Them newbz... they just be on ya jizzzuuuunk, like woah.
Yay! You can figure stuff out!:D But, yeah I understand that, but you don't really ask for them. You kinda like demand them. Which is rude. Just...
Lol, that kid is annoyyiiiiiiiiiiiinnnng~
Alright, thank you! [:
Ahh this game looks AMAZING. I can't wait ! Although I'm somewhat upset over the whole Riku haircut situation thing. Ahaha. It makes him look soo much younger ! D: &Hey, someone let me know this: Is it possible to play re:coded & 358/2 days on the 3ds? Just with the 3D feature turned off? >__<
Finally, more Riku gameplay! I loved playing as him in KH ReCoM. Will Riku have like, a Darkness mode? Like in Re:CoM ? I'm assuming not, but aye, never know.
Alright, so yeah.. i think that ALL of you guys should view this video ! (: I know you probably don't know me.. but meh [: do me a favor? (: Check out this new song that i've made. This is an orginal song, so yeah (: feedback woulldd be greatly appreciateddddddddd:D the actual song starts like.. at like :12. the thing before is an introooo.
Oh okay lol :PP thats fine xD so whats uppp?
You haven't yet :OO
iAdded you. xD If it was you xDD
Lmfao, gimme a link :P
Lmfao. I'm flattered! (: Really. haha (: andd omgz. aha thats so good. is my acc. i think :OO havent used it in two...
Do you have a facebook? (:
lmaooo. THANK YOU ! <33 haha (: and yes ! aha[:
Ahaha, yes. (: I write everything, and rap everything. ahaha :P & nott much! :] HOW BOUT YOUU !? (:
Lmaoo, Hiiii ! =] ahah
What do you mean comeback? Ahaha. I never left... i just don't come on heree that much anymore. Lol. xD soo whats up?
Lol. Mee :D
Huh? Ahhaaha.
Aha, WOO :D! And i ask myself the same question xD