"No! Anna stop!" Ichigo pushed her away as an attack came and hit Ichigo.
"What's with this freak?!" Ichigo slashed Zangetsu through the metallic shell.
"Anna No!" Ichigo knelt beside her. "Yuna you're hurt. I can't allow you to fight."
Ichigo knocked the metal Sonic back forcing him to release Anna. "Don't move, it will only worsen it Yuna." Rukia said. "Let me bring you to the infirmary."
"I warned her not to fight...Rukia you take Yuna, I'll help Anna."
"Cowardice Hallow." Rukia stated. "At least no one was hurt....but I still wonder how many of them actually saw it..."
"No!" Ichigo lept and severed one of the Hallows arms. "Are you okay Yuna?" The hallow shrieked and it glared at Rukia and Ichigo. "Soul Reapers. This isn't the end. I'll be back when your friends aren't around to save You." He ripped a portal and disappeared into the rift.
"Fine! Stay and get killed. I warned you." Ichigo lept to a tree and climbed to reach the Hallow's face. Rukia attacked the Hallow from the bottom.
Ichigo sighed. Obviously people wouldn't heed caution. "Protect yourselves. Rukia and I can handle this!" he said dodging another blow. "Agreed" Rukia said.
"Physical blows won't do anything. Nor Jutsu's or whatever you call them. Only spiritual attacks can effect a hallow." The hallow reeled in pain from Ichigo's attack. "So Soul Reaper. Let's fight!" he launched towards Ichigo and the others around him.
"Hah! A mortal thinks they can attack me?!" The Hallow laughed an ear piercing laugh. Ichigo slashed at the Hallow's sides. "Uh... thanks..whoever you are...."
"I don't have time for this..." "Bankai number 46: Path of the revealing soul." Rukia recited the spell destroying the machines.
"A hallow has decided to set an attack on this area...It must of sensed the enormous spiritual pressure." Rukia stated. "Anna get these people away! There'll be time for explaining later!"
...Hinataro is actually good...O.o? Didn't see that comming...
"Crap...Anna get these people away from here! I know you can see it! If these morons come closer the Hallow will devour their souls!"
"I'm fine Anna, it's just a Hallow...Are you okay?!" Ichigo pulled her aside with him as he dodged another attack. "Hm..I sense the presence of more souls...not as strong as the Soul Reapers' but souls non the less..."
Ichigo ran around the Hallow and almost tripped over Anna and the stranger. "Anna! Are you okay?" Ichigo dodged an attack from the hallow. "Slippery little soul aren't you?" He said launching another attack.
Ichigo lept to the Hallow's face, but it easily pushed him out the way. "That won't work..." "Two Soul Reapers. It's my lucky day!"
"A Soul Reaper is near..." the hallow said grinning. As it moved the ground seemed to quake. "I wonder if anyone can actually see it..." Ichigo said withdrawing his Zanpakutou. "I haven't sensed much spirit energy from anyone here, so I doubt it..." Rukia said.
Ichigo raced to the forest to get to the Hallow. He tried calling Anna to warn her, but she never answered. Ichigo finally reached the forest and saw in front of him the outline of an enormous Hallow. Rukia met Ichigo outside. "So you sensed it too..."