this wasn't funny and I want the two minutes of my life back.
Was it sparkling afterwards?
I'm amazed and stunned that there are actually girls posting in this thread. Why are you on the internet and where the **** is my sandwich?
Gays are ****ing disgusting. God did not want men to become fudge packers. It's filthy and makes me sick. I think being a gay should definitely be a capital punishment. But not the lipstick lesbians. We can keep them. I like them.
None of you have decent taste. And if you suggested Linkin Park, Disturbed, Three Days Grace, or anything towards that vein of "heavier" music - you are way off mark and you don't deserve to hear.
you're all idiots and your parents should have had an abortion.
shut up, ******. Game is going to be ****ing awesome. Release date is estimated at sometime in 2010, but that's okay because comic book artist Jim Lee has provided all the character desgins and comic book writers Geoff Johns and Marv Wolfman have provided the story and script for the game. I can't wait.
The statement in the title of this thread is like dividing by zero. It simply can't be done. You can't make Twilight better. Because it's just that ****. No real guy would do any of the **** Edward Cullen does, so this gives girls something to masturbate over.
You're all a bunch of Trekkie's and homo's. Same here. Except I laughed my ass off when I saw your picture. Your username does not compute.
so it's my opinion that you're a ******.
anime is for ******s. you're all ******s.
Friend or Foe was ****. Plain and simple.
It was always popular. But it was popular within it's specific fanbase and intended audience (that of course being those who read comic books). The movie just turned it into a hipster fad. But what annoys more than the fact that Hot Topic is selling Watchmen t-shirts, is the fact that the most of the **** in Watchmen is flying all over your heads. Hardly any of you get it. I preferred it when the only people that liked Watchmen were the people that got it. I liked the story, I got the characters but I didn't get everything about it. Now you see kids raving about how cool Watchmen is because of how badass Rorschach is. And that ****s me right off.
All I did was say I thought someone was funny and I'm the *******? Good night, sweet prince. D':
Same. I hate those *******s.
That better?
Efron as Sniktbub is perfect. I don't want to hear otherwise. And **** yeah, Efron should be James Bond as well. He's a suave mother****er, that boy.
I missed the part where the guy kept driving. that's another x5 combo. made me giggle. I saw the body of a 13 year old boy after he'd been run over by a 4WD. Hard to forget those sort of things. Sympathy sex?