SEE ! Thats SOMETHING. And! Its pretty major! >:]
Awe. Really? D: i coulda sworn there was /:
Lmao. Maybe !? :P check it !?
Hai ! ;D
Oooo: !
Oh o: haha, will do :D & Thanks! __^
Ohyup. :D Lmao. Well. Yeah. Im back.. after like a what? Like a year and a half hiatus? xD Well Yeah.. >:] Just coming through to say this. :D You'll be seeing a lot more from me now.. meet new people (because everybody else left) And yeah.. o.o xD That is all ! :D lovelovelove<3 Peaace my nigz x3 -CloudStrife2k9
Whats Cherry now? xD you lost me lmao. xD and thank you ! <3 :D happy late easter to you too >:]
Lmaoo, xD idk it shows the person i think its really funny i guess xD & Alright xP
LOL. People, dont bother. her last activity was in February ! xD
:o !
first to make one that actally did prevail **
Lol, whats that gotta do with anything? xD i was the first to make a "This group will get 100 members by blahblah" Not to mention i made this in like October of 2009 xD
Lmaooo xD i seee :bounce: lmfao, nah. i juss like knowing how old a person is and their name. :P
xD And why'd you put a sadface? :O and im Kirk :greenbounce: haha. how old are yu?
xD Im actually being really serious. It really is national smoke weed day xD and LOL. xD So.. whats your name? :PP
420 is national Smoke Weed Day :D xD and nothing much, recording songs, how about you?
Hey man :]
Lols. haii. :P
Yeooo ! :D