Lately, All of you need to calm your tits. A storm's er brewin' .
Oh, Okaaayyy. Ugh, I'm gonna die because I don't like to duel under pressure.
Did Ray even beat anyone after Xero?
"Rafael.." Zeal grabbed Star and pulled him aside where it was quiet, Where no one could hear them."Star, You listen to me, Okay? Don't duel anyone. Just...wait for them to finish each other off. If worst comes to worst...You can Duel me, And I'll give you more time...That's all you need. Time."
It's 4 (18, But 4 none the less). I could always make Zeal duel nate, And have one gain 19 hours. So I'd have a while.
Ugh, The day i decide to be active time starts? Oh, well. Also, If we have Two characters ,Do both of them have to duel in the time?
Since I think Star is the only person in Coastal Time here, Happy New Year Everyone. . .[DOUBLEPOST=1357024981][/DOUBLEPOST]My Little Bird, My Little Bird... But I made you cry, When I left that little bird with its broken leg to die~ [But I'll owe it all to you, You're my Little Bird.]
Uhm... I need to change the password on that.[DOUBLEPOST=1356960617][/DOUBLEPOST]I have seen two episodes of the new pokemon and it seems like this creature just is showing up all over the place: There seems to be an over population of these, And if they are as wild as they appear this is a problem and someone better contact Arcesus or something...
Well, At any rate... Have a nice stay here.
I was going to comment about how I was surprised that you were not Loriah, Or how ever you spell her name. You do quite remind me of her, But I...
"I'm disappointed in you, Star." Zeal smiled at his younger sibling. Zeal was only older than Star, Rafael was older than he was. Star and Rafael didn't get along alot, As brothers tend to do. "You should know . . . If your Hero's can't save you, I'll be your Hero. I won't let anyone hurt our family." He turned away from Star and looked at where the man had been. For a second he thought :What if he was the one who ended Star, Or Rafael? What if he couldn't save them? What if they dueled each other? They'd give it all they had, what if they made if and he didn't? He shook away those thoughts. Maybe Ren was right . . . He regained his thoughts and reached his hand in his pocket. He felt it. The crystal . . . The Crystal that may be the end of the [Insert Family last name here].
I want my crystal to look like Hopes Eidolith! hehe... Dat crystal
Krowley... Quick! Someone, Hide all of the arguing! lol
Nate: Gimmick Puppets Zeal: Gishiki's
... He said he doesn't want to duel
Not to mention you ignored me when I said you added Gale with Pot of Duality and Special Summoned him that same turn....
I have a feeling Rafa, Star, And I make the worst Brothers, and that My characters will be out soon... I'm ready. Fred said he's ready. Rafa said he was ready. Star said he was ready. Now, only Riku remains.
Pride is too often the starter of Wars and Friendships...
He means Fred or Brooklyn should mentor you instead. He's referring to the small period in time when he was helping you build decks and such.
Riku said I could...But Then I have to create it on DN...And so much EFFORT I might be tempted by the wills of darkness to use it ; ;