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  1. LoneWolf
    I would have to say Cloud is my absolute favorite. I love his big, bandaged sword and his Advent Children duds. He's like the emo hero we all have wanted in a game :D.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 14, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. LoneWolf
    O_O. Why is it that they have badass people have a more badass mester/leader or something? Thanks Mike! :].
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 14, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. LoneWolf
    Chapter 3

    Stupid Traffic..., Darius thought to himself as he waited for the mob of traffic on Walnut Street, which was the busiest road in Springfield, to let him cross the street. As he waited, he took note of the cars passing by. So far, nothing seemed different about them. Then finally when the pedestrian sign flashed him a oppurtunity to cross which he hastily accepted and walked across the designated walking strip. Crossing Walnut Street should be a sport rather than a simple task. Darius looked at the buildings, something didn't seem right to him, though he was sure anyone else would think that too if they saw a red sun and grey sky all of a sudden. Darius began to look through each window of each building to spot any other abnormalities.

    He felt a tap on his right shoulder and looked behind him, "Hiya! You're Darius right? Well You're coming with me!" A girl of about his age with black hair seemed to know him somehow. She had very scary green eyes, though she was pretty, she didn't care it seemed like judging by the way she approached him. She was wearing clothes you would see any normal person wear, jeans and a t-shirt. Her hair was very long, typical woman.

    Darius raised an eyebrow, "How do you know my name? You didn't tell me your name either." He looked at her, he also noticed she wore too much make-up, which also made her appearance even more different.

    The girl replied, "Well, if you need to know, my name is Annabelle. Now, you're coming with me. Master Ten needs to see you."

    Darius looked very confused, "Master Ten...?" It was too late when he asked her, for she was running toward the train station. Darius sighed and decided he would follow her, he might learn some things about this strange world he slipped into. He kept up with her easily, being the athletic celebrity and in great shape really paid off.

    Once they reached the station, Darius looked up and noticed that the name of the train station was also different. The sign read "Walnut International Train Station" which was odd because he had always known it to be named "Central Station".

    Annabelle looked at him, "We're going to take the train to Fort Centris, then you need to speak to Master Ten. He's been expecting you." She took out a small handbag and pulled out money to purchase their tickets. Darius what the heck this Fort Centris or whatever she called it was, and who Master Ten was. Since when were people named after numbers, Darius thought.

    She came back and announced, "Follow me, we're on train number three." He nodded and followed her to platform number three. Sure enough, their train awaited them. Once boarded, they had to compete with the soldiers, also heading for Fort Centris as well, for a decent seat. The soldiers wore a viser helmet and loose leather suits and chaps with black clothing underneath their battle uniforms. Their rifles looked much like a standard assault rifle a soldier would use. Each rifle was different and Darius noticed that one soldier had a brilliant sword that seemed to give off a red aura. He also wondered why a soldier would carry a sword if the others had rifles. He took a window seat and leaned back as Annabelle took the seat next to him.

    She was the first to talk, "Master Ten is our teacher. He's here to help us and stuff. He will tell you more once you meet him. Oh, and by the way, I knew your name because we have been waiting for you. There's three Dreamers, me, you, and there's one more on the way. A Dreamer is somebody who slips into a dimensional rift and winds up here on Alternate Earth. See, this dimension is occupied by three Dreamers, and the spirits of the dead. But, the passing on individual spirit lingers here and their soul travels into the afterlife. But, we're different, our spirits have been beckoned to Alternate Earth for a specific purpose which you will find out soon enough." That answered Darius' questions about the red sun and grey sky. So if he was on Alternate Earth, would the spirits of Sam and Randall come here too? Questions like these ran through his head as the train glided gracefully along the track as it sped towards Fort Centris.

    Chapter 4

    Master Ten stepped forward onto the train platform waiting for Darius and Annabelle disembark the train. He sttod stoically on the station platform, looking like a super hero observing a city from a tall skyscraper. His long, silver hair flapped in the breeze that swept across the country side and Fort Centris. His hard face and stone-like eyes told the world he had withstood every burden life had thrown at him. He wore a large cloak around his normal clothing, which wasn't so different from how a normal person would dress in today's time. Darius and Annabelle finally took careful steps out of the train and Ten approached them.

    He held out his hand to Darius, "Hello Darius, I'm Master Ten. Did Annabelle tell you who I was?"

    Darius nodded, "Yes she has, this is a bit weird for me because things have been happening so fast since I got here."

