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  1. Terra254
    I use Gusto, Gishki, Cloudians, and Sacreds.
    I also use Happy Lover decks <3
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 24, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Terra254
    That's a Pikachu Doll.
    I will...
    Your throat..
    Lord jesus...
    let me...
    Stab you...

    lol JK. That's fine with me. My Gustos were only a little bit below Moderate anyway, So.
    Also, That's not windar, Windar is that guy. That's...I don't remember, but not windar.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 24, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Terra254
    Jaden, That's cool. Because I'm...Not trolling. I'm right , And I'm just adding on to my previous true statment...
    You are oblivious because you didn't understand that we do, Or atleast did care, You're a hypocrite because you told us not to jut tell you things like "Your good!" if we didn't mean it, Then you tell us to say it anyway. You talk about us bad or call us noobs if we use DIFFERENT decks, Then you use an inconsistent variation of E-Heros. And you ARE dramatic, because you got mad over everything (Actually, you just contradicted yourself again, because you admitted you over react before, too.) But when riku posted the screen shot of his Bubble Beat deck, And you were like "OMG Listen that is inconsient omg i can't do that so you must have gotten lucky becaue we're totally the same OMG your still a noob because I don't belive in change" when he was just building to see if it worked, And showing the results.

    It would be easier to understand and forgive you if you weren't so . . .

    Anyway, I'll be pretty much leaving here so you can come back, Since Rafael only came back to agree with me replying to your creepy Ronald McDonald picture replying to my joke post, Which you then decided to drag him in again. Because even though I try my best to be nice, And you don't care, Your favorite just because you own this place, Which is arguably an okay defense. Also, My post wasn't saying that I didn't care he left, I was saying we COULD go on, there are no restrictions , But it would be hard.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 22, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Terra254
    This with the exception of not going on without Jaden.
    also, Jaden was the one who started them if he doesn't realize. So..He needs to stop being so oblivious, And Hypocritical, And Dramatic.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Terra254
    I chain

    And you destroyed ...

    Let's Proxy on DN, This is kinda.. Lengthy.
    We can continue it here too, Though.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. Terra254
    Uhm . . . Jaden, I'm not sure if i'd be okay with you dying, Because I never said that, But you do need to learn/understand that We tried to help you, We said that you were good and you just told us to **** off, And honestly, I'm pretty sure that half of the people here don't consider me a friend, Let alone a "True Friend" , Because I don't talk to 70% of you. I'm not saying I wouldn't miss you, or that I would, Because I don't talk to you enough, Only in the Arena, And here all you do is criticize me and contradict yourself . . . It would be as if someone took away a toy you didn't play with, You may have wasted time with in the past, Or enjoyed in the past, but never enough to know whether or not you'd miss it. Oh so many times I tried to convince you you were atleast decent, But I see now my error in that effort... You did not care weather or not we thought you were good, You just wanted us to let you know we cared ... Hmm ...
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Terra254
    This means He's Ninety percent sure that you make more people sick than he does.
    If you were wondering...
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Terra254
    That was actually kinda scary.
    Erm, Also, That was sarcasm. It was a joke . . . But I'm not sure if you understand because you apparently can't understand much, because you don't even try.
    You sulk and then you get mad when I point it out, You're so childish. Grow up and understand...That just because You have a disability doesn't mean you can't try.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Terra254
    But hope is home, Kamui is flying in Gusto and He let us in. In this moment we are infinite. Theres the light, Theres the sun taking all the shattered ones you broke, Takign them home! I've got my things, I'm good to go, You didn;t meet me at the Terminal because you don't really care about us, Only Itachi and Nas because you don't understand half of the things. Hope's home is in the heart, and sadly Hope isn't home in yours....

    /Just referenced 3 songs, 2 games, A book, And a movie
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. Terra254
    Err...This is what I thought, But It was my mistake so I'll just let it pass.
    I also thought what you thought I just didn't say anything...


    Post by: Terra254, Oct 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  11. Terra254
    So about now is when I'd give up, But Apparently I can't until you summon Divine Serpent,o I'll jsut stall Until then.

    I set 2 cards and **** Jaden's show all cards because it's two set cards, And everyone know what they look like and showing pictures would be pointless and take up space and time.
    So I end my turn.


    Two set cards


    Ugh I had a move with cloudians that could discard 2/3 of your hand, but It was really leghthy so I didn't do it since you said just do short moves.So I still haven't decided what deck I'm using, and also, Brooklyn already has my soul, So if want my soul specifically challenge him to a duel after this one, or during,I don't really care, But I thought I should remind you.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. Terra254
    This duel should be interesting for me, I dunno much about Orichalcos decks.
    Anyway, I'll start my move by activating...2 Nightbeams!
    4 cards in hand
    Targeting (Each of) your facedowns!
    Now...I'm not sure if you can, but do you chain?
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. Terra254
  14. Terra254
    [Draw Phase]
    6 cards in Hand
    [Standby Phase]
    Chain to anything so far?
    I'm really bad at non-random, Because I think I do better having my options in front of me...
    I still haven't decided what deck I'm going to use, Either.

    Post by: Terra254, Oct 20, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Terra254
  16. Terra254
    By that....I think he means any deck can be good, And that Inzektors weren't good because they "don't require skill".
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Terra254
  18. Terra254
    I don't go first.
    I never go first.
    Also, I'll probably be slow replying due to school, I found out I was making a 89 in Math so I have to actually do my homework now and My Science teacher just really doesn't like me so...I have to do work for her and research, and my SS teacher gives everyone too much work, so yeah, I'll be slow.

    Uhm...I'll just act like you're assuming I, and most other people here haven't had a hard life, and that is also offensive. I'm also nice, I've ignored your ignorant comments for too long though, maybe Nas and Itachi Can put up with it but I break after a point...And uhm...No you don't... Remember "Hey jaden, If you want I can help yo-" "NO YOU HATE ME UGH I SUCK GO AWAY"

    Also, I forgot who said this but quoting because maybe you don't realize:

    "None of us are cool or people who get invited to partys, We don't fit in, That's why we're here. We've been rejected, But that doesn't make us useless."

    Paraphrasing, but something like that.[DOUBLEPOST=1350702638][/DOUBLEPOST]*Parties
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Terra254
    Also, @Jaden

    Assuming, Not having a purpose is a valid reason to commit suicide, Imagine how many people would be gone now. So many people aren't a valued remember of society, but that doesn't mean they will never become one. Also, None of us type and or the word which would sound better within this sentence, write like that, And it's insulting, But anyway, What I was going to say was Star (Although wrong,) , Brooklyn, And Fred gave you reasons. You just didn't find them credible, even though you expect us to take your word on something even though you haven't played the game in a long time. Also, Star the state of "Depression" is one that everyone goes through, Some many, Some little, But I've gone through it because I'm human and honestly I didn't tell everyone I was going to kill myself, Even if I wanted to, The point of Suicide is to make a statement, telling people you're going to is like if you're playing Yugioh and saying "Oh yeah, Also, Next turn I'll be summoning Quasar if you don't destroy my face-down!", Rafael said "I am with depression" Multiple times, but None of you sympathized with him. But Jaden does it and Jesus lord Jesus a crisis someone help us lord lord lord send help from heaven above. Also, Fred doesn't hate you, Brooklyn doesn't Like you since he only likes Fred but he doesn't particularly hate you, And Riku Just doesn't like you being ignorant, Everyone else could either care less Or be okay with you, So I'm pretty much the only person who dislikes you.
    I should really not make my sentences so long, Ugh super mega ultra run on sentences ...
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. Terra254
    You...Are not.
    Post by: Terra254, Oct 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground