Slip. iHave lost ALL of my codes :cryinganime: Can you PLEASE, give me The Dark Knight form for NSTC U/C CodeBreaker. :) :) it would make me...
Summer? That was awhile ago. And, iDk..but i was taken to the E.R a bunch of times cuz of it.
Ooh. Well, i just got the invitation. And, well, i've stayed home from school a couple days. Because of my ear bleeding. And stuff like that, Hbyou?
Hello. And, not much dude, just drawing some 'ish. Hbyou?
Hey man. What's up?
OOC: am i still included in this...?
Nopee. iAlways forget about this website /:< WHy?
Hello? Well yeah apparently i'm your "Clone" or, "Doppleganger" or something.. lol.
Kaay .
iAdded him.
Then what is it? D:
Yoo, You're Richard?
Haha sure. Whats his thingy?
Oh, lmao. Sorry, i just learned what that was. Lmfao, so yeah. And, is it ur initials?
Lols xD is it sexual?
Is it what i think? Lol
What does the "DP" mean in your name. o.O
Happy Birthday!!!! :glomp: :D :D :D
Yoo, && nmm, drawing for my gfs bday present[: Hbyou?
Huhh ??