    "Please, let's go inside for further discussion," Ten lead Annabelle and Darius into his private quarters located on the top sixteenth floor of Fort Centris. Ten opened the door to his room and beckoned them both in. His room was was elegant and crude at the same time, which allowed for duality between comfort and display. Ten took his cloak off, hung it up, and sat down in his favorite chair. "Darius, my informants tell me you arrived here in your sleep, you awoke to find that you were not in the normal world you usually wake up in. I know this because we have waited for the three Dreamers, though our third is not present at the moment, for several years. I will be your teacher while you are here on Alternate Earth." He stood up and went to his closet. He reached up and scrounged around loose junk that had collected there over the years. Ten finally removed a terrifying, golden sword with purple amethysts aligning the center of the blade. He twirled it and held it out so that Darius could grab the handle.

    He looked up at Ten, "What is this for?" He hesitantly took the blade by the handle and held it up. The hilt was a brilliant silver and had spikes protruding upwards to further optimize defensive mechanics of the sword. Darius looked at the amethyst pommel stone, it seemed to hypnotize him from its unusual radiancy and clearness.

    Ten responded, "That is a sword made of anti-matter. Anti-matter is a very unstable metal that is indestructible once refined. It can be made into many different colors. Those weapons are an extremely valuable asset to a good swordsman. We will make each Dreamer one so that you will have a trusty weapon at your side," Ten paused a moment, "moving on. Now, magic can be shaped by using the emotions your heart currently owns to call forth a variety of things." He cupped his left hand and a small flame lit up his hand, "Fire is forged from anger, ice from sadness, and so forth. You can summon anything your heart has felt to aid you in combat or household tasks. I'm telling you this now so I can prevent confusion later on in your training, we need to be fast and thorough, we haven't much time before Alternate Earth Crumbles into oblivion." Ten took his sword and stowed it away back into his closet. and sat back down.

    Darius thought for a second, and then said, "...You mean Alternate Earth isn't going to last much longer?"

    Ten nodded and then looked up at the ceiling, wishing that the statement of 'crumble into oblivion' weren't true, "Yes, this planet is doomed to die, if we cannot defeat the one named Kazumeta. Though I'm afraid that he is particularly interested in you Darius. He seems to have been watching over you for most of your life from the far reaches of his hiding place. He knows who you are and what kind of person you are and capable of being. We have been dealt a terrible hand here." Ten rolled up his sleeve and showed Annabelle and Darius his tatoo of the number 10 on his shoulder,"I am Kazumeta's number ten, meaning I was his tenth servant to support his evil ways. Luckily, I escaped his wrath and joined the Provident Army. Which are the soldiers you saw on your trip here. There is also a irritating extremist group getting in our way as well. They have many formal names, tohught we jut call them T.G.'s, target practice." He chuckled for a second and then continued, "It's getting late, I will show you around tomorrow so you can get settled." They all stood up and Annabelle rubbed the sleep off of her face for she had recieved the same lecture when she first arrived at Centris. Ten guided them to their room and he performed a quick tour of the room before giving them top quality pillows and blankets, he left the room and went back to his private quarters.

    Darius took the bed closest to the window and began setting up his bed. Annabelle looked at him and said, "You sure are quiet. Is that how you normally are or...," she stopped and then flicked his ear. "Nevermind," she took the top bunk of the bunk bed that sat on the opposite side of the room that Darius occupied.

    Darius spoke up, "Things happened to me recently, I'd talk to you about them, but it's kind of weird because we just met and all." He took off his hat and long, brown hair fell out, he placed it on the nightstand and laid there.

    "Goodnight," Annabelle half-shouted just to wake sleeping people, she turned the light off and Darius smiled slightly. At least conversations won't be boring with her around, he said to himself in his mind and closed his eyes and sleep soon took him over
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 10, 2009 in forum: Archives
  4. LoneWolf
    ...Good thing I'm not going to Google ^-^.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. LoneWolf
    Aqua is the KH version of Chuck Norris. Can't wait! Thanks Mike.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 2, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. LoneWolf
    You know, Sony loves to take our money. Not that it's a bad thing, but haven't any of you noticed how they always upgrade/modify the previous console to make a more appealing version? But, that's beside the point, Sony is really over-doing itself. I mean Dreamcast? Holy crap, best console to ever exist right there xD. Now DC titles on PSN?! We love you Sony <3333!!!!!
    Post by: LoneWolf, Sep 26, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  7. LoneWolf
    O_O! OMG! ...One month?!?!?! Nuuuu! Eh, oh well, better late than never. Thanks a lot Mike.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Sep 26, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. LoneWolf
    Profile Post

    np bro. >.<

    np bro. >.<
    Profile Post by LoneWolf for The Mender, Sep 26, 2009
  9. LoneWolf
    Dang, new skins pwnz, thanks to whoever made it :).
    Post by: LoneWolf, Sep 21, 2009 in forum: Community News & Projects
  10. LoneWolf
    I prefer to have uber high defence. I never realy liked to have high strength, I don't know why. But, My equipment usually consists of...

