Ooc: Back! "A-anna I'm a-alive..." Ichigo struggled to say. Rukia fell into his kiss.
Ooc: I have to go for a minute, but I'll be back!
You stole Link! *cries* I'll take Ganon and Samus then.
Ichigo layed motionless. He heard Anna sobbing. "Well I think I was promised a kiss..."
Ichigo mumbled. "Anna..."
Ooc: No. /fillerz/
Rukia giggled at the sudden affection.
"So. Remember our little wager?" Ichigo felt his grip on life loosening. He blacked out.
Rukia waited at the finish line waiting for Sasuke. "I suppose I forgot to mention that Soul Reapers are gifted with speed." She smirked.
Rukia yawned. "I hope that isn't all you have..." she jetted halway around the track. Ichigo cried out "Anna I..I Love you..."
Ichigo stood in front of Anna with no weapon. "Please Anna.." he opened his arms, beckoning her. "Ready."
"Anna! Please realize what you're doing!"
"Hmm...A kiss! And if you win?"
"Fine!^^" Rukia raced to the track.
"Anna you can't do this! Stop!" "I bet I can beat you!"
"Anna no!" Ichigo pulled her to the ground before she made contact.
"Normally I walk around, read, or talk with Yachiru, Ichigo, and Kenpachi." Ichigo heard voices around the corner.
"I told you before, I am a Soul Reaper." She winked at him.
Ichigo heard noise comming from the hall near him. "Who's there?" He asked.
"She said she was going to destroy the human race...I suppose it's good I'm not human then^^"