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  1. LoneWolf
    Remember how you were near the Altar of Naught and just before you went through the door leading there? Well, a cutscene plays with a bunch of Heartless coming at you, then Maleficant and Pete appear, but upon closer inspection, the Heartless just dissappeared. Either lazy grahpic designers decided it was funny to not finish the job and go grab some coffee, heheh, cheaters.

    Any comment on the wtfness?
    Thread by: LoneWolf, Oct 20, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. LoneWolf
    Are my ear drums supposed to leak red liquid upon horrible noises?
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. LoneWolf
  4. LoneWolf
    The Jungle King looks so freaking hideous! I can make a similar thing using twigs and sticks. I don't dig the sound it makes either, is it supposed to be like a soap squish or something?
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. LoneWolf
    Chapter 5

    Sector 3, a city that used to be named Niss, was now a ghost town and named to be an object rather than a city. No human, animal, or any other creature inhabited the area within five miles of the frozen metropolitan wasteland. Kazumeta stood at the top of the mountain overlooking the landscape below. He stood there with in his heavy, dark, and intimidating armor. The stinging frost shards flying in the wind made the horizon seem like a white and desolate void. Under his dark helmet was a face of pure evil. His eyes red, a face that spoke hatred, and dark hair that fell about halfway down his forehead which half covered a pink and bubbly scar. He made his way down the mountain, he was to regroup at the Niss reactor with the T.G. group assigned to investigate the city. The T.G. was the Twelfth Guard. T.G. was an evil group that had an unknown goal. Kazumeta made his way to the capital building.

    Darius' dreams took him deep within his memories. Only this time, it was unlike the recent ones he had been having, onlythis time it wasn't about the accident several days ago.

    Darius, a about a year earlier had his hair short as most boys do. His face was bright, like that of a young child. His eyes were alive he was optimistic. He waited outside of the school for his two friends to meet up with him. After several minutes, Randal and Samantha showed up. Randal was tall and had blonde hair with grey eyes. His face represented that of a gallant knight. It seemed to everyone that he could take anything that came his way. Samantha, also tall, had black hair that was dark as night. She was quiet sometimes, once she was be-friended, she'd put all of her trust in them. Unlike Darius and Randal, she made the boys look very pale, much like a ghost. She also had very dark green eyes. Something was different than what he remembered, Darius realized in his sleep. He heard mumbling, he couldn't hear them speak. He saw them smile and everything snapped back into reality.

    Darius sat up very quickly and found that he was sweaty and tears were in his eyes. He wiped his eyes, surprised that they were wet. He looked over and saw Annabelle was still asleep. Just who was she anyways? She seemed to know him, which only made things more eerie. He heaved himself up and planted his feet on the floor quietly as to not wake Annabelle. Darius slipped on his white shirt he had been wearing for a couple days now. Now he really wished he could get a change of clothes and a proper bath. He heard something pattering on the window, he looked over and saw rain dripping down the glass window. The sky was no longer the grey color he had seen earlier, but a ghastly and almost glowing white.

    While Darius was staring out the window, he heard Annabelle say, "You're up already?" Darius didn't answer and continued to stare out the window contemplatively. After not getting an answer, she stood up and then said, "How come you never talk? It's kind of scaring me, you could be thinking about a way to kill me or something. Seriously though, I can tel you have something on your mind."

    Darius never looking away from the window, explained to her, "I hardly know you. Let's keep it that way. Once Ten is done with this training stuff he talks about, I'm out of here." He didn't say it rudely, but with enough sterness to get his point across. Annabelle understood and walked out of the room to get breakfast before the soldiers took the good food. Darius sighed and wondered when Annabelle would be back.

    Ten was already up, dressed, and bathed before even Darius awoke. Ten briskly walked to the Central Hall where meetings were held weekly to discuss political and military issues. Leading officials also were making their way to the meeting. Huge doors greeted the arriving people attending the meeting, not just big doors, but very tall and wide doors. Ten took his seat on the right side of the table. Each person took a seat at the very long table. It wasn't long until everyone was seated. The oldest of them all stood up. Orvil held his hand up and ordered silence.

    With his majestic voice he spoke, "Good morning to you all. I believe we have some very important news for you. Master Ten, will you have the honor?"

