Oathkeeper and Acrossing Two were my favorite.
I don't like making my own threads very much. I'm usually too stupid to come up with a spark of genius and make my own thread to point it out. I would rather post on people's thread to support or disagree with their positions. I sometimes make my own threads, mainly here in the discussion thread, which isn't very often though. So yeah, I like to post on someone else's thread more than I like to make my own.
I liked Re:CoM and KHII the best. In Re:CoM the music for Marluxia was a lot better than every other track. While in KHII, everything was pretty much awesomeness.
You get it from defeating Hades in Olympus Coliseum the second visit there. It's like 3 AP if I remember correctly.
1. Button mashingness. 2. How ridiculously hard Sephiroth was. 3. Oathkeeper's low strength attributes. 4. Cheap abilities that save your life more then they should. 5. Last but not least, Tifa.
Xen, sweet and simple xD.
October isn't official, but I'm just going to assume that's the release date for now, I don't like having these small things go unknown. But, it should come out sometime soon after Days.
You're not the only one...LOL!
Chuck Norris
*jumps on it 3 times* did it- *BOOM!*
Freaking A! that sucks...,
Looks pretty hard, even with multiplayer added to the series. Usually a multiplayer game just gets harder with more players. Also, most games for the DS are godly hard.
Same here, going to do nothing but play my Re:CoM...Since I got it about two weeks ago...lol. But, playing the japo version is kinda dumb, you...
The first time I fought Xigbar, I thought he was a god of a boss... So I'd have to say Xigbar was my favorite.
After watching the gameplay demo BBS footage, something caught my attention. The attack commands almost look as if they work like the card system in CoM. I noticed this when Terra began the battle with the red Unbirth in the demo vid. After he uses a command, it switches to a new option. Also, the attacks looks similar too...Such as when Terra uses that attack to hit the one Unbirth up into the air looks a LOT like Goofy Smash and Ven's Blitz move he does neraing the end of his demo vid. Maybe BBS might be very similar to CoM?
Haha thanks, I like your avvy :P. Yeah I've been pretty busy with school and all. How abouts you?
Honestly, I liked them both. Though Richard epcar made a good Xehanort.
Marluxia's roses...I am NOT a manly man...
nothin much, just hangin out and stuffz. How is you? lol
The Riku replica for the fourth time was pretty freaking hard, for me anyways. If I remember correctly, I tried maybe six twelve times?