treat you the exact same way anyhow ?
You don' t need to have balls to know it hurts when you kick them, if you catch my drift. You' re still stuck on prioritizing woman problems, and here I thought we were talking about humans. Which, you know, I happen to be one. I suggest we take a look at the actual, factual data, one whose methodology doesn' t look like a farce (if it can even be accessed), and then direct our few precious resources to whoever needs it most regardless of their gender. I do not care one bit what their gender is, pain is pain. I' ll take the rational approach over the dogmatic one any day, trying to praise critical thinking here. Few Muslims are actually bothered by Mahomet depictions, especially in France. The very fact that the world is filled with different cultures, therefore different linguistic and graphic semantics, means this kind of misunderstanding is bound to happen sooner or later. There is no way to prevent that. Things can and will be taken out of context, deal with it. The people who decide to go and wave those pictures were they weren' t meant to be do it on purpose and for political reasons. There might be a few Muslims that are genuinely bothered by it but I don' t care. The pizzo always raises, give them a finger and politically motivated Muslims will soon scream for an arm. **** that. Get your adult pants on. Or sue Charlie Hebdo, it wouldn' t be the first time. Franco-Belgian comics at large have drawn Mahomet for decades in general indifference. I already told you what I meant by feminazi. Switch it with "rad fems" if it suits you better, that won' t change the definition. You didn' t seem too stuck on semantics when it came to "feminism"
I' m not sure whether you just called me a woman (which ... I' m not) or whether you think I' m saying expecting shortcuts at every corner just cements women in their damsel role (which I am). I would also add that at this point feminism is running out of excuses not to care about men. WW2 is still within living memory here, we know we shouldn' t take democracy and peace for granted. I' ve always been wary of our far right. But you know what ? Strangely this whole Charlie thing gave me some hope. We keep being told we millenials are trash, the product of moral and intellectual decline, yet here were millions of people taking to the streets to stick up together. Most of them lefty atheists (the far right somehow didn' t feel like joining). I' m not sure why they did, but they did. Besides, I heard the story of a far right racist who had been given a key position in the French resistance. The treasury. He saw too much during the war to remain racist, but there. I am wary of our far right, but I realize the world works in shades of gray. The French are very lucid about the fact that, for all of our enlightenment we never tired of glorifying, we' re not that far off from our old monarchy. The word was "shut up and obey", now it' s "please do keep talking and see if I care". As for the medias they' re our modern court jesters. The Charlie Hebdo victims would have laughed their asses out or died of shame on the spot had they known they' d become a sacred symbol of the freedom of speech, disputed by nearly every president on the planet. They had no sacred cows, not even themselves. It seems one of the survivors had a hard time enduring his unavoidable photo time with our president, but a pigeon chose that moment to take a dump on the presidential vest, giving our artist some much needed comic relief.
The Gandhi way can work, but I don' t think it' s nearly as advertised that it can fail too. Big time. Our politicians usually mind our strikes and protests about as much as they fear couch potactivists. I' m not a riot enthusiast myself, but some people can' t think of subtler ways to show they' re ****ing pissed.
Urgh. It was probably a bad idea for me to bring up Charlie Hebdo on an american forum. No they don' t work to offend and incite all in the name of anti-authorianism. Hate speech doesn' t seem to be a biggie in the US either, but we do have hate speech laws around here. And btw, I am of the mind that some of them do qualify as censorship. As I said earlier Charlie Hebdo is sort of the French Stephen Colbert. Read them at face value, without any prior knowledge to French politics or culture, and chances are you' ll read them wrong. Here, let me illustrate : Spoiler The caption reads "Meanwhile in Bangladesh". The character says "You guys are in are thoughts". Yes, it is indeed a banania-style negro. But tell me, who do you think is really the butt of the joke here ? That' s what drives me mad, that four months later a journal that has a French edition (which by the way hilariously employs Caroline Fourest, of Charlie Hebdo fame) still fail to understand the first thing about what they' re talking about. Doesn' t exactly give me trust in the rest of their insights on foreign affairs. I don' t mind having feminists issues brought up on the first page if they are actual issues. But if your article comes from a blatantly biased and fallacious place, one too blatant for any decently cognitive journalist to overlook it, it just makes feminism look like a cheap joke, a cosmic farce. I don' t have any exemple on hand to illustrate, I don' t really store those, but I think it' s a safe bet to say anything by Anita Sarkeesian will do. Maybe there' s a cultural difference at play here, I' m not sure, but in France the magazines that mix legit news and light-hearted articles tend to separate those two more clearly, and not to put the silly stuff upfront.
The controls were a big complaint as well. If I am to believe FFDream, Tabata said the final game might allow us to change the controls and the difficulty. I' m not even sure why devs stopped doing that to begin with. It doesn' t fix everything, but it' s better than nothing and it' s super easy to implement. Duscae happens to be one of those games whose control scheme choices puzzle me to no end.
Woops, I forgot to address this part. Feminists can spew bullshit on tumblr all day long and see if I care, what I do mind is to see journalists put said bullshit on their front pages just to garner clicks. Even my mum' s Le Figaro Madame has a stricter editorial line. I know journalism integrity isn' t really a thing in the US, but we have laws about that here. And it' s all the more agravating when they mess with the actual news. Four months, they' ve had four ****ing months to ask their French colleagues what the hell was Charlie Hebdo about. Apparently they couldn' t be bothered to ask. That, or they know what it' s really about but they don' t care. Either way it doesn' t look good, especially for a left wing journal. I understand why the average american would get the wrong idea when seeing these cartoons, I do. They' re easy to read wrong. I also undestand why the average american cared for three seconds total. I have a harder time understanding why journalists are still stuck on that level of the debate : Spoiler "The last one is a pretty bad one". I guess it is if you don' t understand what' s written right above it (love is stronger than hate). Looks pretty tame to me. Fluide Glacial has published that kind of stuff for decades and no one has ever given a flying **** about it. Still does.
If it' s any consolation we can all go vomit on Konami' s porch.