Yay you're Llave again~~ wheee
Everyone pretty much covered what I wanted to say. I'll still say it, though...that's what you get, foo'!
This fits pretty much most of my friends, lol. And family.
When you walk away, you don't hear me say "please, oh baby, don't go"
He didn't! Ahahaahah I can't comprehend your face. I meant that we just did it to comment and make jokes about it...not like a serious debate or something.
Yeah I saw it already. It was...okay. I did jump in one or two scenes but mostly it was just really creepy D:
We only make fun of it...it's rigged lol
All the details are here:http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?122068-Official-KHV-Skype-Conversation!&p=3630745#post3630745 Join!
You'll never know...
...wow, lol I should do two backflips
It will be a cool story...in the news
Welcome, Andre! Wow, so all this time you've been a memeber but never posted anything? WELL, THAT'S GONNA CHANGE, RIGHT? Haha, anyways, welcome and feel free to roam around KHV
I heard its the new extreme planking... See you guys in the next life!
Yeeeesss lol
I can't take this anymore! MY BODY IS READY FOR THIS GAMEE TO RELEASE lol
Aww, that's sad, but hey at least you realized, unlike some of us lolol, that there is an actual life out there. Go out and live, experience stuff and enjoy yourself :)
Yeeeeeeeeeesssssss! I can fully enjoy this game in the summer! (sort of...ugh, summer classes) Maybe they weren't supposed to put a specific date since it is still not released in Japan, plus they need to record the voices for different languages, I think? thanks Mike! ;)
All I have to say is....LEEEEEEAAAA (axel) LOL agh, these scans look so beautiful ^.^
Nice, although I'm not sure if I can imported from Japan, it still gives hope that they will make a guide for the North American version of the game. Thanks again, Mike ^.^
This sounds so interesting and exciting! Thanks for the update, Mike ;)