Drugs do not stay in your system for life. And yes, I know every drug is differant and cut with differant ****. I've taken many differant pills. Some really good, some bad (as in I felt nothing). I don't feel I deserve to pay a massive fine or go to jail for something so small as possession of small ecstasy pill. It's my life, my body. I'm 18 and a legal adult. I should be able to do whatever I want to my body. My health is my own and you, nor the government have to right to limit what I can and can't do to myself.
Stuff it, I say we make all drugs legal. I wanna have some fun. You eat McDonalds, KFC or Pizza Hut and you're doing harm to your body and your health. You're not going to make someone stop eating them. So why should you care if someone wants to pop a pill and get happy for an hour or so? I binge drink. I've taken ecstasy. I've smoked weed. And I'm incredibly interested in snorting cocaine. I like having fun, and I don't intend to live forever.
All choices make me want to throw up. "Better" does not apply to any band on that list.
The Harry Potter movies are not complete. They are decent movies, but at best they're companions to the books. Visual guides. Same goes for Watchmen. You wanna ***** about the plot, then read the book.
read the book.
Calm down. You are entitled to your own opinion, but in this situation, your opinion is uninformed. You're right in that I don't know what you've read, but I can tell you're not a comic book reader because you haven't said anything to show otherwise. I used to think like you. But then I walked into a comic shop. Marvel is not the be all and end all of cool and superheroics. Open your mind a bit. I'd like to hear what you think about Green Lantern in two years time when the movie comes out.
I'm not being confrontational either. But this is one of my biggest pet peeves. You called a character boring, when anyone that actually knows the character will tell you otherwise. And so by saying you think the character is boring, you're saying you know Green Lantern, but saying that actually proves that you don't. It's annoying to be told I'm wrong by someone who's just watched the movies, or seen the animated series, or read the Wikipedia pages, but has never read an actual comic book (or even worse, thinks they're too nerdy) [and in this situation, Green Lantern has had very little other medium representation]. But at least you're willing to listen to me and are not like the others who just say "spider-man so marvel lol". I proved you wrong back at KHI, and you'd have seen this had you not gotten yourself banned. But for the third time: you're wrong. DC has thousands of characters.
So essentially, what everyone is saying is: Hermaphrodites are superior to everyone else.
Well the yellow weakness has been around ever since Green Lantern was reinvented in the 60's. But part of the Rebirth storyline explained that this weakness was because the living, physical embodiment of fear, Parallax, had been trapped within the central power battery and was thus able to affect it. (Yellow being the colour of fear.) And so Green Lantern's would need to be able to overcome great fear in order to use the ring, thus making them stronger. And then after Rebirth the yellow impurity was pretty much done away with. So if that's all that annoyed you, then you have no reason to dislike the characters. And surely, if you only hate one Green Lantern, well there's so many out there, there has to be one you like. Stop into a Borders sometime and check out some of the books. Green Lantern mainly follows Hal Jordan, but the Green Lantern Corps book follows everything else, with focus on a few charaters. They are, honestly, very good books and I assure will change your opinion of the characters.
Are you kidding me? Green Lantern has probably been the best comic book I've read and has been so consistently ever since I started reading it in 2006. Daredevil, Captain America, Invicible Iron Man and Thor are some of Marvel's best books (Amazing Spider-Man being one of the worst.) and I loved the Death of Captain America storyline and I am looking forward to the Return of the King in Daredevil, but Green Lantern has trumped every book for the three years I've been reading. Rebirth, the Sinestro Corps War and now Blackest Night. Why do you think the mere mention of Green Lantern anything is enough to excite a room at Comic-Con. If you think Green Lantern is boring then your opinion is void. That being said, I do prefer DC. I probably read more Marvel than DC at current, because I like a lot of their street level stuff. Daredevil is a very good, very underrated book because it doesn't treat Daredevil as a superhero. Same goes for Captain America. But I enjoy DC more because it's characters are larger than life and easily relatable. Not to mention the huge epic battles in DC are enough to make anyone jizz their pants.
OH MY GOD. Someone who gets it. Soz if you guys have major rules on necro's but this is the first guy I've come across on the forums I've been a member of that gets Superman. I'm always stuck having to talk to idiot who assume they know everything but just prove their ignorance. If anyone wants a character to relate to then they honestly have to look no further than Superman because he's the most human of them all.
ugh. It's **** like this that makes me embarressed to be a comic book fan. Not to mention, Watchmen is not the type of book you can go "omgomgomg RORSCHACH lolol". It's not Yu-Gi-Oh! or Naruto. A woman gets raped. A girl is chopped up and fed to dogs. A man is thrown out of a New York skyscraper. And then there's the ending. There is no "lulz" or "ftw" when it comes to Watchmen. With that said, I'm looking forward to the movie.
I can finally post. I swear I registered a month ago and it's taken this long for you guys to approve me? Lazy. Or am I hated here or something? I thought I was the nice mod from KHI. Anyways. I swear I'm not here to cause any trouble. sup dawg.