    Ten nodded and stood up saying, "The Dreamers are now here. We will no longer have to be opressed by the Twelfth Guard. Hope is now renewed." Mumbles could be heard and some people sighed with relief. Orvil motioned his hands for Ten to sit back down. Orvil wore a kingly robe with gold buttons. His purple robe was the result of an expert tailor along with a large sum of money. His old face and white beard hung down, much like any other aged person would appear to look like. He then sat down and the meeting continued on.

    Annabelle had two plates of pancakes in her hands, which she managed to retrieve from the kitchen while on her kitchen raid. She walked back up to the room Darius was in and opened the door carefully so the plates wouldn't fall. Darius looked up and saw her opening the door. She kicked the door closed behind her and handed him a plate.

    Darius took it and sighed, "I guess you want to know who I am then?" Annabelle nodded and Darius began his story from the night he lost everything.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: Archives
  6. LoneWolf
  7. LoneWolf
  8. LoneWolf
    Oh lord, so hard to choose. I would probably have to say Riku 4 was the hardest boss for me. He was too fast for my slow fingers and underdeveloped mind of mine. Though, after he is defeated, you get his enemy card or something which allows 5 sleights with no card loss. Curaga x 5 = Cheap healing.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 16, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. LoneWolf
    Oh lord, so hard to choose. I would probably have to say Riku 4 was the hardest boss for me. He was too fast for my slow fingers and underdeveloped mind of mine. Though, after he is defeated, you get his enemy card orsomething which allows 5 sleights with no card loss. Curaga x 5 = Cheap healing.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 16, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. LoneWolf
    I'm ridin' on a dolphin, doin' flips and ****! The dolphin's splashin gettin; everybody all wet! Oh my, very random that bunch of munchkins are XD.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 16, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. LoneWolf
    This is quite epic indeed. The slow music made it much more dramatic. Yes, I like slow music when it comes to dramatic thingies. Overall, nice vid, I would like to see more from you.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 16, 2009 in forum: Video Showcase
  12. LoneWolf
    I'm 17 and still playing it. Your never too old for anything.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 16, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. LoneWolf
    It all depends on how bad the crime was. A life taken by a murder, in my personal opinion, wouldbe to put the murderer to death. It states in the U.S. Constitution that an individual has the right to life unless he threatens to end life for another. Not in those exact words, but close enough. Several years back, Saddam Hussein was put to death for taking the lives of many and forming an evil and corrupt government. Totally justifiable his death was. Put yourself in a situation where a family member was killed by a hated and despised person in your neighborhood. You know they were mentally unstable, had contracted several incurable STD's due to their sexual assault crimes, overall they were a sick serial killer. Wouldn't you want them to die for your good, and also their good too?
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 16, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  14. LoneWolf
    Due to Nomura's lack of FF information and the fact that BBS takes about 10 years before KH1, do you think they possibly might put characters from previous FF games. Say, Zack or Angeal from Crisis Core. Another possibility I thought of was there may be a a FF party member, not like in KH2 where they fought seperate of your party, instead you could actually change their equipment, such as armor, weapons, accessories, etc. If this is a tiny possibility, who would you want to be a part of your party from the FF series? Personally I would want Red XIII and Zack in my party, that level of badass cannot be contained in a room.
    Thread by: LoneWolf, Oct 16, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. LoneWolf
    Well, Nomura said that BBS is for the PSP. The reason why they won't remake BBS is because it's already being released on the PSP, which uses 3D models much like the PS2 and PS3. There's really not much of a point re-making a game like that because not only would it lose Square Enix money, BBS would become a platformer, which isn't the best way to keep up a 'console exclusive games' reputation. Also, they re-did CoM because the GameBoy con sole had become severly outdated compared to the PS3 and all. A leap from sprites to 3D models is a large change indeed. I think Square Enix re-made CoM for relevance issues only.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 16, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. LoneWolf
    How about having a Roxas dual wielding 'flashback' (wearing his Org. XIII cloak of course) and having Roxas fight 1000 Heartless, I know, stupid, but it's a legit suggestion.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 15, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. LoneWolf
    I am starting to have a concern for all of your sanity, my sincerest apologies.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 14, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. LoneWolf
    ...Non-pokemon polls can be shredded by the paper shredder.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 14, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. LoneWolf
    I want to say twenty, but upon further inspection of the question, I have deduced that it is, in fact, a love-seat.
    Post by: LoneWolf, Oct 14, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. LoneWolf

    New Topic

    ...Yep, let's talk about the new topic!
    Thread by: LoneWolf, Oct 14, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone