What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing. She's already been told twice. And as a person who hates having to repeat himself, I think Chris Brown was just doing the right thing. He's the true victim here.
For everyone who said Marvel: you're opinion is
Because I'm funny and you all deserve what I have to offer.
as a wise man once said: "how can you love a girl if you can't look at her?" personalities change, shift, adapt. her face won't.
****ing made me lol hard.
It's just a terrible movie. Regardless of the relation to Dragonball, it just sucks. Poor acting, poor script, poor special effects. It's a **** movie, and deserves no money.
No. Swimmers shave or wax their chest because it affects their speed. Same for divers. The smoother the surface area, the easier it is to move through the water. Well known fact. If I'm going swimming, I'm not wearing a shirt just because people don't like my chest hair. And I don't feel like getting it waxed yet. So sorry for hitting puberty.
they already exist. look up 'hermaphrodite'.
You never heard of the War on Drugs? http://www.drugsense.org/wodclock.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_on_Drugs This has been going on for decades. The government cannot win this the way they want to.
And George Bush spent 8 years trying to fight terror. This "War on Drugs" can not and will not be "won". The only way to win is to legalise, regulate and tax. Compared to the number of people who tried marijuana and just left it at that? You talk to me as if I've never actually been exposed to drugs or people that take drugs, and sir, you're very wrong. May I point you in the direction of my friend, TheMuffinMan? http://www.kh-vids.net/showpost.php?p=2563006&postcount=109 I'm just annoyed that those of us arguing on the FOR are being passed over as drug addicts or pot heads. My drug use bears little on my opinion as this has been my opinion well before I started doing drugs, not to mention marijuana is not my drug of choice. We're presenting clear and logical arguments, and yet they're continually disregarded with the same rebuttal over and over: "drugs are bad. drugs kill." Don't confuse my frustration with arrogance. Debating was never meant to be nice. No one likes to be told they're wrong.
So you're saying we should make water illegal then? This is just stupid. You can dream of an idealised society all you want, where people are nice and sober and the skies are blue and the sun is shining. But that is not the world we live in. Drugs are a problem. And they are never, ever going away. So it is better we legalise them, so we may regulate them and reduce the harm that they do cause now. Marijuana IS NOT a gateway drug. It's amazing how many ignorant people there are here.
Bit more info for those who haven't read his recent Wiki page- He's got a son. Daken. Who's now Wolverine for Norman Osborn's Avengers.
Making alcohol illegal could be the stupidest decision any government could make. The Prohibition did not work. And people complain about not learning from mistakes. Illegalising alcohol will make it dangerous and unregulated. More people will die. More people will end up in jail. You're naive and ignorant if you think otherwise. You realise that most publicized drug information is government propaganda and that most media forms aren't allowed to publish studies that go against that propaganda. Here in Australia, a school stocked a pamphlet that provided educational information on how to do speed safely. I understand some of you think that's an oxymoron, but irrespective of what you think, there is a dangerous way to do drugs and a safe way. Safe meaning, have a buddy that stays sober so they can assess how you're doing and call the emergency services should anything happen. And information like how much is too much. Overdosing is the most common cause of drug related deaths, because people simply don't know how much is too much. This pamphlet did not encourage drug use, in fact it discouraged it. But it's ignorant to think that people won't do speed, and yet the Australia government stepped in and burnt all copies. Which I think is extremely irresponisble. If the governments aren't willing to legalize drugs, then they should publish the proper educational information. You can't say "DON'T DO IT. IT WILL KILL YOU!" That doesn't work. We know it doesn't work. And in fact, encourages use. So if we really want to prevent deaths, we'd be providing the information that tells us at which point an overdose will occur with the differant illegal drugs.
What's your point? Marijuana stops the pain, with limited to none side effects compared to the rest of the legal drugs out there. People can build a tolerance to painkillers, but the drug is still in their system and thus we have an overdose case. You can't overdose on marijuana.
Irrational, denial, refusal? No. Where did I say drugs were harmless? I know very well what I'm doing, and I don't care. I accept any and all consequences of my decisions. I don't intend to live forever, what's the point of growing old if I can't do anything? So in the long term, yeah, these drugs may kill me. But it was all worth it.
Well, you don't need to worry about paying for me. I live in Australia. But don't ***** about health care. You're going to pay taxes no matter what. At least the government is putting it to work. I don't care if someone gets hit by a bus and needs recontructive surgery. I don't care if some fat son of a ***** needs a heart bypass and a stomach band. But my money will go to them anyway. So if I decide to get ****ed up and need my stomach pumped, then I'm ****ing going to. Because I pay taxes just like the rest of you. (And I don't even know what you're *****ing about. You don't pay taxes anyway.) Look, kid, don't tell me to "do my homework on drugs". I know what ecstasy looks like. I've got a pill in my room right now. It's blue with a plane on it. I've taken green ones with a clover printed on it. I've taken red ones with a McDonalds logo. I know what they look like and I know what they do. One pill will not kill anyone. I've taken three in one night before, and didn't drink anything but alcohol which as you should know is a diuretic and I did not get dehydrated. It's not that bad. And I've never had a bad high. Ecstasy releases a naturally occuring chemical in the brain, putting you into a state of happiness. What's so wrong about that? You're idea of fun may be to sit at home on a Saturday night and play video games and watch Naruto. But it certainly ain't mine. I should be allowed to live my life however it is I want, as long as I'm not causing harm to anyone. And I'm not.
Linkin Park are boring and have been since after Hybird Theory. Meteora was good, but nothing special. Minutes to Midnight got nothing. What's worse is this band has been around for over 10 years and have only managed to put out three albums. That's pathetic. I don't understand why everyon says they're balls off the walls awesome, when they're not.
you may exist. but i doubt any of you think.
No, 1 in 5 is low. Speeding is a bigger concern with reckless driving. Not pot smokers, who in most cases don't even want to leave the house. This is just an over exaggerated concern that people want to drive while high. Trust me, it's the last thing you want to do. btw, one drink is not enough to affect your driving.
I pay taxes, too.