I accidentally ate my brother's sandwich. He's been mad at me for two hours.
All I want is freedom. Is that too much to ask? All I want is freedom... The door was quickly shut closed a few seconds after it was opened. "Goodness gracious! That doornkob has been giving me trouble since I first moved in here and--Kolina?" The servant woman took a few more steps into the room, finding the princess kneeling on the ground next to the bed. "Kolina, what are you doing? You aren't finished with your disguise yet? Get off the floor!" Stella narrowed her eyes, placing her hands akimbo. Kolina breathed out a sigh of relief while Stella huffed in annoyance. "Honestly, if you're going to go through with this then you need to do everything I tell you to. Now, let's hurry up and get that wig on you before we head out the Servants' Quarters. The King and Queen are busy and the guards are distracted." "What?" Kolina tilted her head and crinkled her nose as she slowly rose back to her feet. She didn't remember this part of the plan. "I'm leaving now? I thought you were supposed to lead me out during nighttime." "No, the guards...Although it may be dark, they're more alert during the night. You may have a better chance of leaving if you do it during the day, and then you have even more time when it gets dark." Stella snatched the wig from the bag and a brush laying on top of a dresser nearby. She walked up to Kolina and began brushing her hair back. It was a light blonde color, but at the ends her hair faded into gray. "It may not seem like much of a reason to leave now, but I have this feeling that you should do it." "This...feeling?" The doubt could be heard in her voice. "Don't you think it would be better to stick with the original plan?" "Don't you think you should be listening to the person risking their life to save yours?" Stella quipped, releasing the band around her ponytail to use on Kolina. Kolina opened her mouth before clamming it back shut. There was no way to top that. "Other than not finishing you're hair, do you have everything?" "Yes." "Money, map, whatever personal possessions you wanted to bring along?" "Yes." "Good. Now what is your story again? And don't use your regular voice." Kolina explained her made up story to Stella like she eventually would when they reached the guards in front of the Servants' Quarters exit. It took a lot of concentration for her voice not to sound too high-pitched or too awkward. She would have to be careful not to talk much to others during her journey. "Perfect!" Stella clasped her hands, nodding at Kolina as she approved either of her story or finished disguise. Maybe both. Kolina walked in front of the rectangular shaped mirror again to see her head covered with long black hair pulled back in a suave-yet-scraggly ponytail. She looked like a feminine teenage boy in ugly clothing. "Disguise, story, supplies...you have everything you're going to need." Stella adjusted the hood on Kolina's cloak over her head. "Now let's go before you lose your chance to leave." She pointed at the bag on the ground. "Get your things." Her feet scraped slightly on the wooden floor, and Kolina paused in her stride for a second, taking note of the somewhat uneven flooring. She then grabbed her bag, walked out the door with Stella after opening it, and left down the hall with her. Soon...soon she would be leaving the castle!
That means you're...ten years older than me.
Aw. 8D How old are you?
:v I'm sipping Arizona tea.
9 is also a lucky number. 8D I think.
Oh, no, no, no. It's fine. XD You didn't seem like that. Spiking is indeed fun.
SUCCESS. 8D Thank you.
Didn't show up in my last post for some reason.
:| Why? Why do I keep getting this white background?
I can not relate to this at all. I'm not...really into sports. Volleyball maybe, but that's it.
I'm just now realizing that I've been spelling this starch wrong. My 3rd grade teaching always said "Pot a toe" (similar to To-Get-Her) so we'd know a trick to spell it correctly, but she was wrong herself. :|
Oh my goodness. x.x I feel slow. I know what that is!
Oh, okay. 8D I hate the bus. I'm a chicken. XD *watching now*
So you go to...two different schools? Are they close? Yeah, no. << Streetball? :v
Nah. XD I just have a silly crush on a boy that's distracting me. Ohmygosh. D: I have a cooking class, and my work group pisses me off. We always...
My life has been...odd. o.o I've been doing great at school, but something has been bothering me. You?
I would help Rick Ashley and get him away from you people. D:
I started using the internet when I was 11. 8D And I was a really strange troll. :/ You don't seem 12 to me.
Heeeeeeey. c: Remember me?