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  1. Terra254
    Because Fred is amazing and Graceful, Like a bright pink sunset shining off of Clouds, Rainbows that shine only in our eyes , A false reality. Fred is like the soft summer breeze only you felt, Or the cold winter you never remember but you know it was breathtaking.
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Terra254
    Except Fred, if he made a GP I'd be proud :)
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Terra254
    Gimmick Puppets are on DN?

    I'm so making a GM deck <3
    I wish I was at home so I could start on it...[DOUBLEPOST=1356730408][/DOUBLEPOST]And anyone who makes one before me will hear from Zeal!
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Terra254
    Merry Christmas, And Happy birthday to Brooklyn!

    I shall wish Brooklyn a Happy birthday everyday until The 21st of January... Unless the his birthday occurred within the last 4 days, Then I'm screwed...

    Also, "God" (or whatever your creator's name is, If you don't have one, you can keep reading because it'ss not anything serious) liked Saturn, So he put ringsss on it.
    He's a pimp, though... He already had a ring on Uranus AND Neptune!
    I think Neptune has a ring.

    [Insert Beyonce song here]
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Terra254
    You guys... are implying our definition of life is the only definition valid, Animals (Plants do, too) adapt,so who's to say someone or something doesn't exist out there that's adapted to not need everything we need?
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 23, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. Terra254
    Profile Post Comment

    likes this.

    likes this.
    Profile Post Comment by Terra254, Dec 23, 2012
  7. Terra254
  8. Terra254
    That's funny, Oda.
    You your self are a meme!
    Your avatar is a meme, I mean.
    The Christmas hat? It's a meme. Not a popular one, Because it's only on KHV, but it is.
    If alot of people have it, and use it without care, It's a meme to me.
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Terra254
    Fred, Raise us from the dead! Unleash your true power!
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 18, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. Terra254
  11. Terra254
  12. Terra254
    Rafael, Why is a stereo-typical college american boy your avatar?

    Also, Am I the only person who hasn't listened to a Nirvana song?
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. Terra254
    It's not the country, just the majority.
    Also, It's an amendment (Second, IIRC), And there's another amendment protecting that amendment . At least,I'm pretty sure.

    That's beside the point, I was in English we were taking our test and our teacher told us that it occurred and we got into a discussion, Even if they did make guns illegal, Which very doubtfully would happen, It's not like people would give their guns up (If you're confused about what I mean, I mean not every person is going to hand their gun to a police officer when they come knocking on the door) , It's probably too late to ban guns, Especially since you can make a gun. We also talked about why assault rifles were even legal (Well, You have to have a permit but I'm pretty sure at least 30% percent of the people who own one don't have a permit and don't care) because for what would you need a gun that lets out 100-200 rounds per minute? To Aggressively kill a deer?
    Beside the point that's beside the beside the point, This story makes me sad. I have a sister that's 4 years old and a Brother who's 12, If something like that happened to them...I dunno how I would keep on living the way I had before,or at all. I can't imagine what it would be like for a parent...
    I do agree with Teddy though. I had been thinking of that from the minute I heard about this story from my English teacher.
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: Current Events
  14. Terra254
    Brooklyn would have won. Two Blue Eyes...Isn't enough .
    Assuming he quit is kinda stupid, because he had a way better field, And His face down was probably Scrapstorm, or Scrapyard. If anything, It was a useful card because if it wasn't useful, Then he would have already used it, Or not set it. Not to mention he had two cards in hand...
    I can summon all Three Blue Eyes with my Dragunity deck, And with my Blue Eyes Shining Deck.
    Or, I used to be able to. I'm not sure why, But I can't accomplish much with any of my decks anymore. I'm probably never going to use my gishiki's , Because if I did, I'd lose and I'd have soiled the good name of the my only deck that's good.
    Not that I haven't lost using them, I've lost a couple times, But I'd lose really badly.
    Really, I also don't feel like playing,but I want to. Its a strange feeling... I Want to duel, But I know I won't enjoy it, But I still do it.
    Does anyone wanna duel?
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Terra254
    THANKYOU. Also, DBZ makes it seem as if only Only old people can be smart...and all women have to be annoying. Everyone else is like "Duh...Der...Mah,oky"[DOUBLEPOST=1355538696][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Actually, I didn't watch those episodes in Order.
    I saw Most of the ones about Namek, And One about Zombies or something, And some about the tournament. I also saw the one about The Fat Creature that turns into a Purple Creepy thingy.
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 14, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. Terra254
    I only watched like..9 episodes of DBZ.
    I got tired of their characters never really dying, And most of the characters were just there until someone died and decided to be relevant then they just went too far...All of this Dad stuff and...No.
    I prefer Death Note.
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 14, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Terra254
    A lot of people on KHV don't like DBZ.
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 13, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. Terra254
    I'm only good on Random...Non-Random takes a long time, And you always want to make a good move, But it usually doesn't matter because Dark Hole(Or if second turn, BTH.) Of course, I realize that alot of cards can get around that. But...
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 13, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Terra254
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 12, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. Terra254
    But... I just started talking about how inefficient Edison's system's were... At least let me get to Tesla immigrating to America ; ;
    Post by: Terra254, Dec 12, 2012 in forum: The Playground