I believe Star; His niece always takes his computer during skype calls to vote for One Direction and other things. It's not "easy" to win, You all are just too Proud or Stubborn to switch decks. That's why you either upgrade or change decks; To stay with the pace and not fall behind. Its like Brooklyn said...Why make them solve the problem when you could solve it yourself? Paraphrased; But still. In any game...If someone better comes along, do you give up or try harder?[DOUBLEPOST=1354232391][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, the reason I came, Was to say that Slaughtermatic is on if anyone wants to challenge him on DN.
I did not. Because...Ryuk wasn't the only shinigami that could do that, In fact, Light didn't even use it, Let alone L. Misa was the only person IIRC, It would have been better if it said "If you control atleast 1 'Shiningami'.", Since Ryuk wasn't even the only Shinigami in the show. There was Rem, And that Shinigami that demonstrated how the shinigami's could die (Geleous, Or something of that sort). @Jaden You could Blast the Ruins of your poor destroyed deck.
Ah, If you'd like. But...I'm a slow non-random dueler, Because I'm not very creative.
No, He hasn't talked about you much, But I know some about you. Jaden doesn't often lose Non-Random duels, So it doesn't matter how much you've...
It wasn't really an argument, But I suppose so. I know about you, Some. I have a Water Dragon Deck, It's not very good, But I have one.
I was going to ask Brooklyn to Banish me, But a light saved me, One equivalent to Fred. Well, More like a shadow, Since he and Fred are alike in many ways, But HE would have said something (Probably not respectful, Or dismissive. Not like ...Rude, But not polite, if that makes sense.)to the Mod, While Fred thanked the mod . They have equivalent powers, but opposite in most ways, Not like Sora and Roxas . . . More like Riku and Sora, If Sora was smarter. Jaden, HE helped me see... That you do not need to apologize. I, Need to apologize, because it was a mis-communication. I felt betrayed, And anxiety bested me again. It was rather downhill from there, You see... You were using me as a point of reference, Not as a Point of level. It's kind the same thing, But a tad different. You were saying " If Terra is here, you are here" not as I thought " If terra is bad, You are here". Praise H.I.M! Sorry... I will try to better control myself next time. I said I couldn't forgive you, Because I really couldn't, And I knew it was my fault, I guess, HE just helped me see it... I was going to ask Fred for help, but he would have gotten tired of me and sent Brooklyn to smash me with a ban hammer for eternity in a deep, dark hole.
I'd make a post about Jaden being his usual self- An ass and A hypocrite, But I dunno I feel a if my efforts are tireless. /sigh Fred give me patience with this ... Jaden, That's the worst I could say...
I could care less about ****'s sake. **** can suffer for all I care, It's no longer required.
Slaughter has improved, He accomplished something in his latest duel. http://i.imgur.com/gsYSG.png
Riku could verify this, He is well versed in Tarot Cards because he uses them often to contact his lord and Savior the Dark Lord Cthulhu.
Silly Jaden, Stuffing is for Thanksgiving. And Teddy Bears.
738 .
lol @Jaden being the only one not understanding Also, Riku, Is this why you wanted me to make a Neos deck? Neos are too close to E-HERO's, I think I would die inside , But if you really want me to, I will.
Great, now we get to hear Jaden ***** about something, I'm sure.
Ryan Nuygen. Or Ryan Nyguen @Stars Name OH EDIT: Nugyen Or Ngyuen[DOUBLEPOST=1351816975][/DOUBLEPOST]EDIT AGAIN: Nguyen
When you get to Near, Tell me. Near is the best ever. You probably will not like him, though.
That's not hypocrisy, That's . . . Hm. . . Kinda ironic. I find it funny the Greater Force Agrees with me, Though. Also, Be grateful you have the ability to own a Wii, To Play a Wii, Seriously. Some people can't do those things because it's too expensive for them to buy it, Or atleast buy it and have a place to live assuming they have one. You always talk about how you're the worst at everything, Tell that to a homeless person who is weak because he doesn't eat enough, Or to someone who has something like Cancer and knows they may not have enough time left to finish the game. You think you have it bad, So many people have it worse. Just saying...
I...Won't say anything about this. Wow This hurts I feel sick Wow Not saying anything
Erm... Norton is a bad Virus protection software compared to other ones, But so is McAfee , Just McAfee is better than Norton, They're both probably worse than most other Virus Prevention Softwares. I think I've used both, But Never continued to because my computer doesn't get viruses (even though they can be used for more things, )So yeah. That's like... If I beat some random dude with a high rating on DN, It wouldn't make me good, just better than him (Although it's different, Because then different factors come into play, But unless you're absoultey mindless,you should get what I'm saying.)
I think that's illegal, and there is a new rule on KHV about not discussing Illegal activity, or encouraging it, atleast.