im frst verse ;]
WOW. haha yooo whats up Sora? :P and whats ur MSN?
lmfao... who ru?
Rhian. You like never answer me any more. :( Are you mad at me? D:
The video is still there people... Lol :P So dayum. This is gonna be EPIC. Lol. Xehanort, Ansem, and Xemnas all kicking your ass AT THE SAME TIME!. Lmao. <3 I will love this game. Is this KH3? Or KH3D? Or are those two the same thing? o: And so what does Yen Sid mean by "But we only have one Master.... if Master Xehanort was not alone." ? D: Does this mean that like Sora and Riku are going to take the test? And then one of them will not be master? But i thought they already both were :< AHHHHHHh CONFUSION!! D: :'( And I think that when Nomura said to pay attention to somebody else 'cause they're the main part of the story. I feel like its either, Riku, Terra, or Master Xehanort. But Nomura said it's only one of them... Hmm. And I think they should make KH3 or KH3D(Reconnect:Kingdom Hearts) 2-6 player for xbox live or PSN or w.e and 2-4 players for just home play. (choice of Sora, Riku, Ven, Terra, Aqua & Mickey) That game would be BOMB ! :DDD i'd be Sora Riku and Ven :D Okay, back to the game.. lol--What happend to Roxas? o.o I'm pretty sure he's still alive, and should be in the next game. 1. They do know where she is--Shes in the Realm of Darkness. This would've been known if you have watched the BBS secret video :P 2. Not sure. :o But i think Mickey cause im sure Yen Sid has like retired or quit or w.e 3. Personally, i Think he means Ansem, and Xemnas, and possibly Organization XII's heartless' hope this helped at all... (:
Half.. a... virgin ? How... does that happen?
LMAOLMAOLMAOLMAO. Why you gotta hate bro? So me and my friends rap, and we did a song to Justin Bieber's Baby Instrumental W/ Hook. Faq. Get the...
Lmao... yes... shhh !!
yeaah the one with long hair
Steal what from you? Lmaoo
How did iKnoe this was you, Sora? xD
Lol, its my video! o.o
lol yeah. ;P
me&my friends. im the one with long hair
What did you think. ::L:
yup. did u watch it? xD
my video :D
Lmaoo, nah. Lol take out the K. Lol, that was their idea. Kizzel is what iTag on walls.
ik. lol its not supposed to be serious. it's supposed to make you think that we are corny and gay. lmao xD