That' s why you should look into lucid dreaming. One of the best way to trigger them is to make yourself do frequent reality checks. For instance put your hands together, then wish one of your hands to go through the other while you push. If you were having a dream it would have a good chance to actually happen, because dreams don' t follow real world logic. And since our reality informs our dreams if you take the habit to do reality checks in real life you' ll end up doing them in your dreams too.
I had recuring dreams when I was a kid, some of them were nightmares. There were a few variations, but they all involved me dying a painful death in the end. Eventually I dreamed them often enough that they rang a bell, I became aware I was having a dream and forced my way out. After 2-3 successful exits the nightmares stopped altogether. So maybe you' d like to look into lucid dreaming. I hear keeping a journal about your dreams also helps. And here' s something else I noticed about myself : if I smoke a few blunts before I go to sleep I have a harder time waking up in the morning, and I can never tell what I dreamed about. At all.
I dunno, I was taught religion as a child. While I did call myself a catholic up until I was, idk, 18 or something, to be perfectly honest I' ve never truly believed in God. The whole thing looked as ludicrous to me as Santa from the word go. I gave Him a chance, but never got my St Thomas moment. But then I was already ten years old the first time my parents mentioned it, and my dad is an atheist. My mum never ever brings up God in any conversation, so I wouldn' t describe my experience as full force indoctrination. Catechism did qualify as indoctrination though, and yeah, I am a bit pissed about that, but in the end reason prevailed and it gave me some insight into religious thinking, so ... Besides, first amendment and all, watcha gonna do ? Religious beliefs aren' t the only kind that can be pushed on a kid. You have to step up when you have proof said beliefs are a problem. I' d say kids corpses qualify hands down.
Was that the classy way to say "shut the fuck up" ? Nice ! I know, right ? I don' t know what baffles me the most : the fact that a lawyer made such a proposal, or the fact that he' ll probably be allowed to keep his diploma after that.
Actually there can be. But yeah in this case their concerns have long been debunked. Err .. guys ? It' s okay, you can just learn a foreign language and get the fuck out. I' ll understand.
Oh, my bad, I jumped straight to the vid. ^^ Ever saw a boar in a Virgin store ?
If atheists can go to jail for not doing it then anyone should go to jail for not doing it. You do not own your children, you' re their tutors. And I' m afraid sanity is not optional, religious or not. Next.
It' s really no wonder I remember that thread. It was around the time I figured out that kind of stuff was going on in the US and it boggles my...
Spoiler Do you know how it ended though ? We' ve had a couple boars seen straddling through Paris or Toulouse but ... well boars are a bit short fused, that never ended well.
You know, sometimes I wonder, do you happen to own a stuffed tiger ?
Touché. Besides the white one is much prettier.
We had that guy in France, a comedian, Coluche. Pretty huge here. He presented himself as an official contestant to the French presidency on the basis that it was intolerable in this day and age to still not give food, water and a shelter as a basic minimum to the needy. He meant it as a joke and a political statement, but you know what ? I think he was just popular enough that people would have voted for that otherwise utterly unqualified buffoon. We' ll never know for sure, the "actual" candidates feared him too and I can easily wager they mustered some pressure his way. I haven' t checked myself, but I' m told Coluche' s name can be seen written in Captain America' s "list of the things of the past to get a brush on" in The Winter Soldier, among a bunch of other French stuff. Well anyway, he desisted the presidential race and settled for organizing a yearly concert with famous artists to finance a meal delivery service for the homeless and the poor. Les restaurants du coeur. It' s been going on for, idk, over 30 years ? The organization does face some corruption problems here and there and its singers get a lot of flack for the free "nice" exposition they get out of it, but in the end it does deliver a lot of meals. Meh, we all know how allergic good ol' murica is to anything that could remotely be labeled as socialist though, don' t we ?
Try using your hands to hide the sides of the picture, so that all you can see is a strip of the dress. Then close your eyes for a few secs, open them and tada ! You should see the black dress.
I hadn' t noticed yet that this dress was the meme of the day, I assumed you and your friends might be having a "lavender versus violet" kind of debate. Had you explained the whole thing I would immediately have thought about that particular optical illusion. Both my parents are opticians, they have entire books filled with those. I had never seen any "real world" example of that particular trick though, only drawings. Nor one that was so borderline that it splits the population on whether they "activate" their inner Photoshop or not.
While I don' t expect humans to shed their intrinsic fear of the unknown anytime soon I think this kind of news is part of a larger trend. There' s this double standard going on in the US, the strange idea that portraying a belief as religiously held somehow makes it all chpechal. What is even more perplexing to the Frenchman that I am is that a lot of Americans label themselves as agnostics, yet often fail to recognize that double standard when they see it. Remember that thread Boy Wonder made some time ago now ? Back when he was trying to call his school board on its infringement on secularism ? It took pages and pages for some people to start taking a hint that Boy Wonder wasn' t a bitchy atheist trying to steal the Chritian' s lolipops from their poor crying mouths, but actually just protecting both himself and Christians. I' m not sure how representative of the American society that thread was, but considering the stuff that keeps popping up in your news (creationism and gay bashing pushed in schools, measles outbreaks, over half of your Republicans openly wishing for a theocracy ...) I' m inclined to say very. Somewhere along the line you' ve stopped caring about secularism. We stole that idea from you, you know ? It was a brilliant idea, you should have stuck to it more closely. It' s not a perfect tool by any means (I mean hello, je suis Charlie), but I can' t think of a better one to keep religion in check.