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  1. Patman
    Darn, you got me. I' ll go away before you taunt me a second time.
    Post by: Patman, May 24, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Patman
    Bump !

    LMAO, the troll is strong with that one. xD

    Post by: Patman, May 24, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. Patman

    La Femme

    Huh, never heard of them. It reminds me a lot of what Indochine sang in the 80's, there' s a new-wavy vibe going on here.
    Both of the songs you posted are about the desires and results of the feminist movement. It' s tongue in cheek here and there, but wikipedia tells me they' re not really trying to make a point.

    Post by: Patman, May 23, 2015 in forum: Music
  4. Patman
  5. Patman
    Now now, don' t be paranoid.

    Post by: Patman, May 23, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Patman
  7. Patman
    Thing is, you don' t know what happened between those scenes.
    I assume it went something like :

    - Sleeping with ... what the **** are you talking about ?
    - She said so herself, should I call the police to clear that up ?
    - That won' t be necessary. *headbutt*
    Post by: Patman, May 23, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Patman
    Post by: Patman, May 22, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Patman
    Jesus, you' re making me blush. ^^
    I noticed there were a few typos in the lyrics, I could fix them and translate them in English.
    I can also make more songs if you want (and try not to sing that loud next time xD).
    I already have one in mind, it' s a ***** to pronounce even for a native.
    Post by: Patman, May 22, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Patman
    I bet you expect to see a bowling alley on your left, and then the Historical Society on your right further along the road.
    Post by: Patman, May 22, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Patman
    Hmmm ... how suspicious ...
    Wait, is that a good thing or a bad thing ?
    Post by: Patman, May 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Patman
    Profile Post

    Surprise !

    Surprise !
    Profile Post by Patman for LARiA, May 21, 2015
  13. Patman
    So, apparently LARiA is learning French but she' s struggling with its pronunciation.
    I finally found out how to use my (lousy) mic, so I recorded myself singing a French song.
    I figured I might as well let the Spam Zone poke its fun at it.

    It' s a song from the Notre Dame de Paris musical, Belle. You should probably lower the volume first. The more the song unravels the louder I get, so chances are I' ll make your ears bleed. ^^

    Thread by: Patman, May 21, 2015, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Patman
    Aha. xD

    I think they might already have some form of orthodoxy, like membership cards or something. I' m not sure, wikipedia is a bit blurry about that. Gamergaters on the other hand definitely do have that problem, any troll can claim a simple hash-tag for himself. Both movements are desperately trying to gain transparency in the public eye, but it' s a tad hard to get there when feminists already have all the medias in their pocket.

    Even Stephen. ****ing. Colbert went softball on Anita.
    Colbert. Going softball. That never happens.
    If that doesn' t tell you how politically incorrect it is to dare argue with a feminist I don' t know what will.
    Post by: Patman, May 20, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  15. Patman
    It' s regressive.

    Post by: Patman, May 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Patman
    Ahem ...
    Post by: Patman, May 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Patman


    Pretty sure Pongo and Perdita made me search their 99 kids all over the place.
    Post by: Patman, May 19, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Patman

    In case you wonder, no, I haven' t checked what MRAs are actually saying about this movie.
    Post by: Patman, May 19, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  19. Patman
    Huh ? People usually say that ?

    Well anyway, I heard that the writer indeed claims to have inserted feminist themes in this movie. I barely remember the original trilogy so I' m not sure how pertinent that would be. Not that I would expect such a blockbuster to leave much room for dialogues anyway, judging by its trailer. As a piece of propaganda I doubt it' s nearly as insidious as, say, Zero Dark Thirty or American Sniper.
    Post by: Patman, May 19, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  20. Patman
    Wait, this is the feminazi thing again isn' t it ? If they' re genuinely misandrist and/or authoritarian then that' s bad news in my book. Not sure what' s so surprising about that. Just look at Sargon' s vids and you' ll get it, there is some serious batshit in there my friend.

    It' s actually boys that are starting to lag behind in school here. We' re not quite sure why, but even our feminists agree.

    What you' re asking here sounds more like equality of outcome than equality of opportunity. Thing is, I' m not sure why women not wanting what you would want them to want are a problem. If they were actually, genuinely interested in those fields chances are they would already go there.

    That being said, trust me, my male colleagues and I certainly wouldn' t have minded seeing more women in IT. xD

    The first IT school I went to had a lot of foreigners. And I do mean a lot. There were three African students in my class, and three dudes from the Reunion island. Our teachers were err ... very French, if you see what I mean by that ^^, so I highly doubt they avoided letting women join our class.

    As for the other IT school I went to it was actually a school in audiovisual. There were lots of girls in its audio and video sections, yet mysteriously barely any in the CG section. Go figure.

    My sis' "hubby" still works in IT, his boss is a woman.
    Besides the women in my life don' t seem to be doing so bad overall.

    I know this is all anecdotal, but it' s enough to make me second guess claims of institutional barrages. At least in my own country.

    Oh not at all it' s just ... well your previous post was a bit of a gish gallop. And I was starting to wonder which thread you' d been reading this whole time. No offense (been there) but your broken English does seem to get in the way sometimes.
    Post by: Patman, May 16, 2015 in forum: Discussion