    Weapon: Oblivion/Oathkeeper (if I need to go into a drive quickly), Acrossing Two (only because it's my favorite), or Ultima Weapon

    Armor: Cosmic Chain, Cosmic Belt, Firagun Bangle, Buster Band

    Accessories: Cosmic Ring, Cosmis Arts, Fencer Earring, and other AP boosting accessories.

    Items: Hi-potion x 6 (x8 in FM I think...)

    I tend to have item boost and, MP Rage, and Second Chance abilities equipped. I NEVER put on Berserk Charge due to the fact I can't pull off a finisher, which I need to do according to my strategy.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Sep 21, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. LoneWolf
    Riku Replica + Curaga = Cheater. That's what I did.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Sep 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. LoneWolf
    Oh damn, I better embrace my homosexual lifestlye in that case.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Sep 21, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. LoneWolf
    I remember Nomura saying he will have it on the market for Japan late 2009, possibly around December or so. But, I do recall that he said it may be out before or after FFXIII. So, it would either be before or after FFXIII.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Sep 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. LoneWolf
    Chapter 2

    The blackness of the night enveloped everything; the air, the sidewalk, even Darius' thoughts, it was everywhere. There was one other thing he was not going to enjoy either, which was going home to a drunk, angry, and burly father. Not the first thing on his to-do list. Darius ignored the rain and walked home.

    Once he stepped up onto his doorstep, he already smelled the sickening stench of two too many beers. With a long sigh he opened the door slowly.

    Before Darius could look up, a fist came down on his cheek like a wrecking ball, "Where the hell were you?"

    Darius touched his cheek lightly, then managed to say, "I had some stuff I had to do, it's none of your business."

    His dad began to raise his voice now, "Your business is my business, kid. Your just like your mother, always staying out late and getting yourself into deep...," he began to cuss Darius out. After his dad was done yelling, he had passed out on the couch. Darius stood there looking at his feet silently hating the world. He finally came out of his trance and climbed up the stairs to his room. His room was small but it was a room nonetheless. He sat down on his bed and observed the socks and other articles of clothing laying around, he never was the neatest person. He then looked at his desk, which a small computer and a television which allowed him to keep himself entertained without going downstairs to irritate his merciless father. He laid back and put his head on his pillow. He soon fell asleep with a heavy heart and countless thoughts on his mind.

    His dreams were that of the sound of grinding metal. The same incident happened in his dream countless times. the drunk driver, Randy not noticing the man swirve into his lane, it all kept happening over and over. Darius eyes snapped open and he looked around. He noticed that he was all sweaty and something didn't seem quite right. He peered through his window and noticed that the sky was not it's normal color. It was a pale grey color, like it was going to rain or snow, which was odd because the sun was visible through the, which looked like an overcast sky. Even stranger, the sun shone a crimson red. People he didn't even know lived in the neighborhood were strolling on by.

    Before Darius knew it, he had his shoes on and running toward the hospital where Randy and Samantha were staying in. God, they better be alright, he thought to himself as he ran without stopping.

    He skidded to a halt, panting at the door. He soon caught his breath and walked in. Darius eyes flicked around the room and tried to remember what room they were in. I think it was 208, he remembered and made his way toward that same room. Once he found it, he peeked in and found the room to be empty. He entered the room and looked everywhere for a sign that they were here. Nothing. Darius dropped his head and looked at the floor wondering where they could be.

