I see, I see. Hm.
Kids. All weekend. Troublesome niece and nephew. :v Love them, but...they're annoying. It's good. You should see it, just like you should see...
Name: Spaze, Periwinkle, or Eternal Equinox. Favourites: Full Metal Panic (Kaname/Sousuke), Rainbows, White Tigers, Clannad (Kyou), Mangoes, Flowers (water lilies, white roses), Batman, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Gurren Lagann (Nia/Simon), Fruits Basket (Tohru), Inuyasha (Sango).
What the- if it's been deleted then why is it still showing? D: <
I thought you were doing that on purpose. D: You messaged and then left. Lol. Wrote on my own page.
I messaged you and you left. D:
...Really? <-< *moves away from you* Still on msn?
Aw. ; ; Well, alright...
I think you need to get and older one. :/
I'm a girl, thank you.
FFFFFFFFFFFF- Still not enough memory? D: What msn version did you download?
Wait, if you don't have msn then how can I talk to you? D: EDIT: Nevermind. Saw Stardust's comment.
Oh, don't worry. I feel good today. 8D Still babysitting. :/ Thank you. It's from Bakemonogatari.
I don't like brownies. :c
I have...no reason to wait. << I'll try to post tonight or tomorrow.
Noooope. I'm not allowed to watch anything with magic. Which is interesting, since I watch magical anime and read manga with it. But of course my parents don't know that~ You know that movie The Princess and the Frog? Still haven't seen it.
I can do this the hard way or easy way, lady. B|
Oh hello, Pinky. c:
Pimento can be used as a sandwich spread.
Mine has such pretty eyes. 8D Thank you~ Oh, and lol. I'm not allowed to watch Harry Potter.