Also, Sorry I missed our duel. I'm working on my History Fair project... It's trash ; ; It's AC vs. DC... And It's due tommororw. I AM FFAAIILLIINNGG THHIISSS... lol I should just put pictures....Pictures everywhere!
@Star Red is Jaden's God. I don't know why he didn't say "Red Bless Fred" Jaden was 21 last time I remember, Or 23. I imagine Brooklyn as young. 13-16. Fred Can be any age.
Yes, His real half. Although Somebody is probably a better way to put it, since Half is implying they aren't whole, Which they kinda are. Half...
That's what I meant by real,Other Zexion. Since Ienzo is Zexion's 'Real' half.
Do you like my Avi? There's no Ienzo like Ienzo eating icecream! Ienzo is adorable...
There's no Zexion like real, other Zexion except younger and eating icecream. :P
Bread and Milk make my stomach hurt... And when I eat Sweet bread wit Milk my stomach really hurts. But it's good, So that's how I justify it :p
Drawing, Scholarish competitions. Heh, If you get better, You can even become a speaker! Also...Food usually doesn't affect people's feelings. Certain foods can cause an increase (or Decrease) in certain chemicals, But it's usually not extremely noticeable. It's not like if you stop eating Pasta you'll smile all day like a mad man. I find that fast foods make people sad...Because they know its not healthy lol. Blue foods also sometimes make people sad, Since Blue is a food suppressant , So you kind of have to force yourself to eat. I did a science fair project on how sports affected self-esteem, And people who played sports actually had a high low self-esteem rate, because alot of them said they weren't good, But it was all the knew how to do. It still had a higher Self esteem rate over all, But...Still. I got a 90, My Board was terrible.
Yes. Also, What card is in your Avatar? It looks cool.
... even then so, He's mad because Jaden wouldn't stop being ... Sulk-y. Also, I said it's how they BECAME friends, Not why they are. Atleast, I'm pretty sure I said that.
[]Give up [x]Paraphrase Oda's post as an example OBJECTION! He did assume so, Didn't he? Even then so... I don't think he would care if Jaden was just depressed, He cares that Jaden talks about it alot, Which may come off as fishing for sympathy...But...Jaden dosen't really have anyone else to tell, So I think that's why he tells us. If Jaden was only depressed, Oda would probably try and help... But since jaden rejected that help, Oda gave up and THAT is truly why he says he has changed! He said so himself, That Jaden was acting like a child, And You know, Child's are stubborn, Which is what he was referring to, Which why you have been Over ruled!
Well, Maybe he also liked to duel you. It's like if someone played Football (Real football, Not American. Which technically is spelled Futball, I think, But that looks ... Awkward) with someone, And they became friends over than, And they just stopped... They would probably keep playing without them.[DOUBLEPOST=1355276940][/DOUBLEPOST] ... That's what I said. I didn't say dueling was the cause, I said it was the time. I said " He was happy when dueling", And when I said he became depressed when he stopped I said that that may have not been linked.
She quoted it because Lightning said it in Final Fantasy XIII, IIRC. Nothing more, Nothing less. Doesn't answer your question, But that's why she has it.
He's not not your friend anymore because you don't play Yugioh, He's not your friend anymore because when you did play, You were happier. When you stopped playing and you became depressed, He assumed that you became depressed be cause you stopped. Which is like my stomach hurting after eating something, What I ate may have not caused it, But most people would assume so.
Then you two should b born Twins, Wait until 6 years ago from now, Do it , Then Oda Leave, And come back!
"Better hurry, Ventus." "Huh? Who are you?" "Or you'll never see Terra again." "What? Get real. I can see Terra any time I want." "Like right now? He's leaving you behind, And by the time you catch up... He'll be a different person." You two should do this! Or Brooklyn and Oda can do it! And Brooklyn can be Vanitas! Yyaayyy
I used to play Guitar, Of course, I don't one anymore, And I also play the voice :P That Neos deck looks like mine....
You're like 14, aren't you? I learned Algebra when I was 12... Granted, I made mostly mid and low B's then, But still...
Nothing, Yourself?