    "Can I help you," a nurse asked him. Darius snapped out of it and shook his head and walked out of the room slowly. He sat down on a bench and watched people he has never seen around town before walk in and out of the hospital doors. He also noticed that some wore strange outfits made of metal, he even saw a man carrying a large blade. How weird, Darius wasn't aware of any special occasion to dress like that. He stood up and decided to check out the other abnormalities around town, like the big man with the big sword.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Sep 19, 2009 in forum: Archives
  15. LoneWolf
    :( He will be missed :(((((. I hope the new guy will do a good job.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Sep 14, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. LoneWolf
    Yeah, I didn't realize I'd run out of cards because I didn't know that using sleights removed cards from your deck. I played the japanese version that came with Final Mix +. So, of course I can't read/understand japanese I assumed it was a good idea, until I got stuck on a boss with 1 or 2 attack cards xD.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Sep 11, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. LoneWolf

    After the End

    Before I start, I want to thank the people that helped me think of names, ideas, and plots to this story. I will try to post each chapter as quickly as I can, but I can't gurantee quick results. I want to thank all my friends for bringing a smile to my face and being such an inspiration to me. Also note I will fix mistakes as soon as I can, this is only a work in progress and will expect to have people bash on it's mistakes :P. Also, it would be appreciated if you could comment after each chapter so it won't double merge anything... So, without further ado...

    Chapter 1
    "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the room," the tall and lanky male nurse told the boy trying to push past him to get into the emergency room.

    "My friends are in there though," Darius was crying out while trying with all his might to push past the male nurse. Darius was a half-boy, half-man and was the one of the quiet types. He had the appearance of a rebel, long dark hair and a winter-like with his hair flipping out of the bottom, he wore it because his hair was almost always a mess. He was muscular, an athletic celebrity in his community. Despite this, he had a big heart. His eyes were deep and mysterious, that of a dark, black ocean.

    "I'm sorry sir, please, sit down in the lobby...We'll let you know how they're doing," the nurse said in a tired tone, exhaustion from a hard day's work. Darius simply sighed and sat down in the waiting room. He twiddled his thumbs and found to his surprise that his hands were quite sweaty. He gazed into the palm of his hands, digesting the situation. His memories jumped all over the place, but one distinct memory, one that is quite fresh in his mind seemed to stick out the most.

    There was a party merely two hours before Darius found himself in a hospital waiting room. Randy and Samantha, his two best friends, probably more in a sense. Randy had been his best friend since childhood, and Samantha, a girl he had huge crush on, but best friend nonetheless. Their lives were in a critical state, a memento that drunk drivers are moving, lethal land-bourne projectiles. Darius had witnessed the whole thing, a nightmare to behold. The metal crunching, the screech of of metal on metal, a haunting sound. Darius put his head in his hands trying to hope for the best.

    After about three hours, his five mile train of thought came to an abrupt stop when the same male nurse called his name, "Hey, kid...You may see them, they've been asking for you." Darius got up, his hands were very shaky and his heart was drumming inside his chest. He walked with uneven footsteps into the room they were being kept in. He looked at Randy. His face was in terrible shape. His red hair was messy and his bright blue eyes looked into Darius'.

    After a a raspy breath Randy said, "Hey..." His voice sounded sad and so much different than the cheery voice Darius once knew.

    "Hey, you're going to be fine, trust me, you can't die on me," Darius said in a shaky voice. He didn't sound so sure himself. "You can't," Darius said once again.

    "I won't, after all...I can't let the team down, can I," Randy barely gasped the question. Him and Darius were on the same basketball team, they were the ultimate team according to their standards. Before Darius could answer his question, Randy passed out. After a moment of looking at him, Darius put Randy's hand on his chest.
    He then walked over to Samantha, "Hey Sam," Darius said. Her bright face, beautiful, and complex turned toward his. Her eyes were always shiny and green, but now, they looked dull and sad. Her black hair was neat as always.

    "Hi...," she finally managed to say quietly. It was clear her and Randy were in extreme pain. They talked slowly until the nurse ushered him out.

    Just before Darius left, he heard them both say, "I love you," and they meant it. Darius figured that'd be the last thing they'd say before the worst possible outcomes came around. Darius walked toward the front door and saw that it was raining. He adjusted his black winter-hat and walked out the door, knowing he was going to lose everything that was important to him.
    Thread by: LoneWolf, Sep 11, 2009, 26 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. LoneWolf


    ....O_O?? Wow, no comment.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Sep 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. LoneWolf
    Very nice, thanks for showing us andthanks to both of you for such awesome 0wnag3 codes :P.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Sep 10, 2009 in forum: Video Showcase
  20. LoneWolf
    My lord...I found those the other day in my mom's room, what were they doing there...?
    Post by: LoneWolf, Sep 8, 2009 in forum: Gaming