9. I've seen you alot, and you pwn.
My school is alright. No bullying, but, that makes up for the stupid drama kids like to get worked up about. A few kids even transferred out it sucked so much. It's like a school for actors/actresses now. Other than that, it's not too bad of a school.
Terra, Ven, and Aqua would have to be mine.
I'm sure a lot of us KH'ers are looking foward to BBS. But, what's a good game without it's special content and features? If, and when, BBS is released, what do you expect out of it? Me, personally, would like some wireless downloads (through as PSN obviously) and gameplay...Unfortunately, that's probably too much to ask for, considering it's for psp.
Thanks for the information Mike. That answers my questions about BBS.
Hey everyone, sorry about the long absence, I had to get life out of the way before I came back. I had friend issues, fights to deal with, friends threatening suicide, all that. So, it's good to be back.
Title says it all, I need a break from the computer for a while, so I'll see you all around. Be back soon.
NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! Teen sex does not do benefit the couple at all, maybe some warts on your genitalia, I think I'll pass. I've seen too many of my friends ruin their life making the poor decision to drop their pants for their so called "love of my life." They ended up in screwed over afterwards, an unplanned pregnancy, a courst case, and a case of HIV in some cases. My question is, why do it in the first place? To "fit in", to have bragging rights? I hear talk of people losing their v-card all the time in my school, of you were me, you couldn't give a f*** if they liked it, it's always the wrong thing to do. Say a teen couple gets into an arguement, they make up, before you know it, bam, sex time. You know statistics say that if you slept with one person, you would have slept with more people than you could imagine, regardless of gender...Disugsting eh? Billions of dollars are spent on condoms every year, thousands of unplanned teen pregnancies occurr every year, the U.S. has more cases of HIV/AIDS than any other country other than Africa. I think you get my point, I am totally against teen sex, period.
It's no longer advertising these days...First the sexually oriented spngebob commercial, now this? Too bad the Xbox doesn't come with the girl...Still either way, it goes to show what our society is hooked on today.
you only need 7 Orihalcum+. You can get them by finding them in chests and finishing the 100 Acre Wood and Atlantica and the tournaments in the Olympus Coliseum.
Beating Roxas andgetting Acrossing Two... I felt like I was the happiest guy in the world, but sadly that didn't last long.
Ven. KH needed his BA keyblade style, he's one of a kind.
ok, ill be back later and tell you how it went!
...WTH ur right! Idk, maybe they decided that Traverse town wasn't cool anymore. Idk, but I like it becasue there wasso much stuff hidden for you to find there.
ROFL! The review...Just, meh. Nintendonians...sheesh.
No word in the English language will cover what I am currently feeling as of now.
I just got CoD: WaW for Easter and I'm obsessed with it. I'm really into the Nazi Zombie thingthe most though. The highest I got with my friend was round 16... Which I find pretty pathetic. How about any of you?
I would have to say my favorite book is Where the Red Fern Grows. My teacher read it to the class way back in fourth grade. But also, I like The Five People you Meet in Heaven along with Harris and Me. There's a lot of books I consider my favorite.
I beat him at level 40 at the minimum, but the first time I fought him, I had to be over level 80...But back then I was a total noob though.